136 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah dan Perguruan Tinggi Umum

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu akar permasalahan kurang efektifnya pendidikan agama di Indonesia. Berikutnya, mencari solusi bagaimana seharusnya umat Islam melangkah dalam rangka mewujudkan pendidikan Agama Islam yang efektif untuk mencetak kader umat dan kader bangsa yang baik. Dari penelusuran penulis dapat disimpulkan pertama, bahwa kelamahan Pendidikan Agama (PA) ada beberapa hal meliputi (a) PA hanya sebagai pelengkap, bukan sebagai sesuatu yang utama, (b) stressing pembelajaran PA pada aspek kognitif, belum menyentuh aspek afektif dan psikomotorik, (c) metode pembelajaran PA bersifat indoktrinatif/ tradisional, (d) rendahnya mutu pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, (e) terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana dan (f) derasnya serangn media cetak dan elektronik yang berisi konten negatif.. Adapun konsep pemberdayaan PA yang ditawarkan mencakup tiga hal, yaitu pemberdayaan pendidik, kebijakan pendidikan agama, dan stressingnya. Pemberdayaan pendidik dimaksud adalah dimilikinya empat kompetensi (paedagogik, professional, kepribdian dan sosial) dan memiliki rasa cinta (yaitu rasa cinta terhadap tugasnya dan rasa cinta kepada peserta didik). Pemberdayaan kebijakan pendidikan agama yang dimaksud adalah pengaturan, peraturan dan kebijakan-kebijakan untuk memberdayakan pendidikan agama Islam. Sedang stressing PAI yang dimaksud adalah bukan transfer ilmu agama melainkan transfer nilai (internalisasi nilai-nilai keagamaan) yang dilakukan dengan strategi, pendekatan dan metode tertentu

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dengan Pendekatan Qaryah Tayyibah pada Desa Datar Kecamatan Sumbang Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Pemberdayaan masyarakat pedesaan umumnya bertujuan dalam meningkatkkan taraf hidup masyarakat desa. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh tim pelaksana adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan pendekatan qaryah thayyibah yang mampu memberikan dampak edukatif multi perspektif kepada masyarakat melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah Desa Datar, Kecamatan Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini memfokuskan tig program yakni keagamaan, kepemudaan, dan kesehatan dan ekonomi masyarakat dalam bentuk pelatihan, sosialisasi, dan pendampingan (advokasi). Hasil dalam proses kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa pendampingan keagamaan dilakukan dengan pelatihan pengelolaan zakat. Materi dalam kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yakni hukum zakat dan manajemen pengelolaan zakat. Pendampingan kepemudaan yang termanifestasi dalam bentuk sosialisasi penyakit menular dan bahaya narkoba bagi remaja dan pengembangan minat dan bakat yang dilakukan cara diskusi dengan pengurus tim kesebelasan Garuda Datar yang diakhiri pemberian perangkat sepak bola. Sementara pendampingan kesehatan dan ekonomi masyarakat yang termanifestasi dalam bentuk adanya kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas kader posyandu, sedangkan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan taraf hidup masyarakat dilakukan dengan pelatihan diversifikasi pangan yang bertujuan menjadi sumber pangan alternatif diluar bahan pangan utama

    Preferensi Responden terhadap Keragaan Tanaman dan Kualitas Produk Beberapa Varietas Unggul Baru Padi

