6,355 research outputs found

    Relationships among Prices across Alternative Marketing Arrangements for Fed Cattle and Hogs

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    Reduced reliance on cash market prices for fed cattle and hogs raise questions about the role of cash prices in price discovery. We use seven years of weekly data from mandatory price reports to determine whether or not cash market prices are cointegrated with other procurement prices and then test for causality among the price series. Cash prices were cointegrated with all but one procurement price series. Cash market prices Granger cause all other procurement prices. Bidirectional causality was found in some but not all cases. Thus, cash market prices remain of central importance in price discovery for fed cattle and hogs.cattle, cointegration, causality, hogs, Johansen, marketing, prices, Stock-Watson, vector error correction, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing, Q13(of Q18),

    Differential effects of serotonin antagonists on hypothermia and stereotyped behavior induced by apomorphine and lergotrile in rats

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    The naturally occuring ergot alkaloids of the fungus, Claviceps purpurea, and their many derivatives have been of neuropharmacological interest for many years because of their ability to affect peripheral and central adrenergic and serotonergic systems. More recently, selected compounds such as lergotile (2-chloro-6-methyl ergoline-8-beta acetonitrile) and and bromocriptine (2-bromo-alpha-ergocryptine), have been given additional attention due to their possible therapeutic potential in the treatment of parkinson’s disease, acromegaly and other disorders. There have been considerable data published attempting to establish the mechanism(s) whereby the ergot compounds exert their effects. A large portion of these experiments involves the interaction of ergot compounds with dopaminergic systems. This is a logical course of study, since many of the actions of the ergot compounds mimic the actions of compounds known to affect dopaminergic neurons, e.g. antagonists such as the phenothiazines and butyrophenones and agonists such as levodopa and apomorphine. In the last decade, much attention also has been focused on the role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) in the mediation of dopaminergic systems. There have been many conflicting reports published as to the role of serotonin but it is still uncertain whether or not serotonin does indeed play a role. The present study investigates two dopaminergic effects of the standard dopamine agonist apomorphine and the ergoline lergotrile and the similarities or differences that exist when serotonergic function is altered

    The Richmond Junto and politics in Jacksonian Virginia

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    This dissertation offers the first full-length study of the Richmond Junto and its role in shaping politics in Virginia between 1815 and 1845. The Junto led the Jacksonian movement in Virginia and worked successfully to keep the state allied with the Democratic party of andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren until the early 1840s. The Junto represented an influential force in Virginia politics during this transitional period, and to a certain extent this small group of men, led by Thomas Ritchie, Peter V. Daniel, andrew Stevenson, William H. Roane, and Richard E. Parker, epitomized the state\u27s response to the turbulent events of the era. its actions were expressive of the way in which Virginians chose to come to terms with the changes in American politics and society during the Age of Jackson.;The Junto\u27s course was marked by ambivalence. It sought, for instance, to preserve both the rights of the states and a strong federal Union, and to revive Virginia\u27s influence at the national level without compromising the state\u27s political principles. to achieve these goals, the group consistently articulated a traditional states\u27 rights position, but also moved to adopt the modern features of the second party system. This strategy produced mixed results. The Junto managed to maintain influence in the state for nearly three decades, and Virginia never cast its presidential ballot for a Whig candidate. at the same time, bitter factionalism and violent partisan debate came to characterize Virginia politics in the years after 1832.;The goal of this study is to reveal the pivotal role played by the Richmond Junto in defining and shaping political debate in Jacksonian Virginia. It offers an analysis of the group\u27s political ideology and its methods of operation, as well as a discussion of the Junto\u27s objectives, accomplishments, and failures

    Pre-harvest Forecasting of County Wheat Yield and Wheat Quality Conditional on Weather Information

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    Wheat regression models that account for the effect of weather are developed to forecast wheat yield and quality. Spatial lag effects are included. Wheat yield, protein, and test weight level are strongly influenced by weather variables. The forecasting power of the yield and protein models was enhanced by adding the spatial lag effect. Out of sample forecasting tests confirm the models’ usefulness in accounting for the variations in average wheat yield and qualities.prediction, protein, spatial lag, test weight, weather, wheat yield, Agribusiness, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Using Understanding by Design to Create a University Orientation Class Grounded in Information Literacy

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    This article describes the process of redesigning UC1130: Information Literacy for College Research, a class taught at the University of Toledo, in Toledo, Ohio. This redesign was conducted by Jennifer Joe and Wade Lee-Smith, librarians at the university, and facilitated by the University of Toledo’s University Teaching Center, Denise Bartell, the Associate Vice Provost for Student Success, and Thomas Atwood, the Associate Dean of University Libraries, who was the creator of the original curriculum for UC1130. The course redesign was motivated by two factors: incorporation of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education, and the class’s inclusion in a FYE Pilot Program

    The developmental state: dead or alive?

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    Before the 1980s, the mainstream Western prescription for developing countries to catch up with the West assigned the state a leading role in governing the market. In the 1980s, this shifted to a framework‐providing role in a largely deregulated and maximally open economy. Also in the 1980s, it became apparent that some East Asian capitalist economies were growing so fast that they would become ‘developed’ in the foreseeable future, marking them out as completely exceptional. Mainstream economists explained their success as the result of following the Western prescription, while other scholars attributed this rapid growth to ‘the developmental state’. This essay compares these two explanations of successful economic development, concluding in favour of the latter — with respect to the catch‐up decades. But what happened subsequently? Several scholars who accept the key role of the developmental state in the early period of fast industrialization in East Asia now argue that South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore have transformed from developmental to close‐to‐neoliberal states. This contribution argues that the erstwhile East Asian developmental states have indeed changed, but they have not transformed into neoliberal states. Rather they have adapted and evolved, but still undertake market‐steering, ‘societal mission’ roles well beyond neoliberal limits. The essay also suggests how other developing countries can learn lessons from their experience

    Relational Reasoning Network (RRN) for Anatomical Landmarking

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    Accurately identifying anatomical landmarks is a crucial step in deformation analysis and surgical planning for craniomaxillofacial (CMF) bones. Available methods require segmentation of the object of interest for precise landmarking. Unlike those, our purpose in this study is to perform anatomical landmarking using the inherent relation of CMF bones without explicitly segmenting them. We propose a new deep network architecture, called relational reasoning network (RRN), to accurately learn the local and the global relations of the landmarks. Specifically, we are interested in learning landmarks in CMF region: mandible, maxilla, and nasal bones. The proposed RRN works in an end-to-end manner, utilizing learned relations of the landmarks based on dense-block units and without the need for segmentation. For a given a few landmarks as input, the proposed system accurately and efficiently localizes the remaining landmarks on the aforementioned bones. For a comprehensive evaluation of RRN, we used cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of 250 patients. The proposed system identifies the landmark locations very accurately even when there are severe pathologies or deformations in the bones. The proposed RRN has also revealed unique relationships among the landmarks that help us infer several reasoning about informativeness of the landmark points. RRN is invariant to order of landmarks and it allowed us to discover the optimal configurations (number and location) for landmarks to be localized within the object of interest (mandible) or nearby objects (maxilla and nasal). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first of its kind algorithm finding anatomical relations of the objects using deep learning.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Figures, 3 Table