182 research outputs found

    High resolution numerical-relativity simulations for the merger of binary magnetized neutron stars

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    We perform high-resolution magnetohydrodynamics simulations of binary neutron star mergers in numerical relativity on the Japanese supercomputer K. The neutron stars and merger remnants are covered by a grid spacing of 70\,m, which yields the highest-resolution results among those derived so far. By an in-depth resolution study, we clarify several amplification mechanisms of magnetic fields during the binary neutron star merger for the first time. First, the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability developed in the shear layer at the onset of the merger significantly amplifies the magnetic fields. A hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) formed after the merger is then subject to the nonaxisymmetric magnetorotational instability, which amplifies the magnetic field in the HMNS. These two amplification mechanisms cannot be found with insufficient-resolution runs. We also show that the HMNS eventually collapses to a black hole surrounded by an accretion torus which is strongly magnetized at birth.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be appeared in PRD rapid communicatio

    High-resolution magnetohydrodynamics simulation of black hole-neutron star merger: Mass ejection and short gamma-ray burst

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    We report results of a high-resolution numerical-relativity simulation for the merger of black hole-magnetized neutron star binaries on Japanese supercomputer "K". We focus on a binary that is subject to tidal disruption and subsequent formation of a massive accretion torus. We find the launch of thermally driven torus wind, subsequent formation of a funnel wall above the torus and a magnetosphere with collimated poloidal magnetic field, and high Blandford-Znajek luminosity. We show for the first time this picture in a self-consistent simulation. The turbulence-like motion induced by the non-axisymmetric magnetorotational instability as well as the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability inside the accretion torus works as an agent to drive the mass accretion and converts the accretion energy to thermal energy, which results in the generation of a strong wind. By an in-depth resolution study, we reveal that high resolution is essential to draw such a picture. We also discuss the implication for the r-process nucleosynthesis, the radioactively-powered transient emission, and short gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to be appeared in PR

    Practical Applications of Microsatellite Markers in Goat Breeding

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    To date, the genetic loci associated with disease and economic traits have been identified in livestock based on linkage analysis or genome-wide association studies. These analyses require the use of numerous genetic markers, of which microsatellites have been utilized most extensively because they allow for the easy genotyping of allelic variation at each locus using PCR. In the domestic goat (Capra hircus), microsatellite markers are powerful tools for various genetic studies, such as the estimation of intra- and interpopulation genetic diversity, linkage analyses of phenotypic traits, and marker-assisted selection of favorable phenotypes; however, the studies on goats are less extensive than those on other major livestock. The aim of this chapter is to summarize the currently available information on goat breeding using microsatellite markers. In particular, we use various studies, including our own recent work, to illustrate how these markers may be used to identify phenotypic traits

    Global stabilization for nonlinear two-port characteristics of bidirectional DC/DC converter and its application to peer-to-peer energy transfer

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    A global stabilization method for the conversion characteristics of a bidirectional DC/DC converter and its application in peer-to-peer energy transfer systems is described. Peer-to-peer energy transfer is a control strategy in which the supply and load cooperate to transmit power, and it requires the global operation of the converter. According to the power relation, the bidirectional DC/DC converter has two equilibrium points. To realize global stability, a unique equilibrium point is achieved by eliminating the untargeted equilibrium point using the power relationship between the ports. Global stability is realized by setting feedback gains to converge globally to this equilibrium point. The experimental results demonstrate the global stability of the proposed method when applied to a stand-alone system and a peer-to-peer energy transfer system

    Expression Profiling without Genome Sequence Information in a Non-Model Species, Pandalid Shrimp (Pandalus latirostris), by Next-Generation Sequencing

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    While the study of phenotypic variation is a central theme in evolutionary biology, the genetic approaches available to understanding this variation are usually limited because of a lack of genomic information in non-model organisms. This study explored the utility of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies for studying phenotypic variations between 2 populations of a non-model species, the Hokkai shrimp (Pandalus latirostris; Decapoda, Pandalidae). Before we performed transcriptome analyses using NGS, we examined the genetic and phenotypic differentiation between the populations. Analyses using microsatellite DNA markers suggested that these populations genetically differed from one another and that gene flow is restricted between them. Moreover, the results of our 4-year field observations indicated that the egg traits varied genetically between the populations. Using mRNA extracted from the ovaries of 5 females in each population of Hokkai shrimp, we then performed a transcriptome analysis of the 2 populations. A total of 13.66 gigabases (Gb) of 75-bp reads was obtained. Further, 58,804 and 33,548 contigs for the first and second population, respectively, and 47,467 contigs for both populations were produced by de novo assembly. We detected 552 sequences with the former approach and 702 sequences with the later one; both sets of sequences showed greater than twofold differences in the expression levels between the 2 populations. Twenty-nine sequences were found in both approaches and were considered to be differentially expressed genes. Among them, 9 sequences showed significant similarity to functional genes. The present study showed a de novo assembly approach for the transcriptome of a non-model species using only short-read sequence data, and provides a strategy for identifying sequences showing significantly different expression levels between populations

    GONAD: Genome-editing via Oviductal Nucleic Acids Delivery system: a novel microinjection independent genome engineering method in mice.