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    INDONESIA Varietas unggul baru merupakan salah satu teknologi utama dalam penerapan PTT yang paling dominan digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas padi serta paling cepat diadopsi oleh petani. Beberapa upaya dalam program diseminasi telah dilakukan oleh BPTP untuk memperkenalkan varietas unggul baru secara langsung kepada responden (petani dan penyuluh) sehingga dapat mengetahui kualitas dari varietas yang baru dikenal. Preferensi responden terhadap VUB sangat penting diketahui sehingga BUMN/UPBS produsen benih VUB dapat menentukan target produksi benih yang akan diperbanyak dan disebarkan kepada petani. Pengkajian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan responden terhadap keragaan tanaman, gabah, beras, dan nasi beberapa varietas padi sawah yang sedang dikembangkan Litbang. Pengkajian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2012 di Kabupaten Karawang – Jawa Barat. Responden yang terlibat sebanyak 50 orang yang terdiri dari kepala BP3K dan ketua KTNA se Kabupaten Karawang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan alat kuisioner. Media dan materi yang dijadikan bahan studi display VUB pada gelar teknologi BPTP, gabah padi VUB yang sudah dibersihkan, dan nasi dari masing-masing varietas sebanyak 5 VUB (Inpari 13, 14, 15, 20, sidenuk) dan Ciherang Jumbo sebagai kontrol. Hasil pengkajian menunjukan bahwa keragaan tanaman yang banyak disukai oleh responden adalah Inpari 14. Inpari 20 paling banyak disukai untuk karakter bentuk gabah, Inpari 15 untuk karakter warna gabah, dan Ciherang untuk karakter ukuran gabah dan ukuran beras. Responden menyukai semua kualitas nasi dari semua varietas yang diujikan. Pemilihan varietas yang memiliki bentuk beras yang disukai responden dapat ditentukan berdasarkan bentuk gabah yang disukainya. Sedangkan pemilihan varietas berdasarkan karakter nasi tidak dapat diduga oleh penilaian karakter yang ada pada gabah maupun beras.INGGRI

    Low Association of Bph17 Allele in Landraces and Improved Varieties of Rice Resistant to Brown Planthopper

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    Resistance traits to brown planthopper on rice varieties are controlled by dominant and recessive genes called Bph/bph. Bph17 is one of dominant genes that control rice resistance to brown planthopper. Marker of Bph17 allele can be used as a tool of marker assisted selection (MAS) in breeding activity. Association of Bph17 allele and resistance to brown planthopper in Indonesian landraces and new-improved varieties of rice is not clearly known. The study aimed to determine the association of Bph17 allele in landraces and new-improved varieties of rice resistant to brown planthopper. Twenty-one rice genotypes were used in the study, consisting of 13 landraces, 5 improved varieties, 3 popular varieties and a check variety Rathu Heenati. Two simple sequence repeat markers linked to Bph17 allele were used, i.e. RM8213 and RM5953. The results showed that association of Bph17 allele in landraces and new-improved varieties of rice resistant to brown planthopper resistance was very low (r = -0.019 and -0.023, respectively). The presence of Bph17 allele did not constantly express resistance to brown planthopper. The study suggests that Bph17 allele cannot be used as a tool of MAS for evaluating resistance of landraces and new-improved varieties of rice to brown planthopper. Further research is needed to obtain a specific gene marker that can be used as a tool of MAS and applicable for Indonesian differential rice varieties

    An Eigenvector-Based Test for Local Stationarity Applied to Array Processing

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    In sonar array processing, a challenging problem is the estimation of the data covariance matrix in the presence of moving targets in the water column, since the time interval of data local stationarity is limited. This work describes an eigenvector-based method for proper data segmentation into intervals that exhibit local stationarity, providing data-driven higher bounds for the number of snapshots available for computation of time-varying sample covariance matrices. Application of the test is illustrated with simulated data in a horizontal array for the detection of a quiet source in the presence of a loud interferer

    Coronary microvascular ischemia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a pixel-wise quantitative cardiovascular magnetic resonance perfusion study.

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    BACKGROUND: Microvascular dysfunction in HCM has been associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Advances in quantitative cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) perfusion imaging now allow myocardial blood flow to be quantified at the pixel level. We applied these techniques to investigate the spectrum of microvascular dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and to explore its relationship with fibrosis and wall thickness. METHODS: CMR perfusion imaging was undertaken during adenosine-induced hyperemia and again at rest in 35 patients together with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging. Myocardial blood flow (MBF) was quantified on a pixel-by-pixel basis from CMR perfusion images using a Fermi-constrained deconvolution algorithm. Regions-of-interest (ROI) in hypoperfused and hyperemic myocardium were identified from the MBF pixel maps. The myocardium was also divided into 16 AHA segments. RESULTS: Resting MBF was significantly higher in the endocardium than in the epicardium (mean ± SD: 1.25 ± 0.35 ml/g/min versus 1.20 ± 0.35 ml/g/min, P < 0.001), a pattern that reversed with stress (2.00 ± 0.76 ml/g/min versus 2.36 ± 0.83 ml/g/min, P < 0.001). ROI analysis revealed 11 (31%) patients with stress MBF lower than resting values (1.05 ± 0.39 ml/g/min versus 1.22 ± 0.36 ml/g/min, P = 0.021). There was a significant negative association between hyperemic MBF and wall thickness (β = −0.047 ml/g/min per mm, 95% CI: −0.057 to −0.038, P < 0.001) and a significantly lower probability of fibrosis in a segment with increasing hyperemic MBF (odds ratio per ml/g/min: 0.086, 95% CI: 0.078 to 0.095, P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Pixel-wise quantitative CMR perfusion imaging identifies a subgroup of patients with HCM that have localised severe microvascular dysfunction which may give rise to myocardial ischemia

