280 research outputs found

    From cybercrime to cyborg crime:An exploration of high-tech cybercrime, offenders and victims through the lens of Actor-Network Theory

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    Universiteiten die worden gehackt, computersystemen die worden gegijzeld of tot ‘zombies’ gemaakt, servers van Internetproviders die worden gebombardeerd, we worden bijna dagelijks wel geconfronteerd met cybercrime en haar gevolgen. Deze meer technische vormen van criminaliteit wijken op verschillende fronten af van traditionele criminaliteit, in het bijzonder waar het gaat om hun digitale, geautomatiseerde en virtuele karakter. Binnen de criminologie is er dan ook volop discussie over de vraag of theoretische vernieuwing wel of niet noodzakelijk is. In dit proefschrift wordt gesteld dat bestaande criminologische benaderingen de mens nog te centraal stellen bij het verklaren van criminaliteit en een nog te passieve rol aan technologie toekennen. Vanuit deze optiek exploreert het proefschrift het theoretische potentieel van Bruno Latours actor-netwerktheorie (ANT), een benadering die specifiek oog heeft voor de verweving van mens en machine en ook actorschap aan technologie toekent. In het proefschrift is ANT in verschillende empirische casestudies onderzocht, namelijk de analyse van een botnet, een etnografische studie naar hackers en de analyse van drie vormen van cyber-slachtofferschap (ransomware, botnets en virtuele diefstal). Deze studies hebben geresulteerd in een alternatief perspectief op cybercrime, aangeduid als het ‘cyborg crime’ - perspectief. Dit perspectief stelt voorop dat cybercrime niet louter als een menselijk product kan worden beschouwd, maar gegenereerd wordt door een interactief netwerk van mens en machine. Het proefschrift levert hiermee een bijdrage aan de steeds pranger wordende vraag hoe hedendaagse technologische ontwikkelingen onze wereld veranderen en in hoeverre we onze theoretische grenzen moeten verleggen


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    Jenis penelitian ini adalah research and development menggunakan model 4D modifikasi dengan tiga tahapan pengembangan yaitu define, design, dan develop. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan video berbasis pembuatan edible film dari biji karet yang valid dan layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar di sekolah. Pembuatan edible film dari biji karet dilakukan dengan memvariasikan penambahan gliserol yaitu 4 dan 5 ml serta melakukan uji untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisika dan kimia edible film dari biji karet. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, video berbasis pembuatan edible film dari biji karet dinyatakan sangat valid dengan persentase rata-rata kevalidan sebesar 85,11%. Persentase rata-rata hasil uji kelayakan oleh reviewer terhadap video berbasis pembuatan edible film dari biji karet adalah 81,72% dengan kategori sangat layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar pada materi polimer di sekolah. Edible film dari biji karet dengan hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh edible film dengan penambahan gliserol 4 ml. Berdasarkan data pengujian di laboratorium, edible film dengan variasi gliserol 4 ml memiliki nilai transmisi uap air 25,51 g/m2 .24 jam, nilai persen kadar air 4,66%, dan degradabilitas 53,6 mg/hari. Sedangkan edible film dengan variasi gliserol 5 ml memiliki nilai transmisi uap air 28,74 g/m2 .24 jam, nilai persen kadar air 5,66%, dan degradabilitas 54 mg/hari. Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Video, Edible Film, Biji Karet, dan Polime

    Transmission of UHF radiowaves through buildings in urban microcell environments

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    Results are presented of high-resolution time delay and angle-of-arrival measurements behind a large building in an urban microcell. It is demonstrated that in this particular case the electromagnetic field is dominated by contributions resulting from transmission through the building. The associated loss over free-space loss i

    Investigating Inclusiveness and Backward Compatibility of IEEE 802.11be Multi-link Operation

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    Nowadays is not possible to avoid considering the coexistence and the fusion of different wireless technologies as completely separated entities. The ever-growing number of devices employing multi-RATs (Radio Access Technologies) that require continuous wireless connectivity is posing great challenges. Furthermore, the requirements in terms of both throughput and latency originated by the use cases, are pushing the current technologies to their limits, especially for indoor dense deployments that are usually covered by Wi-Fi. The IEEE 802.11 Working Group is currently tackling such challenges by working on a new amendment of the standard (namely 802.11be), which introduces, among other novelties, the multi-link operation (MLO). Through MLO, the target is to achieve simultaneous transmission over multiple bands to obtain massive bitrate up to 40 Gbps. The introduction of MLO poses challenges on the coexistence with older legacy devices in mixed networks. This contribution explores how the coexistence of legacy IEEE 802.11 devices and new IEEE 802.11be devices realizing the proposed multi-link feature can be improved by using an appropriate static band assignment policy. Another issue is how the overall network behaves when varying the number of devices and the legacy/new nodes ratio. Simulations for three different band allocation cases close to reality are developed. Performance results in terms of aggregated, average throughput and fairness are derived for different conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Potential beneficial effects of cytomegalovirus infection after transplantation

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause significant complications after transplantation, but recent emerging data suggest that CMV may paradoxically also exert beneficial effects in two specific allogeneic transplant settings. These potential benefits have been underappreciated and are therefore highlighted in this review. First, after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) using T-cell and natural killer (NK) cell-replete grafts, CMV reactivation is associated with protection from leukemic relapse. This association was not observed for other hematologic malignancies. This anti-leukemic effect might be mediated by CMV-driven expansion of donor-derived memory-like NKG2C+ NK and Vδ2negγδ T-cells. Donor-derived NK cells probably recognize recipient leukemic blasts by engagement of NKG2C with HLA-E and/or by the lack of donor (self) HLA molecules. Vδ2negγδ T cells probably recognize as yet unidentified antigens on leukemic blasts via their TCR. Second, immunological imprints of CMV infection, such as expanded numbers of Vδ2negγδ T cells and terminally differentiated TCRαβ+ T cells, as well as enhanced NKG2C gene expression in peripheral blood of operationally tolerant liver transplant patients, suggest that CMV infection or reactivation may be associated with liver graft acceptance. Mechanistically, poor alloreactivity of CMV-induced terminally differentiated TCRαβ+ T cells and CMV-induced IFN-driven adaptive immune resistance mechanisms in liver grafts may be involved. In conclusion, direct associations indicate that CMV reactivation may protect against AML relapse after allogeneic HSCT, and indirect associations suggest that CMV infection may promote allograft acceptance after liver transplantation. The causative mechanisms need further investigations, but are probably related to the profound and sustained imprint of CMV infection on the immune system
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