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    Microinjection is considered the gold standard technique for delivery of nucleic acids (NAs; transgenes or genome editing tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 systems) into embryos, for creating genetically modified organisms. It requires sophisticated equipment as well as well-trained and highly skilled personnel to perform the micro-injection technique. Here, we describe a novel and simple microinjection-independent technique, called Genome-editing via Oviductal Nucleic Acids Delivery (GONAD). Using GONAD, we show that NAs (e.g., eGFP mRNA or Cas9 mRNA/sgRNAs) can be effectively delivered to pre-implantation embryos within the intact mouse oviduct by a simple electroporation method, and result in the desired genetic modification in the embryos. Thus GONAD can bypass many complex steps in transgenic technology such as isolation of zygotes, microinjection of NAs into them, and their subsequent transfer to pseudo-pregnant animals. Furthermore, this method can potentially be used for genome editing in species other than mice

    Intestinal Tuberculosis with Hoarseness as a Chief Complaint due to Mediastinal Lymphadenitis

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    A 68-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of hoarseness. A chest X-ray detected an abnormal shadow on the upper right lung. Bronchoscopic examination revealed that the left vocal cord was fixed in the paramedian position, and therefore left recurrent nerve paralysis was suspected. Lymphadenopathy was found in the left supraclavicular area. Chest computed tomography showed that the pretracheal and subaortic lymph nodes were swollen. Gastroendoscopy showed a 2-cm protruding lesion with ulceration on the upper esophagus. Histological examination of the supraclavicular lymph nodes and biopsy specimens from the esophagus revealed non-specific inflammation. PET-CT showed abnormal accumulations not only on the upper right lung but also on the lower right of the abdomen. Colonoscopy was performed and multiple erosions on the terminal ileum were found. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of a specimen biopsied from the erosion of the terminal ileum was positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and intestinal tuberculosis was diagnosed. The patient was then treated with anti-tuberculous therapy. After treatment, the erosions on the terminal ileum, the swelling of the mediastinal lymphadenopathy, and the esophageal ulcer were all improved. The hoarseness was subsequently relieved. This is the first report of intestinal tuberculosis with hoarseness as a chief complaint due to mediastinal lymphadenitis

    Cardiolipin supports respiratory enzymes in plants in different ways

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    In eukaryotes the presence of the dimeric phospholipid cardiolipin (CL) is limited to the mitochondrial membranes. It resides predominantly in the inner membrane where it interacts with components of the mitochondrial electron transfer chain. CL deficiency has previously been shown to affect abundances of the plant NADHdehydrogenase complex and its association with dimeric cyctochrome c reductase. Using an Arabidopsis thaliana knock-out mutant for the final enzyme of CL biosynthesis we here extend current knowledge on the dependence of plant respiration on CL. By correlating respiratory enzyme abundances with enzymatic capacities in mitochondria isolated from wild type, CL deficient and CL complemented heterotrophic cell culture lines a new picture of the participation of CL in plant respiration is emerging. Data indicate a loss of a general reduction of respiratory capacity in CL deficient mitochondria which cannot solely be attributed to decreased abundances or capacities of mitochondrial electron transfer protein complexes and supercomplexes. Instead, it most likely is the result of a loss of the mobile electron carrier cytochrome c. Furthermore, enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle are found to have lower maximum activities in the mutant, including the succinate dehydrogenase complex. Interestingly, abundance of the latter is not altered, indicative of a direct impact of CL deficiency on the enzymatic capacity of this electron transfer chain protein complex

    Comparative Genetic Mapping and Discovery of Linkage Disequilibrium Across Linkage Groups in White Clover (Trifolium repens L.)

