4 research outputs found

    A response to Yu et al. "A forward-backward fragment assembling algorithm for the identification of genomic amplification and deletion breakpoints using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array", BMC Bioinformatics 2007, 8: 145

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Yu et al. (BMC Bioinformatics 2007,8: 145+) have recently compared the performance of several methods for the detection of genomic amplification and deletion breakpoints using data from high-density single nucleotide polymorphism arrays. One of the methods compared is our non-homogenous Hidden Markov Model approach. Our approach uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo for inference, but Yu et al. ran the sampler for a severely insufficient number of iterations for a Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based method. Moreover, they did not use the appropriate reference level for the non-altered state.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We rerun the analysis in Yu et al. using appropriate settings for both the Markov Chain Monte Carlo iterations and the reference level. Additionally, to show how easy it is to obtain answers to additional specific questions, we have added a new analysis targeted specifically to the detection of breakpoints.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The reanalysis shows that the performance of our method is comparable to that of the other methods analyzed. In addition, we can provide probabilities of a given spot being a breakpoint, something unique among the methods examined.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods require using a sufficient number of iterations before they can be assumed to yield samples from the distribution of interest. Running our method with too small a number of iterations cannot be representative of its performance. Moreover, our analysis shows how our original approach can be easily adapted to answer specific additional questions (e.g., identify edges).</p

    Detection of recurrent copy number alterations in the genome: taking among-subject heterogeneity seriously

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    Se adjunta un fichero pdf con los datos de investigación titulado "Supplementary Material for \Detection of Recurrent Copy Number Alterations in the Genome: taking among-subject heterogeneity seriously"Background: Alterations in the number of copies of genomic DNA that are common or recurrent among diseased individuals are likely to contain disease-critical genes. Unfortunately, defining common or recurrent copy number alteration (CNA) regions remains a challenge. Moreover, the heterogeneous nature of many diseases requires that we search for common or recurrent CNA regions that affect only some subsets of the samples (without knowledge of the regions and subsets affected), but this is neglected by most methods. Results: We have developed two methods to define recurrent CNA regions from aCGH data. Our methods are unique and qualitatively different from existing approaches: they detect regions over both the complete set of arrays and alterations that are common only to some subsets of the samples (i.e., alterations that might characterize previously unknown groups); they use probabilities of alteration as input and return probabilities of being a common region, thus allowing researchers to modify thresholds as needed; the two parameters of the methods have an immediate, straightforward, biological interpretation. Using data from previous studies, we show that we can detect patterns that other methods miss and that researchers can modify, as needed, thresholds of immediate interpretability and develop custom statistics to answer specific research questions. Conclusion: These methods represent a qualitative advance in the location of recurrent CNA regions, highlight the relevance of population heterogeneity for definitions of recurrence, and can facilitate the clustering of samples with respect to patterns of CNA. Ultimately, the methods developed can become important tools in the search for genomic regions harboring disease-critical genesFunding provided by Fundación de Investigación Médica Mutua Madrileña. Publication charges covered by projects CONSOLIDER: CSD2007-00050 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by RTIC COMBIOMED RD07/0067/0014 of the Spanish Health Ministr

    ADaCGH: A parallelized web-based application and R package for the analysis of aCGH data.

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    BACKGROUND: Copy number alterations (CNAs) in genomic DNA have been associated with complex human diseases, including cancer. One of the most common techniques to detect CNAs is array-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). The availability of aCGH platforms and the need for identification of CNAs has resulted in a wealth of methodological studies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: ADaCGH is an R package and a web-based application for the analysis of aCGH data. It implements eight methods for detection of CNAs, gains and losses of genomic DNA, including all of the best performing ones from two recent reviews (CBS, GLAD, CGHseg, HMM). For improved speed, we use parallel computing (via MPI). Additional information (GO terms, PubMed citations, KEGG and Reactome pathways) is available for individual genes, and for sets of genes with altered copy numbers. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: ADACGH represents a qualitative increase in the standards of these types of applications: a) all of the best performing algorithms are included, not just one or two; b) we do not limit ourselves to providing a thin layer of CGI on top of existing BioConductor packages, but instead carefully use parallelization, examining different schemes, and are able to achieve significant decreases in user waiting time (factors up to 45x); c) we have added functionality not currently available in some methods, to adapt to recent recommendations (e.g., merging of segmentation results in wavelet-based and CGHseg algorithms); d) we incorporate redundancy, fault-tolerance and checkpointing, which are unique among web-based, parallelized applications; e) all of the code is available under open source licenses, allowing to build upon, copy, and adapt our code for other software projects