295 research outputs found

    Electron impact spectroscopy of some substituted oxiranes

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1962 W3

    Effects of Murphy number on quadrupedal running gait based on a simple model

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    The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. Kobe University, Japan. 2023-06-06/09. Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines Organizing Committee.Poster Session P4

    Production of anti-Candida antibodies in mice with gut colonization of Candida albicans.

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    BACKGROUND: Production of antibodies that are specific for allergens is an important pathological process in inflammatory allergic diseases. These contain the antibodies against antigens of Candida albicans, one of the normal microbial flora in an intestinal tract. We studied the effects of the prednisolone administration on the production of anti-Candida antibodies in the gastrointestinally C. albicans-colonized mice. METHODS AND MATERIALS: BALB/c mice, treated with antibacterial antibiotics to decontaminate indigenous intestinal bacterial flora, were inoculated intragastrically with C. albicans. The mice, in which C. albicans grows intestinally, were administered prednisolone to induce temporary immunosuppression. The Candida growth in their intestinal tract and their antibody response to Candida were examined. RESULTS: Antibiotic treatment allowed establishment of C. albicans gastrointestinal colonization, but did not cause subsequent systemic dissemination of C. albicans in all the animals. When these animals received an additional treatment with prednisolone, they showed a significantly higher population of C. albicans in their feces than those of animals treated with antibiotics alone, and the organisms were recovered even from their kidney. This systemic dissemination by C. albicans appeared to be temporal, because all the mice survived without any symptoms for more than 2 months. Examination of the serum titers of total immunoglobulin (Ig)E antibodies and specific IgE and IgG antibodies against Candida antigens demonstrated that titers of total IgE increased, partially by day 14 and clearly at day 27, in prednisolone-treated Candida-colonized mice. Without prednisolone treatment, an increment of the serum titer was scarcely observed. By day 27, corresponding to the increase of total IgE, the anti-Candida IgE and IgG titer increased in mice of the prednisolone-treated group. CONCLUSION: Administration of prednisolone to Candida-colonized mice can induce production of the IgG, IgE antibodies against Candida antigens, perhaps through temporal systemic dissemination of Candida from the intestinal tract

    Zinc-dependent and independent actions of hydroxyhydroquinone

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    Coffee contains hydroxyhydroquinone (HHQ). HHQ is one of by-products released during bean roasting. Therefore, it is important to elucidate the bioactivity of HHQ to predict its beneficial or adverse effects on humans. We studied zinc-dependent and independent actions of commercially-procured synthetic HHQ in rat thymocytes using flow cytometric techniques with propidium iodide, FluoZin-3-AM, 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate, and annexin V-FITC. HHQ at 1050 μM elevated intracellular Zn2+ levels by releasing intracellular Zn2+. HHQ at 10 μM increased cellular thiol content in a Zinc-dependent manner. However, HHQ at 30–50 μM reduced cellular thiol content. Although the latter actions of HHQ (30–50 μM) were suggested to increase cell vulnerability to oxidative stress, HHQ at 0.3–100 μM significantly protected cells against oxidative stress induced by H2O2. The process of cell death induced by H2O2 was delayed by HHQ, although both H2O2 and HHQ increased the population of annexin V-positive living cells. However, HHQ at 10–30 μM promoted cell death induced by A23187, a calcium ionophore. HHQ at 10–30 μM exerted contrasting effects on cell death caused by oxidative stress and Ca2+ overload. Because HHQ is considered to possess diverse cellular actions, coffee with reduced amount of HHQ may be preferable to avoid potential adverse effects

    Initial Stage of Molecular Adsorption on Si(100) and H-terminated Si(100) Investigated by UHV-STM(STM-Si(001))

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    We have investigated the initial stage of adsorption of a conjugated aromatic compound, 1, 4-bis[β-pyridyl-(2)-vinyl]benzene (P2VB), on the clean Si(100)-2×1 surface and the hydrogen terminated Si(100)-2×1-H surface by ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We found adsorbed molecules cannot migrate on the chemically active Si(100)-2×1 surface, while they can migrate on the chemically inactive hydrogen terminated Si(100)-2×1-H surface until they are trapped to hydrogen-missing dangling bonds. On the clean Si(100)-2×1, we observed four different adsorption directions. An individual molecule appears as two or three bright spots, the brightness and distance between bright spots varying for different cases. Through structural analysis and bias-voltage-dependent STM images, we conclude that the electronic states of Si dimers modulated by the adsorbed molecules are observed instead of the molecules themselves. A simple estimation by considering only the molecular size and shape reproduces the distribution of four different kinds of adsorption structures we observed

    Cattle Performance Improvement Trials in Southeast Asian Countries, Using Japanese Cattle

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    The Project was designed to improve the performance of cattle in Southeast Asia, using Japanese Cattle, Frozen semen of the Japanese Brown breed of cattle was send by air to Manado, North sulawesi, lndonesia. The frozen semen was inseminated to P. O. (Peranakan Ongole) cow. A female hybrid (F1) was produced after duration of pregnancy of 289 days. This is the first hybrid of cattle between Japanese Brown breed cattle and Peranakan Ongole in lndonesia. We call F1 of crossbreed of Ongole with Japanese Brown breed cattle, Jabragole.この研究は日本の牛を用いて東南アジヤの牛の能力を改善するために計画した。日本の褐毛和種牛の凍結精液をインドネシア・北スラウエシのマナドに空輸した。この凍結精液をP.Ongole雌牛に人工授精した。289日の妊娠期間の後に1頭の雌雑種牛F1が生まれた。F1は日本の褐毛和種とオンゴール牛との間に生まれた最初の交雑種F1である。私どもはこれをジャブラゴール(Jabragole)と名付けた