9,959 research outputs found

    Nuclear Bar, Star Formation and Gas Fueling in the Active Galaxy NGC 4303

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    A combination of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 and NICMOS images are used to investigate the gas/dust and stellar structure inside the central 300 pc of the nearby active galaxy NGC 4303. The NICMOS H-band (F160W) image reveals a bright core and a nuclear elongated bar-like structure of 250 pc in diameter. The bar is centered on the bright core, and its major axis is oriented in proyection along the spin axis of the nuclear gaseous rotating disk recently detected (Colina & Arribas 1999). The V-H (F606W - F160W) image reveals a complex gas/dust distribution with a two-arm spiral structure of about 225 pc in radius. The southwestern arm is traced by young star-forming knots while the northeastern arm is detected by the presence of dust lanes. These spirals do not have a smooth structure but rather they are made of smaller flocculent spirals or filament-like structures. The magnitudes and colors of the star-forming knots are typical of clusters of young stars with masses of 0.5 to 1 x 105Msolar,andagesof5to25millionyears.Theoverallstructureofthenuclearspiralsaswellasthesize,numberandmassesofthestarformingknotsareexplainedinthecontextofamassivegaseousnucleardisksubjecttoselfgravitationalinstabilitiesandtothegravitationalfieldcreatedbythenuclearbar.Accordingtothemodel,thegaseousdiskhasamassofabout5x107Msolarinsidearadiusof400pc,thebarhasaradiusof150pcandapatternspeedofabout0.5Myr1,andtheaveragemassaccretionrateintothecore(R<8pc)isabout0.01Msolar10^5 M_{solar}, and ages of 5 to 25 million years. The overall structure of the nuclear spirals as well as the size, number and masses of the star-forming knots are explained in the context of a massive gaseous nuclear disk subject to self-gravitational instabilities and to the gravitational field created by the nuclear bar. According to the model, the gaseous disk has a mass of about 5 x 10^7 M_{solar} inside a radius of 400 pc, the bar has a radius of 150 pc and a pattern speed of about 0.5 Myr^{-1}, and the average mass accretion rate into the core (R < 8 pc) is about 0.01 M_{solar} yr^{-1} for about 80 Myr.Comment: ApJ, in press (February 1, 2000

    Well-localized edge states in two-dimensional topological insulators: ultrathin Bi films

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    We theoretically study the generic behavior of the penetration depth of the edge states in two-dimensional quantum spin Hall systems. We found that the momentum-space width of the edge-state dispersion scales with the inverse of the penetration depth. As an example of well-localized edge states, we take the Bi(111) ultrathin film. Its edge states are found to extend almost over the whole Brillouin zone. Correspondingly, the bismuth (111) 1-bilayer system is proposed to have well-localized edge states in contrast to the HgTe quantum well.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A nonlinear drift which leads to κ\kappa-generalized distributions

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    We consider a system described by a Fokker-Planck equation with a new type of momentum-dependent drift coefficient which asymptotically decreases as 1/p-1/p for a large momentum pp. It is shown that the steady-state of this system is a κ\kappa-generalized Gaussian distribution, which is a non-Gaussian distribution with a power-law tail.Comment: Submitted to EPJB. 8 pages, 2 figures, dedicated to the proceedings of APFA

    Discrete elastic model for stretching-induced flagellar polymorphs

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    Force-induced reversible transformations between coiled and normal polymorphs of bacterial flagella have been observed in recent optical-tweezer experiment. We introduce a discrete elastic rod model with two competing helical states governed by a fluctuating spin-like variable that represents the underlying conformational states of flagellin monomers. Using hybrid Brownian dynamics Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that a helix undergoes shape transitions dominated by domain wall nucleation and motion in response to externally applied uniaxial tension. A scaling argument for the critical force is presented in good agreement with experimental and simulation results. Stretching rate-dependent elasticity including a buckling instability are found, also consistent with the experiment

    Structure and superconducting properties of ((Ln(1-x)Ln*(x) 1/2 (Ba(1-y)Sr(y) 1/3 Ce 1/6) 8Cu6O(z)

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    A variety of new oxide superconductors were prepared. The crystallographic structures of the oxides were all tetragonal and of the (Ln(+), Ce)4(Ln(+),Ba)4Cu6Oz (Ln(+) = Nd, Sm or Eu) type which had been previously discovered by Akimitsu et al. As the Sr content, y, increased when Ln = Ln(excited state) = Nd, the oxygen content, z, monotonically increased and the superconducting transition temperature, T(sub c), varied exhibiting a maximum. When z was controlled directly by means of high oxygen pressure sintering techniques, T(sub c) was changed accordingly. T(sub c's) of samples with different combinations of Ln and Ln(excited state) and different values of x and y were found to depend on the magnitude of the bond valence sum for a Cu atom located in the bottom plane of the Cu-O5 pyramid. Transport and magnetization measurements were carried out to investigate the magnetic field dependence of superconducting properties and to determine the phenomenological parameters. The Hall coefficients were positive below room temperature and varied yielding a maximum with respect to temperature

