54 research outputs found

    The Place of Scripture in the Trajectories of a Distinct Religious Identity among Ravidassias in Britain: Guru Granth Sahib or Amritbani Guru Ravidass

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    This article highlights narratives, collected as informant testimonies, relating to trajectories of a distinct religious identity among the Ravidassia community in Britain. Current tensions surround the replacement of the Guru Granth Sahib with the Amritbani Guru Ravidass in Ravidassia places of worship. This is primarily in response to cartographies of the Ravidassia identity as distinct from Sikh identity. The opinions of Ravidassia individuals, from a varied age range, expressed in interviews conducted at various periods during 2010–2012, are considered in relation to dominant discourses emphasising the importance of one hegemonic ‘Ravidassia’ scripture. The interview data highlight three main positions among the followers of Guru Ravidass: (1) Ravidassias seeking a distinct identity but preferring to retain the Guru Granth Sahib in Ravidassia places of worship, (2) Ravidassias demanding a distinct identity by installing the Amritbani Guru Ravidass, (3) Ravidassias wanting to maintain their link with the Panth as Sikhs or as Ravidassi Sikhs

    Measuring Five Dimensions of Religiosity Across Adolescence

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    This paper theorizes and tests a latent variable model of adolescent religiosity in which five dimensions of religiosity are interrelated: religious beliefs, religious exclusivity, external religiosity, private practice, and religious salience. Research often theorizes overlapping and independent influences of single items or dimensions of religiosity on outcomes such as adolescent sexual behavior, but rarely operationalizes the dimensions in a measurement model accounting for their associations with each other and across time. We use longitudinal structural equation modeling (SEM) with latent variables to analyze data from two waves of the National Study of Youth and Religion. We test our hypothesized measurement model as compared to four alternate measurement models and find that our proposed model maintains superior fit. We then discuss the associations between the five dimensions of religiosity we measure and how these change over time. Our findings suggest how future research might better operationalize multiple dimensions of religiosity in studies of the influence of religion in adolescence

    Os ramos da Ciência da Religião

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    Tradução deo texto em domínio público, originalmente publicado em 1924 como o terceiro capítulo do Religionswissenschaft: Prolegomena zu ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlegung (“Ciência da religião: introdução ao seu fundamento teórico-científico”, em português). Essa obra foi desenvolvida por Wach como pré-requisito de sua habilitação em ciência da religião pela Universidade de Leipzig.

    Ilmu Perbandingan Agama : Inti dan Bentuk Pengalaman Keagamaan

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    Jakartalvii, 250 p.; 21 c

    Ilmu Perbandinagn Agama:inti dan bentuk pengalaman keagamaan

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    Buku ini adala jilid ke empat yang akan di terbitkan tahun 1936 dari serial kuliah sejarah agama yang menjadi beban lembagai masyarakat ilmiah amerika.250 hlm

    Ilmu Perbandingan Agama

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    LVII, 216 hal. 21 cm

    Ilmu Perbandingan agama

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    Ilmu Perbandingan Agama: inti dan bentuk pengalaman keagamaan

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