    Validation of T2* in-line analysis for tissue iron quantification at 1.5 T.

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    BACKGROUND: There is a need for improved worldwide access to tissue iron quantification using T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). One route to facilitate this would be simple in-line T2* analysis widely available on MR scanners. We therefore compared our clinically validated and established T2* method at Royal Brompton Hospital (RBH T2*) against a novel work-in-progress (WIP) sequence with in-line T2* measurement from Siemens (WIP T2*). METHODS: Healthy volunteers (n = 22) and patients with iron overload (n = 78) were recruited (53 males, median age 34 years). A 1.5 T study (Magnetom Avanto, Siemens) was performed on all subjects. The same mid-ventricular short axis cardiac slice and transaxial slice through the liver were used to acquire both RBH T2* images and WIP T2* maps for each participant. Cardiac white blood (WB) and black blood (BB) sequences were acquired. Intraobserver, interobserver and interstudy reproducibility were measured on the same data from a subset of 20 participants. RESULTS: Liver T2* values ranged from 0.8 to 35.7 ms (median 5.1 ms) and cardiac T2* values from 6.0 to 52.3 ms (median 31 ms). The coefficient of variance (CoV) values for direct comparison of T2* values by RBH and WIP were 6.1-7.8 % across techniques. Accurate delineation of the septum was difficult on some WIP T2* maps due to artefacts. The inability to manually correct for noise by truncation of erroneous later echo times led to some overestimation of T2* using WIP T2* compared with the RBH T2*. Reproducibility CoV results for RBH T2* ranged from 1.5 to 5.7 % which were better than the reproducibility of WIP T2* values of 4.1-16.6 %. CONCLUSIONS: Iron estimation using the T2* CMR sequence in combination with Siemens' in-line data processing is generally satisfactory and may help facilitate global access to tissue iron assessment. The current automated T2* map technique is less good for tissue iron assessment with noisy data at low T2* values

    Apheresis as novel treatment for refractory angina with raised lipoprotein(a): a randomised controlled trial

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    Aims To determine the clinical impact of lipoprotein apheresis in patients with refractory angina and raised lipoprotein(a) > 500 mg/L on the primary end point of quantitative myocardial perfusion, as well as secondary end points including atheroma burden, exercise capacity, symptoms, and quality of life. Methods We conducted a single-blinded randomized controlled trial in 20 patients with refractory angina and raised lipoprotein(a) > 500 mg/L, with 3 months of blinded weekly lipoprotein apheresis or sham, followed by crossover. The primary endpoint was change in quantitative myocardial perfusion reserve (MPR) assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Secondary endpoints included measures of atheroma burden, exercise capacity, symptoms and quality of life. Results The primary endpoint, namely MPR, increased following apheresis (0.47; 95% CI 0.31–0.63) compared with sham (−0.16; 95% CI − 0.33–0.02) yielding a net treatment increase of 0.63 (95% CI 0.37–0.89; P < 0.001 between groups). Improvements with apheresis compared with sham also occurred in atherosclerotic burden as assessed by total carotid wall volume (P < 0.001), exercise capacity by the 6 min walk test (P = 0.001), 4 of 5 domains of the Seattle angina questionnaire (all P < 0.02) and quality of life physical component summary by the short form 36 survey (P = 0.001). Conclusion Lipoprotein apheresis may represent an effective novel treatment for patients with refractory angina and raised lipoprotein(a) improving myocardial perfusion, atheroma burden, exercise capacity and symptoms
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