21 research outputs found

    Seasonal MLT-region nightglow intensities, temperatures, and emission heights at a Southern Hemisphere midlatitude site

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    We consider 5 years of spectrometer measurements of OH(6–2) and O2(0–1) airglow emission intensities and temperatures made near Adelaide, Australia (35° S, 138° E), between September 2001 and August 2006 and compare them with measurements of the same parameters from at the same site using an airglow imager, with the intensities of the OH(8–3) and O(1S) emissions made with a filter photometer, and with 2 years of Aura MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder) v3.3 temperatures and 4.5 years of TIMED SABER (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry) v2.0 temperatures for the same site. We also consider whether we can recover the actual emission heights from the intercomparison of the ground-based and satellite observations. We find a significant improvement in the correlation between the spectrometer OH and SABER temperatures by interpolating the latter to constant density surfaces determined using a meteor radar.Iain M. Reid, Andrew J. Spargo, Jonathan M. Woithe, Andrew R. Klekociuk, Joel P. Younger and Gulamabas G. Sivje

    Pankreatogastrale oder jejunale Anastomose nach kephaler Duodenopankreatektomie--eine Beurteilung nach tierexperimentellen und klinischen Studien.

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    After partial duodenopancreatectomy the authors performed a pancreatogastrostomy with splinting the anastomosis. This method has some advantages vice versa the pancreatojejunostomy. Experiments with animals show that the beneficial effects of pancreatogastral-and pancreatojejunal anastomoses are of limited duration

    Calidad y fiabilidad en la proyección de plantas industriales

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    El proyecto de una planta industrial y de sus instalaciones constituye una previsión de la producción que en éstas se llevará a cabo; es también un producto al que se asocian requisitos de calidad y fiabilidad al igual que a los productos finales que saldrán de sus instalaciones. