10 research outputs found

    The athlete biological passport : ticket to a fair commonwealth games

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    In summer 2014, the world watched as Glasgow hosted the 2014 Commonwealth Games and athletes pushed the boundaries of human performance. Sport has developed into a multi-billion pound industry leading to the development of a 'win at any cost' mentality in some individuals. The abuse of performance-enhancing drugs has developed into a sophisticated arms race between those unfairly enhancing performance and those wishing to preserve the dignity of sport and the health of the competitors. The challenge for the Commonwealth games organising committee was to ensure that competition remained fair and that athletes were kept safe. The athlete biological passport is a system implemented by the World Anti-Doping Agency directed towards enhancing the identification of those athletes accountable for the misuse of performance-enhancing substances. This article exemplifies which drugs are currently being exploited and how the athlete biological passport has evolved to improve their detection

    Uso de esteróides anabolizantes em praticantes de musculação e/ou fisioculturismo

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    Os hormônios andrógeno-anabolizantes têm seu uso difundido entre os esportistas, usualmente para aumentar a massa e a potência musculares. Assim, através do uso de questionários auto-aplicáveis em um estudo transversal, foram entrevistados 305 atletas (escolhidos aleatoriamente) das academias de Santa Maria, RS, a fim de quantificar diversas variáveis relacionadas ao uso de esteróides anabolizantes (EA). A maioria dos participantes era de homens (81,1%) e a média de idade foi de 22 anos (DP ± 7). Enquanto 29% usavam aditivos alimentares, apenas 2% dos indivíduos admitiram ter usado EA (apesar de 46% dos entrevistados conhecerem algum usuário de EA). Dois terços dos usuários adquiriram a droga em farmácias (sem prescrição médica) e 35,1% desconheciam seus paraefeitos. Dos entrevistados, 28,4% acreditam que doses "adequadas" de EA não causam dano à saúde. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a principal medida preventiva à iniciação ao uso de EA é a educação dos atletas

    Kisten ras mutations in patients with colorectal cancer: the “RASCAL II” study.

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    This collaborative study suggests that not only is the presence of a codon 12 glycine to valine mutation important for cancer progression but also that it predispose to more aggressive biological behaviour in patients with advanced colorectal cancer

    Recombinant human erythropoietin in sports: a review

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    Erythropoietin is an endogenous hormone of glicoproteic nature secreted by the kidneys and is the main regulator of the erythropoiesis. An alteration in its production generates a disturbance in the plasmatic concentration giving rise to several types of pathologies related to the hematopoietic system. The recombinant forms of erythropoietin have indiscriminately been used by athletes, mainly in endurance sports, by increasing the erythrocytes concentration, generating a better delivery of oxygen to the muscle tissue. The administration of recombinant erythropoietin was prohibited by the International Olympic Committee and its use considered as doping. This review has the intention to describe the physical, biological and pharmacokinetic properties of the endogenous erythropoietin, as well as its recombinant form, describing also its use in sports and the process of searching methodologies for its detection in doping control

    Peptides with anticancer use or potential.: Peptides with anticancer use or potential.

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    International audienceThis review is an attempt to illustrate the diversity of peptides reported for a potential or an established use in cancer therapy. With 612 references, this work aims at covering the patents and publications up to year 2000 with many inroads in years 2001-2002. The peptides are classed according to four categories of effective (or plausible) biological mechanisms of action: receptor-interacting compounds; inhibitors of protein-protein interaction; enzymes inhibitors; nucleic acid-interacting compounds. The fifth group is made of the peptides for which no mechanism of action has been found yet. Incidentally this work provides an overview of many of the modern targets of anticancer research

    Peptides with anticancer use or potential

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