540 research outputs found

    10 The Stuff of the Medieval Palette: Paint, Painters, and the Dramatic Records

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    A revision of a study of the availability of pigments painters used for pageant wagons, props, and costumes, originally published in Early Drama, Art, and Music Review 23 (2001)


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    Public health officials and physicians are concerned about possible development of bacterial resistance and potential effects on human health that may be related to the use of antimicrobial agents in livestock feed. The focus of this research is aimed at determining the economic effects that subtherapeutic bans of antimicrobials would have on both swine producers and consumers. The results show that a ban on growth promotants for swine would be costly, totaling $242.5 million annually, with swine producers sharing the larger portion in the short run and consumers sharing the larger portion in the long run.banning subtherapeutic use, feed efficiency, mortality rate, sort loss, Livestock Production/Industries, Q18, D61,


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    Public health officials and physicians are concerned about possible development of bacterial resistance and potential effects on human health that may be related to the use of antimicrobial agents in livestock feed. The focus of this research is aimed at determining the economic effects that subtherapeutic bans of antimicrobials would have on both swine producers and consumers. The results show that a ban on growth promotants for swine would be costly, totaling 242.5millionannuallywithswineproducerssharingthelargerportionintheshortrunandconsumerssharingabout75242.5 million annually with swine producers sharing the larger portion in the short run and consumers sharing about 75% in the long run. If a ban affected poultry as well as pork production, the total costs would expand to 586 million per year with swine producers sharing about the same as in bans for swine only and consumers sharing significantly more than the swine only case.Crop Production/Industries,

    Relevance of Tidal Heating on Large TNOs

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    We examine the relevance of tidal heating for large Trans-Neptunian Objects, with a focus on its potential to melt and maintain layers of subsurface liquid water. Depending on their past orbital evolution, tidal heating may be an important part of the heat budget for a number of discovered and hypothetical TNO systems and may enable formation of, and increased access to, subsurface liquid water. Tidal heating induced by the process of despinning is found to be particularly able to compete with heating due to radionuclide decay in a number of different scenarios. In cases where radiogenic heating alone may establish subsurface conditions for liquid water, we focus on the extent by which tidal activity lifts the depth of such conditions closer to the surface. While it is common for strong tidal heating and long lived tides to be mutually exclusive, we find this is not always the case, and highlight when these two traits occur together.Comment: Submitted to Icaru

    Tidal Heating in Multilayered Terrestrial Exoplanets

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    The internal pattern and overall magnitude of tidal heating for spin-synchronous terrestrial exoplanets from 1 to 2.5 R(sub E) is investigated using a propagator matrix method for a variety of layer structures. Particular attention is paid to ice-silicate hybrid super-Earths, where a significant ice mantle is modeled to rest atop an iron-silicate core, and may or may not contain a liquid water ocean. We find multilayer modeling often increases tidal dissipation relative to a homogeneous model, across multiple orbital periods, due to the ability to include smaller volume low viscosity regions, and the added flexure allowed by liquid layers. Gradations in parameters with depth are explored, such as allowed by the Preliminary Earth Reference Model. For ice-silicate hybrid worlds, dramatically greater dissipation is possible beyond the case of a silicate mantle only, allowing non-negligible tidal activity to extend to greater orbital periods than previously predicted. Surface patterns of tidal heating are found to potentially be useful for distinguishing internal structure. The influence of ice mantle depth and water ocean size and position are shown for a range of forcing frequencies. Rates of orbital circularization are found to be 10-100 times faster than standard predictions for Earth-analog planets when interiors are moderately warmer than the modern Earth, as well as for a diverse range of ice-silicate hybrid super-Earths. Circularization rates are shown to be significantly longer for planets with layers equivalent to an ocean-free modern Earth, as well as for planets with high fractions of either ice or silicate melting

