33 research outputs found

    PM2.5 metal exposures and nocturnal heart rate variability: a panel study of boilermaker construction workers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To better understand the mechanism(s) of particulate matter (PM) associated cardiovascular effects, research priorities include identifying the responsible PM characteristics. Evidence suggests that metals play a role in the cardiotoxicity of fine PM (PM<sub>2.5</sub>) and in exposure-related decreases in heart rate variability (HRV). We examined the association between daytime exposure to the metal content of PM<sub>2.5 </sub>and night HRV in a panel study of boilermaker construction workers exposed to metal-rich welding fumes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-six male workers were monitored by ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG) on a workday while exposed to welding fume and a non-workday (baseline). From the ECG, rMSSD (square root of the mean squared differences of successive intervals) was summarized over the night (0:00–7:00). Workday, gravimetric PM<sub>2.5 </sub>samples were analyzed by x-ray fluorescence to determine metal content. We used linear mixed effects models to assess the associations between night rMSSD and PM<sub>2.5 </sub>metal exposures both with and without adjustment for total PM<sub>2.5</sub>. Matched ECG measurements from the non-workday were used to control for individual cardiac risk factors and models were also adjusted for smoking status. To address collinearity between PM<sub>2.5 </sub>and metal content, we used a two-step approach that treated the residuals from linear regression models of each metal on PM<sub>2.5 </sub>as surrogates for the differential effects of metal exposures in models for night rMSSD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The median PM<sub>2.5 </sub>exposure was 650 μg/m<sup>3</sup>; median metal exposures for iron, manganese, aluminum, copper, zinc, chromium, lead, and nickel ranged from 226 μg/m<sup>3 </sup>to non-detectable. We found inverse linear associations in exposure-response models with increased metal exposures associated with decreased night rMSSD. A statistically significant association for manganese was observed, with a decline of 0.130 msec (95% CI: -0.162, -0.098) in night rMSSD for every 1 μg/m<sup>3 </sup>increase in manganese. However, even after adjusting for individual metals, increases in total PM<sub>2.5 </sub>exposures were associated with declines in night rMSSD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results support the cardiotoxicity of PM<sub>2.5 </sub>metal exposures, specifically manganese. However the metal component alone did not account for the observed declines in night HRV. Therefore, results suggest the importance of other PM elemental components.</p

    The Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Circadian Rhythms of Microcystis aeruginosa

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    Background: The cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa is one of the principal bloom-forming cyanobacteria present in a wide range of freshwater ecosystems. M. aeruginosa produces cyanotoxins, which can harm human and animal health. Many metabolic pathways in M. aeruginosa, including photosynthesis and microcystin synthesis, are controlled by its circadian rhythms. However, whether xenobiotics affect the cyanobacterial circadian system and change its growth, physiology and biochemistry is unknown. We used real-time PCR to study the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the expression of clock genes and some circadian genes in M. aeruginosa during the light/dark (LD) cycle. Results: The results revealed that H 2O 2 changes the expression patterns of clock genes (kaiA, kaiB, kaiC and sasA) and significantly decreases the transcript levels of kaiB, kaiC and sasA. H2O2 treatment also decreased the transcription of circadian genes, such as photosynthesis-related genes (psaB, psbD1 and rbcL) and microcystin-related genes (mcyA, mcyD and mcyH), and changed their circadian expression patterns. Moreover, the physiological functions of M. aeruginosa, including its growth and microcystin synthesis, were greatly influenced by H 2O 2 treatment during LD. These results indicate that changes in the cyanobacterial circadian system can affect its physiological and metabolic pathways. Conclusion: Our findings show that a xenobiotic can change the circadian expression patterns of its clock genes t

    Treatment success for overactive bladder with urinary urge incontinence refractory to oral antimuscarinics: a review of published evidence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Treatment options for overactive bladder (OAB) with urinary urge incontinence (UUI) refractory to oral antimuscarinics include: botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA), sacral neuromodulation (SNM), and augmentation cystoplasty (AC). A standard treatment success metric that can be used in both clinical and economic evaluations of the above interventions has not emerged. Our objective was to conduct a literature review and synthesis of published measures of treatment success for OAB with UUI interventions and to identify a treatment success outcome.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a literature review of primary studies that used a definition of treatment success in the OAB with UUI population receiving BoNTA, SNM, or AC. The recommended success outcome was compared to generic and disease-specific health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) measures using data from a BoNTA treatment study of neurogenic incontinent patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Across all interventions, success outcomes included: complete continence (n = 23, 44%), ≥ 50% improvement in incontinence episodes (n = 16, 31%), and subjective improvement (n = 13, 25%). We recommend the OAB with UUI treatment success outcome of ≥ 50% improvement in incontinence episodes from baseline. Using data from a neurogenic BoNTA treatment study, the average change in the Incontinence Quality of Life questionnaire was 8.8 (95% CI: -4.7, 22.3) higher for those that succeeded (N = 25) versus those that failed (N = 26). The average change in the SF-6D preference score was 0.07 (95% CI: 0.02, 0.12) higher for those that succeeded versus those that failed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A treatment success definition that encompasses the many components of underlying OAB with UUI symptoms is currently not practical as a consequence of difficulties in measuring urgency. The treatment success outcome of ≥ 50% improvement in incontinence episodes was associated with a clinically meaningful improvement in disease-specific HRQoL for those with neurogenic OAB with UUI. The recommended success definition is less restrictive than a measure such as complete continence but includes patients who are satisfied with treatment and experience meaningful improvement in symptoms. A standardized measure of treatment success will be useful in clinical and health economic applications.</p

    New means to assess neonatal inflammatory brain injury

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    Cardiopulmonary evaluation of patients with rate responsive pacemakers

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