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    White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is an allotetraploid species (2n = 4X = 32) that is widely distributed in temperate regions and cultivated as a forage legume. In this study, we developed expressed sequence tag (EST)–derived simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, constructed linkage maps, and performed comparative mapping with other legume species. A total of 7982 ESTs that could be assembled into 5400 contigs and 2582 singletons were generated. Using the EST sequences that were obtained, 1973 primer pairs to amplify EST-derived SSR markers were designed and used for linkage analysis of 188 F1 progenies, which were generated by a cross between two Japanese plants, ‘273-7’ and ‘T17-349,’ with previously published SSR markers. An integrated linkage map was constructed by combining parental-specific maps, which consisted of 1743 SSR loci on 16 homeologous linkage groups with a total length of 2511 cM. The primer sequences of the developed EST-SSR markers and their map positions are available on http://clovergarden.jp/. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) was observed on 9 of 16 linkage groups of a parental-specific map. The genome structures were compared among white clover, red clover (T. pratense L.), Medicago truncatula, and Lotus japonicus. Macrosynteny was observed across the four legume species. Surprisingly, the comparative genome structure between white clover and M. truncatula had a higher degree of conservation than that of the two clover species

    エゾシカ CERVUS NIPPON YESOENSIS ノ ミトコンドリア DNA エンキ ハイレツ ノ カイセキ : 12SRRNAイデンシ COX II イデンシ オヨビ D-LOOP リョウイキ

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    エゾシカ(Cervus nippon yesoensis)を有効に活用・保存するためには,基礎的な遺伝的情報を蓄積する必要がある。我々は北海道産エゾシカのミトコンドリアDNA(mtDNA)の12SrRNA遺伝子(957bp),COX II遺伝子(687bp)およびD-loop領域(1,110bp)のDNA配列を解析し,他のシカ科(サンバー,Cervus unicolor ; アカシカ,Cervus elaphus ; タイワンキョン,Muntiacus reevesi ; オジロジカ,Odocoi-leus virginianus ; オグロジカ,Odocoileus hemionus他)動物との比較を行った。12SrRNA遺伝子について解析したところ,調べたCervus属3種はクラスターを形成し,エゾシカはサンバーおよびアカシカに対してそれぞれ2.9および3.5%の塩基置換度を示した。系統樹では,エゾシカとサンバーが最も近く,次いでアカシカが結合した。そのCervus属にMuntiacus属が結合し,Odocoileus属よりも近い関係にあった。COX II遺伝子の解析から,エゾシカとサンバーとの塩基置換度は4.2%であり,またエゾシカとオジロジカとは11.8%であった。系統樹では,12SrRNA遺伝子と同様にエゾシカとサンバーが最も近く,次いでオジロジカが結合した。D-loop領域の解析から,エゾシカと岩手県産のホンシュウジカ(C.n. centralis)との塩基置換度は5.2%と低い値を示した。しかし,山口県産ホンシュウジカおよびツシマジカ(C.n. pulchellus対馬列島産)における塩基置換度は岩手県産のホンシュウジカに比べて高かった(16.6~16.8%)。系統樹では,本邦におけるニホンジカが南北の両グループに分かれ,アジアのニホンジカ,アカシカおよびサンバーは,南グループのニホンジカに近い関係にあった。Accumulation of genetic information is important in order to efficiently utilize and preserve the Yeso Sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis). We analyzed DNA sequences of the 12SrRNA gene, Cytochrome c Oxidase II (COX II) gene and the D-loop region of the mitochondrial DNA in the Yeso Sika deer. The sequence divergence of mtDNA was compared in pairs between other Cervidae (Cervus unicolor, Cervus elaphus, Muntiacus reevesi, Odocoileus virginianus, Odocoileus hemionus, etc ). Moreover, phylogenetic analysis was also done between them. The complete sequence of the 12SrRNA gene of the Yeso Sika deer was 957bp, and the sequence divergence between the Yeso Sika deer and Cervus unicolor (Samber) or Cervus elaphus (Red deer) was low in value at 2.9 and 3.5%, respectively. In the phylogenetic tree, the Yeso Sika deer and the Samber were joined first, and following the Red deer was connected to them. Finally, Muntiacus reevesi (Reeves\u27muntjac) was connected to the genus Cervus. As a result of the phylogenetic analysis, we see that the Reeves\u27 muntjac had a closer relationship to the genus Cervus than the genus Odocoileus. The complete sequence of the COX II gene in the Yeso Sika deer was 687bp, and the sequence divergence between the Yeso Sika deer and the Samber or Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed deer) was 4.2 and 11.8%, respectively. In the phylogenetic tree of the COX II gene, the Yeso Sika deer and the Samber were most closely related as well as the 12SrRNA gene. The next closest relationship was of the White-tailed deer and the genus Cervus. The D-loop region of the Yeso Sika deer was 1110bp, and the sequence divergence between the Yeso Sika deer and the Cervus nippon centralis/Gyo1 (from Iwate Prefecture-Honsyu Sika deer) showed the lowest value (5.2%). Furthermore, the sequence divergence of the Honsyu Sika deer/Yma1 (from Yamaguchi Prefecture) and the C.n. pulchellus (Tushima Sika deer ) was high in value (16.6-16.8%). In the phylogenetic tree, the Sika deer in Japan was classified into two groups of North and South. In addition, the Sika deer of Asia, the Red deer and the Samber were close in relationship to the South group of the Japanease Sika deer