13 research outputs found

    Revised reference model

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    This document contains an update of the HIDENETS Reference Model, whose preliminary version was introduced in D1.1. The Reference Model contains the overall approach to development and assessment of end-to-end resilience solutions. As such, it presents a framework, which due to its abstraction level is not only restricted to the HIDENETS car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure applications and use-cases. Starting from a condensed summary of the used dependability terminology, the network architecture containing the ad hoc and infrastructure domain and the definition of the main networking elements together with the software architecture of the mobile nodes is presented. The concept of architectural hybridization and its inclusion in HIDENETS-like dependability solutions is described subsequently. A set of communication and middleware level services following the architecture hybridization concept and motivated by the dependability and resilience challenges raised by HIDENETS-like scenarios is then described. Besides architecture solutions, the reference model addresses the assessment of dependability solutions in HIDENETS-like scenarios using quantitative evaluations, realized by a combination of top-down and bottom-up modelling, as well as verification via test scenarios. In order to allow for fault prevention in the software development phase of HIDENETS-like applications, generic UML-based modelling approaches with focus on dependability related aspects are described. The HIDENETS reference model provides the framework in which the detailed solution in the HIDENETS project are being developed, while at the same time facilitating the same task for non-vehicular scenarios and application

    Resilient Computing Curriculum Draft -- ReSIST NoE Deliverable D16

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    This Deliverable presents the first version of ReSIST's Curriculum in Resilient Computing, limited to the description of the syllabi for the first year (Semesters 1 and 2) and indicates the line and title for the curriculum in the second year (semesters 3 and 4) and propose it to the general discussion for improvements. The curriculum will be updated and completed in successive versions that will take advantage of a large open discussion inside and outside ReSIS

    Testing levels for object-oriented software

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    One of the characteristics of object-oriented software is the complex dependency that may exist between classes due to inheritance, association and aggregation relationships. Hence, where to start testing and how to define an integration strategy are issues that require further investigation. This paper presents an approach to define a test order by exploiting a model produced during design stages (e.g., using OMT, UML), namely the class diagram. Our goal is to minimize the number of stubs to be cons

    A toolset for mobile systems testing

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    International audienceValidation of mobile applications needs taking account of context (such network topology) and interactions between mobile nodes. Scenario-based approaches are well-suited to describe the behavior and interactions to observe in distributed systems. The difficulty to control accurately the execution context of such applications has led us to use passive testing. This paper presents a toolset which supports specification and verification of scenarios. A UML-based formal language, called TERMOS, has been implemented for specifying scenarios in mobile computing systems. These scenarios capture the key properties which are automatically checked on the traces, considering both the spatial configuration of nodes and their communication. We give an overview of the language design choices, its semantics and the implementation of the tool chain. The approach is demonstrated on a case study

    The many meanings of UML 2 Sequence Diagrams: a survey

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    Article ayant reçu le prix de l’article le plus influent depuis 10 ans de la revue Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). Ce prix lui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cernĂ© lors de la confĂ©rence phare en ingĂ©nierie des modĂšles, l'ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2021) qui s’est tenue virtuellement du 10 au 15 octobre 2021.International audienceScenario languages are widely used in software development. Typical usage scenarios, forbidden behaviors, test cases, and many more aspects can be depicted with graphical scenarios. Scenario languages were introduced into the Unified Modeling Language (UML) under the name of Sequence Diagrams. The 2.0 version of UML changed Sequence Diagrams significantly and the expressiveness of the language was highly increased. However, the complexity of the language (and the diversity of the goals Sequence Diagrams are used for) yields several possible choices in its semantics. This paper collects and categorizes the semantic choices in the language, surveys the formal semantics proposed for Sequence Diagrams, and presents how these approaches handle the various semantic choices

    A framework and tool support for the systematic testing of model-based specifications

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    Formal specifications can precisely and unambiguously define the required behavior of a software system or component. However, formal specifications are complex artifacts that need to be verified to ensure that they are consistent, complete, and validated against the requirements. Specification testing or animation tools exist to assist with this by allowing the specifier to interpret or execute the specification. However, currently little is known about how to do this effectively. This article presents a framework and tool support for the systematic testing of formal, model-based specifications. Several important generic properties that should be satisfied by model-based specifications are first identified. Following the idea of mutation analysis, we then use variants or mutants of the specification to check that these properties are satisfied. The framework also allows the specifier to test application-specific properties. All properties are tested for a range of states that are defined by the tester in the form of a testgraph, which is a directed graph that partially models the states and transitions of the specification being tested. Tool support is provided for the generation of the mutants, for automatically traversing the testgraph and executing the test cases, and for reporting any errors. The framework is demonstrated on a small specification and its application to three larger specifications is discussed. Experience indicates that the framework can be used effectively to test small to medium-sized specifications and that it can reveal a significant number of problems in these specifications