36 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Risk and Resilience in Military Families: Theoretical and Empirical Basis of a Family-Focused Resilience Enhancement Program

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    Recent studies have confirmed that repeated wartime deployment of a parent exacts a toll on military children and families and that the quality and functionality of familial relations is linked to force preservation and readiness. As a result, family-centered care has increasingly become a priority across the military health system. FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress), a family-centered, resilience-enhancing program developed by a team at UCLA and Harvard Schools of Medicine, is a primary initiative in this movement. In a large-scale implementation project initiated by the Bureau of Navy Medicine, FOCUS has been delivered to thousands of Navy, Marine, Navy Special Warfare, Army, and Air Force families since 2008. This article describes the theoretical and empirical foundation and rationale for FOCUS, which is rooted in a broad conception of family resilience. We review the literature on family resilience, noting that an important next step in building a clinically useful theory of family resilience is to move beyond developing broad “shopping lists” of risk indicators by proposing specific mechanisms of risk and resilience. Based on the literature, we propose five primary risk mechanisms for military families and common negative “chain reaction” pathways through which they undermine the resilience of families contending with wartime deployments and parental injury. In addition, we propose specific mechanisms that mobilize and enhance resilience in military families and that comprise central features of the FOCUS Program. We describe these resilience-enhancing mechanisms in detail, followed by a discussion of the ways in which evaluation data from the program’s first 2 years of operation supports the proposed model and the specified mechanisms of action

    Consideraciones de las dinámicas y procesos de cambio de población y del ambiente para el desarrollo territorial con un sistema alimentario y nutricional sostenible Centroamericano

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    Los análisis de dinámicas y procesos de cambio territorial nos per-miten interpretar y dar sentido a la articulación entre los diferentes elementos constitutivos de los ámbitos del desarrollo y cómo estos se han generado, integrando en los procesos una visión dinámica y prospectiva muy pertinente para abordajes integrales, incluyentes y sostenibles del desarrollo territorial. En el presente escrito se abor-dan los ámbitos de población y del ambiente desde una perspectiva regiona