    Nuclear Star-Forming Ring of the Milky Way: Simulations

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    We present hydrodynamic simulations of gas clouds in the central kpc region of the Milky Way that is modeled with a three-dimensional bar potential. Our simulations consider realistic gas cooling and heating, star Formation, and supernova feedback. A ring of dense gas clouds forms as a result of X-1-X-2 orbit transfer, and our potential model results in a ring radius of similar to 200 pc, which coincides with the extraordinary reservoir of dense molecular clouds in the inner bulge, the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). The gas clouds accumulated in the CMZ can reach high enough densities to form stars, and with an appropriate choice of simulation parameters, we successfully reproduce the observed gas mass and the star Formation rate (SFR) in the CMZ, similar to 2 x 10(7) M-circle dot and similar to 0.1 M-circle dot yr(-1). Star Formation in our simulations takes place mostly in the outermost X-2 orbits, and the SFR per unit surface area outside the CMZ is much lower. These facts suggest that the inner Galactic bulge may harbor a mild version of the nuclear star-forming rings seen in some external disk galaxies. Furthermore, from the relatively small size of the Milky Way's nuclear bulge, which is thought to be a result of sustained star Formation in the CMZ, we infer that the Galactic inner bulge probably had a shallower density profile or stronger bar elongation in the past.Korea Research Foundation KRF-2008-013-C00037MEST of Korea R31-1001NASA NNG 05-GC37G, NNX 10-AF84GNYSTAR Faculty Development ProgramAstronom

    Service Enterprises, Social Engineering and Workforce Productivity – The Case of Zain Nigeria PLC.

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    Apart from contending with the problems of intrusion into enterprise information platforms, organizations are also faced with theconsequences of unguided access and usage of social engineering website in the workplace. We examined the circles of networkabuse outlined in Network Service Organization’s computer use policies using Zain Nigeria Plc as a case study. We designed aquestionnaire titled “The Impact of Social engineering websites on organizational productivity” as the research instrument. Usingdescriptive and inferential statistics, analysis of user responses showed that although some actions are prohibited, employeescircumvent the security measures put in place in connivance with some Information Technology department staff. Mostemployees are also not aware of the far reaching consequences of these seemingly harmless acts on the organization.Recommendations were made based on our findings..Keywords: Enterprises, Social Engineering, Website, Face book, Productivity, Zai

    Stretching helical nano-springs at finite temperature

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    Using dynamic simulations and analytic methods, we study the elastic response of a helical filament subject to uniaxial tension over a wide range of bend and twist persistence length. A low-pitch helix at low temperatures exhibits a stretching instability and the force-extension curve consists of a sequence of spikes. At elevated temperature (i.e. small persistence lengths) the helix melts and a pronounced force plateau is obtained in the fixed-extension ensemble. The torque boundary condition significantly affects the resulting elastic properties

    The Mass Inflow Rate in the Barred Galaxy NGC 1530

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    Mass inflow in barred galaxies has been invoked to account for a wide variety of phenomena, but until now direct evidence for inflow has been lacking. We present Fabry-Perot H-alpha observations of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1530 from which we determine velocities of the ionized gas for the entire region swept by the bar. We compare the velocity field to models of gas flow in barred spirals and show that it is well reproduced by ideal gas hydrodynamic models. Inspection of the models and observations reveals that gas entering the bar dust lanes streams directly down the dust lanes toward the 2 kpc radius nuclear ring. The models predict that approximately 20% of the gas flowing down the dust lane enters the nuclear ring; the remaining gas sprays around the ring to the other bar dust lane. The fraction of the gas entering the ring is relatively insensitive to the shape or size of the bar. Our observations of the velocity field and dust optical depth yield a mass inflow rate into the nuclear ring of 1 solar mass per year.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, aastex 4.0, accepted for publication in Ap J Letter

    Physical origin of the power-law tailed statistical distributions

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    Starting from the BBGKY hierarchy, describing the kinetics of nonlinear particle system, we obtain the relevant entropy and stationary distribution function. Subsequently, by employing the Lorentz transformations we propose the relativistic generalization of the exponential and logarithmic functions. The related particle distribution and entropy represents the relativistic extension of the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and of the Boltzmann entropy respectively and define the statistical mechanics presented in [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 66}, 056125 (2002)] and [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 72}, 036108 (2005). The achievements of the present effort, support the idea that the experimentally observed power law tailed statistical distributions in plasma physics, are enforced by the relativistic microscopic particle dynamics.Comment: 6 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1110.3944, arXiv:1012.390