155 research outputs found

    Interaction between dye and zinc in the dye-dispersing ZnO films prepared by a wet process

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    Dye-dispersing ZnO precursor gel films were prepared on indium tin oxide electrodes from a zinc acetate solution containing eosin Y by dip-coating, steam treatment, and then heating at a low temperature. The electronic interaction between the dye and zinc in the dye-dispersing gel films were investigated by spectroscopic and electrochemical measurements. A photocurrent was observed in the dye-dispersing gel electrodes before the steam treatment. The photocurrent value increased by the steam treatment and heating due to crystallization of the gel and removal of organic impurities. The dye molecules existed between the interlayers of the layered zinc hydroxide coexisting with the ZnO. The photoexcited electron in the dye should be injected into the ZnO conduction band via the layered zinc hydroxide. The value increased with an increase in the dye content even though the ZnO crystallinity decreased. The dye-zinc interaction, i.e., the complex formation and photoinduced electron injection, played an important role in the electron transport and photoelectric conversion.ArticleRESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES. 41(9):6559-6574 (2015)journal articl

    Formation of ZnO thin films by photocatalytic reaction

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    Zinc oxide and layered zinc hydroxides were deposited from an aqueous solution of zinc nitrate at 323–358 K on a substrate plate with a very thin titanium dioxide film by a photocatalytic reaction. The amorphous or low crystalline zinc hydroxide aggregates were deposited at a low temperature. The zinc oxide crystals with about 1–2 μm-sized hexagonal columns and 10 nm-sized spheres were formed at 338–358 K. Nitrate ions in the solution were reduced to nitrite ions, and water was transformed into hydroxide ions by a photocatalytic reaction on the titanium dioxide film. The pH value increased on the substrate surface with the titanium dioxide film, which caused the zinc hydroxide formation on the film. The zinc hydroxides were then dehydrated and transformed into zinc oxide. The average crystallite size of the zinc oxide decreased with an increase in the reaction temperature because the reaction rates of the formation and dehydration of the zinc hydroxides increased which resulted in an increase in the formation rate of the crystal zinc oxide nuclei.ArticleAPPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL. 160:651-657 (2014)journal articl

    The contrasting effect of the Ta/Nb ratio in (111)-layered B-site deficient hexagonal perovskite Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 crystals on visible-light-induced photocatalytic water oxidation activity of their oxynitride derivatives

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The effect of the Ta/Nb ratio in the (111)-layered B-site deficient hexagonal perovskite Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 (0 <= x <= 4) crystals grown by a KCl flux method on visible-light-induced photocatalytic water oxidation activity of their oxynitride derivatives BaNb1-xTaxO2N (0 <= x <= 1) was investigated. The Rietveld refinement of X-ray data revealed that all Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 samples were well crystallized in the space group P (3) over bar m1 (no. 164). Phase-pure BaNb1-xTaxO2N (0 <= x <= 1) porous structures were obtained by nitridation of the flux-grown oxide crystals at 950 degrees C for 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 h, respectively. The absorption edge of BaNb1-xTaxO2N (0 <= x <= 1) was slightly shifted from 720 to 690 nm with the increasing Ta/Nb ratio. The O-2 evolution rate gradually progressed and reached the highest value (127.24 mu mol in the first 2 h) with the Ta content up to 50 mol% but decreased at 75 and 100 mol% presumably due to the reduced specific surface area and high density of structural defects, such as grain boundaries acting as recombination centers, originated from high-temperature nitridation for prolonged periods. Transient absorption spectroscopy provided evidence for the effect of the Ta/Nb ratio on the behavior and energy states of photogenerated charge carriers, indicating a direct correlation with photocatalytic water oxidation activity of BaNb1-xTaxO2N

    Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking in relation to high frequency of p53 protein accumulation in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in the Japanese

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    We investigated levels of p53 protein expression in Japanese patients with oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. A significantly larger proportion of heavy alcohol drinkers and cigarette smokers was evident in the p53-positive group. The combination of drinking and smoking was associated with a high frequency of p53 protein accumulation. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Formation of ZnO thin films by photocatalytic reaction