    Assessment of Sediment Contamination in Casco Bay

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    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Contaminant concentrations of sediment samples collected approximately 10 years apart are compared in an attempt to establish current status of contaminant concentrations in Casco Bay, to determine whether contaminant concentrations are increasing, decreasing or remain unchanged, and to examine any changes in the geographical distribution of contaminants. This process is complicated by the potential of re-suspension of older sediment back to the surface, the non-homogeneity of sediments, low concentrations for some analytes and variability of different analytical methods. In spite of these complications several trends are observed. As expected, most of the contaminants appear to be decreasing in concentrations. Total PAH concentrations in the sediment are an exception. When comparing total PAH concentration in 1991 and 2001, there is neither an increase nor a decrease when the analytical uncertainties are considered. The continuing increased use of fossil fuels that may add additional PAH to the sediments appears to be balanced by increasing controls that lower PAH inputs. Total pesticides as well as 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDD and total DDTs indicate a decrease from 1991 to 2000/2001. Total PCB concentrations also suggest a decrease over this time period. Silver is the only trace element increasing in concentration at most sampling sites from 1991 to 2001. The reason for this difference is not clear. Concentrations decreased at the majority of the sampling sites for cadmium, chromium, mercury, nickel, and selenium with no apparent difference for arsenic, copper lead and zinc. Tributyltin and total butyltin concentrations decreased over the time period from 1994 to 2000/2001. The overall indication for dioxin/furans is no change between sampling periods. The planar PCB indicates no change (PCB 77) or decreasing concentrations (PCB 126). With the many complicating factors, the interpretation of these data needs to be done with care. There is no indication from these data that any of the contaminants measured has increased by more than a factor of 2. At most Casco Bay sites and for most analytes there is either no change or a decrease. There are sites where increases are apparent and many of these sites are at the shallow water sites or at the Inner Bay sites where concentrations are higher and new inputs are more likely Sediments from the Inner Bay region of Casco Bay; closest to Portland, ME; contain the highest levels of trace metals, PCBs, DDTs, and chlordane. For contaminants other than PAH (and these only at a few locations) and PCBs at one location, the levels of contamination in Casco Bay would not be considered high on a national basis, based on Macauley et al. (1994). The geographical distribution of most contaminants remains similar to those determined in 1991/1994. There are generally higher contaminant concentrations in the vicinity of Portland and other populated and industrial areas. Toxicity tests for selected sites and comparison of 2 contamination concentrations to ERL or ERM indicate the sediments are not toxic. The overall conclusion based on the available data is that the contaminant loading for Casco Bay, as a whole, is decreasing or remaining the same and these concentrations are not likely to adversely affect the biota. The geographic distribution of sediment contaminants is generally confirmed in the analysis of mussel tissue by the Casco Bay Estuary Project and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) (Doggett, DEP, personal communication)

    A Descriptive Study of Veteran Enrollment Certification Processes at "Veteran Friendly" Schools

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    As military deployments decrease and the number of veterans coming back to the United States to return to civilian life grows, the U.S. government is increasing educational benefits for eligible service members so that these new veterans can afford to go to college. There has been a significant enrollment growth of veterans over the last several years but, the Department of Veterans Affairs has done little by way of standardizing the servicing of veterans’ educational benefits that are to be completed by the attending college. The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify how institutions of higher education differ in policies and practices surrounding the servicing of student veteran benefit programs via the veteran certification process. Four major themes relating to the veteran enrollment certification process emerged from the data: (a) the role of the school certifying official; (b) institutional policies; (c) institutional support when veteran benefits are delayed, and (d) quality assurance. These four themes are linked and presented in an integrated way to address the three research questions. How diverse are institutional policies regarding veterans’ certifications? What mechanisms do institutions employ to improve students’ financial experiences in order to combat delayed processing by the VA payment system? How do institutions measure the accuracy of their veteran certification process? This study identified a lack of consistency regarding the veteran enrollment certification policies and practices at even the top rated schools identified as “best for veterans.” This study adds to the body of knowledge and potentially contributes to a future blueprint for the successful education of veterans who are college students
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