270 research outputs found

    Professions, Place-Making and the Public:What Next?

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    The reduction of the sodium salt of 2-nitro-phenol-4-sulfonic acid with sodium sulfide and sodium polysulfide

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    Analytical techniques were studied for the determination of the purity of the sodium salt of 2-nitrophenol-4-sulfonic acid. The best method proved to be reduction followed by diazotisation. The reduction of the sodium salt of 2 2-nitrophenol-4-sulfonic acid was carried out at various times and temperatures using sodium sulfide and sodium polysulfides as reducing agents. The reduction rate was very slow using sodium sulfide and only fair using sodium polysulfide solutions. Difficulties were experienced because of air oxidation. The amount of reaction of sodium sulfide in the presence of a large excess of the sodium salt of 2 -nitrophenol-4 -sulfonic acid was studied. The sodium sulfide was oxidized very slowly by the nitro compound. Fair correlation was found, but was not good because of sources of uncontrollable error in the method of analysis used

    The upper cretaceous and lower tertiary ostracods from northwestern Libya

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    Ostracod faunas from the Upper Cretaceous, Palaeocene and Eocene of Northwestern Libya (Well B1-NC41, Well C1-NC41, Well K1-NC41, Well Bla-137, Well D2-NC41, WeU H1-NC41, Well J1-NC41, Well N1-NC41, Well F1-NC41 and Well L1-NC41) are described in detail.One hundred and thirty-three ostracod species and subspecies belonging to fifty-five genera and subgenera are described in the present study. Of these seventy- seven species are new, twenty-three species are related to taxa previously described from adjacent areas. Two species are regarded as having affinities with species described in other areas and thirty-one species and four new genera are left under open nomenclature, mainly because pf lack of material or the impossibility of observing the internal features.Five ostracod biostratigraphical zones are proposed for the Tellil Group (Harsha, Dahman and Samdun Formations); four zones belong to the Middle Eocene and one zone is established for the Upper Eocene. The ostracod zones have been studied in each Well of the study area. The age of these formations has been determined by the ostracod zones. The ostracod faunas from the Middle and Upper Eocene of the Ghalil Formation, the Palaeocene and the Maastrichtian of the A1 Jurf Formation, from Late Palaeocene of the lower part of the Farwah Group and the Maastrichtian of Bu Isa Formation have been studied in detail. Their age is also determined by the ostracod species.The affinities of the Libyan Ostracoda genera and species to those from other parts of the world, largely North and West Africa are discussed.The environment of deposition of the formations studied has been determined by the using the characteristic species of ostracods and other fauna and the type of the sediments

    Anti-Diversion Rules in Antidumping Procedures: Interface or Short-Circuit for the Management of Interdependence?

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    Part II of this article will diagnose the phenomenon of diversion in the context of antidumping law. Parts III and IV will address the present approaches towards diversion in the United States and the European Communities respectively. Part V will briefly compare the Australian and Canadian approaches. Part VI will evaluate the assorted propositions made in the Uruguay Round. Part VII will probe the GATT Panel report on the EC\u27s parts amendment and its possible repercussions for the anti-diversion debate in GATT. Part VIII will provide conclusions and suggest possible improvements

    Integrating TPACK in Pre-Service Teachers’ EFL Course: Impacts on Perception, Knowledge, and Practices

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    Most research that has explored integrating the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework into teacher education programs primarily utilized context-unspecific self-report instruments. This mixed-methods study explored the efficacy of integrating four domains of the TPACK framework in an EFL course on the perception and knowledge of (30) pre-service teachers in an Egyptian university. The study also investigated the effect of the TPACK-based course on participants’ lesson plans and teaching practices. Data collection instruments included a test, a questionnaire, observation checklists, lesson plans, and semi-structured interviews. Quantitative analysis showed that pre-service teachers’ knowledge and perception of PCK, TCK, TPK, and TPCK have significantly improved after the course. Qualitative analysis of participants’ lesson plans, observation, and interviews revealed that participants moderately integrated technologies in their instruction and PCK was the most dominant in their teaching. The study provided implications for implementing TPACK in teachers’ education programs

    Integrasi Model Inkuiri Terbimbing Dan Pendekatan Flipped Classroom Pada Pembelajaran Materi Sifat Koligatif Larutan Untuk Siswa Kelas XII SMA/MA

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    Mewabahnya virus Covid-19, yang ditetapkan oleh WHO sebagai pandemi global pada awal Maret 2020, menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan yang signifikan terhadap banyak aspek di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, diantaranya dalam aspek pendidikan. Pemerintah mengambil kebijakan pembelajaran beralih dari sistem luring ke sistem online (daring). Untuk menghadapi perubahan itu, maka guru sebagai salah satu komponen dalam pendidikan, perlu mempersiapkan bahan ajar agar bisa digunakan dalam pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengungkap tingkat validitas dan kepraktisan integrasi model inkuiri terbimbing dengan pendekatan flipped classroom pada materi sifat koligatif larutan yang dikembangkan untuk pembelajaran di sekolah menengah atas. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan Plomp. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dosen kimia Universitas Negeri Padang, guru kimia SMAN 8 Padang, dan siswa kelas XII IPA SMAN 8 Padang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi, dan lembar kepraktisan. Validasi dilakukan oleh 2 dosen kimia, 1 guru kimia dan satu banding satu oleh 3 siswa. Uji kepraktisan dilakukan terhadap 15 siswa kelas XII IPA SMAN 8 Padang. Data validitas yang diperoleh sebesar 0,81 pada kategori valid dan uji kepraktisan dengan nilai 87 pada kategori kepraktisan sangat tinggi. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa model ini valid dan prakti

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efisiensi Produksi Usaha Industri Kecil di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

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    lndustri kecil memiliki peranan yang sangat penting terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di negara yang sedang berkembang seperti lndonesia yang terkait dengan masalah ekonomi dan sosial sehingga keberadaan dan tingkat pertumbuhannya dapat memberikan suatu kontribusi untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut. Sektor usaha industri kecil merupakan salah satu sektor usaha yang mampu bertahan dan tangguh untuk menghadapi dampak dari krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia pada tahun 1997 meningkatnya angka pengangguran dan kondisi perekonomian yang memburuk
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