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    Zinc oxide and layered zinc hydroxides were deposited from an aqueous solution of zinc nitrate at 323–358 K on a substrate plate with a very thin titanium dioxide film by a photocatalytic reaction. The amorphous or low crystalline zinc hydroxide aggregates were deposited at a low temperature. The zinc oxide crystals with about 1–2 μm-sized hexagonal columns and 10 nm-sized spheres were formed at 338–358 K. Nitrate ions in the solution were reduced to nitrite ions, and water was transformed into hydroxide ions by a photocatalytic reaction on the titanium dioxide film. The pH value increased on the substrate surface with the titanium dioxide film, which caused the zinc hydroxide formation on the film. The zinc hydroxides were then dehydrated and transformed into zinc oxide. The average crystallite size of the zinc oxide decreased with an increase in the reaction temperature because the reaction rates of the formation and dehydration of the zinc hydroxides increased which resulted in an increase in the formation rate of the crystal zinc oxide nuclei.ArticleAPPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL. 160:651-657 (2014)journal articl

    The predictive value of p53, p53R2, and p21 for the effect of chemoradiation therapy on oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    The p53 family regulates cell-cycle arrest, triggers apoptosis or is involved in repair of DNA damage. In the present study, we analysed the expression of some p53 family proteins and their responses to chemoradiation therapy (CRT) in cases of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). We immunohistochemically investigated the relationship between p53, p53R2, and p21 expression in biopsy specimens of untreated primary tumours and their clinical and histological responses to CRT in 62 patients with ESCC. Chemoradiation therapy consisted of 5-fluorouracil plus cisplatin and 40 Gy of radiation. The rates of clinical and histological responses (complete or partial) to CRT were 71.0% (clinical) and 52.8% (histological). The rate of positive expression was 43.5% for p53, 37.1% for p53R2, and 54.8% for p21 expression. Statistically significant correlations were found between p53 or p53R2 expression and favourable response to CRT (P=0.0001 or 0.041 clinical, P=0.016 or 0.0018 histological, respectively). Furthermore, in p53-negative tumours, CRT was more effective in tumours with p53R2 negative expression than those with p53R2 positive expression (P=0.0014). We demonstrated that the negative expression of p53 and p53R2 expression was closely related to the effect of CRT and should predict the CRT outcome in patients with ESCC

    The prognostic significance of allelic imbalance at key chromosomal loci in oral cancer

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    Forty-eight primary oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) were screened for allelic imbalance (AI) at 3p24–26, 3p21, 3p13, 8p21–23, 9p21, 9q22 and within the Rb, p53 and DCC tumour suppressor genes. AI was detected at all TNM stages with stage 4 tumours showing significantly more aberrations than stage 1–3. A factional allelic loss (FAL) score was calculated for all tumours and a high score was associated with development of local recurrence (P = 0.033) and reduced survival (P = 0.0006). AI at one or more loci within the 3p24–26, 3p21, 3p13 and 9p21 regions or within the THRB and DCC genes was associated with reduced survival. The hazard ratios for survival analysis revealed that patients with AI at 3p24–26, 3p13 and 9p21 have an approximately 25 times increase in their mortality rate relative to a patient retaining heterozygosity at these loci. AI at specific pairs of loci, D3S686 and D9S171 and involving at least two of D3S1296, DCC and D9S43, was a better predictor of prognosis than the FAL score or TNM stage. These data suggest that it will be possible to develop a molecular staging system which will be a better predict of outcome than conventional clinicopathological features as the molecular events represent fundamental biological characteristics of each tumour. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

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    Few-Shot Continuous Authentication for Mobile-Based Biometrics

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    The rapid growth of smartphone financial services raises the need for secure mobile authentication. Continuous authentication is a user-friendly way to strengthen the security of smartphones by implicitly monitoring a user’s identity through sessions. Mobile continuous authentication can be viewed as an anomaly detection problem in which models discriminate between one genuine user and the rest of the impostors (anomalies). In practice, complete impostor profiles are hardly available due to the time and monetary cost, while leveraging genuine data alone yields poorly generalized models due to the lack of knowledge about impostors. To address this challenge, we recast continuous mobile authentication as a few-shot anomaly detection problem, aiming to enhance the inference robustness of unseen impostors by using partial knowledge of available impostor profiles. Specifically, we propose a novel deep learning-based model, namely a local feature pooling-based temporal convolution network (LFP-TCN), which directly models raw sequential mobile data, aggregating global and local feature information. In addition, we introduce a random pattern mixing augmentation to generate class-unconstrained impostor data for the training. The augmented pool enables characterizing various impostor patterns from limited impostor data. Finally, we demonstrate practical continuous authentication using score-level fusion, which prevents long-term dependency or increased model complexity due to extended re-authentication time. Experiments on two public benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of our method and its state-of-the-art performance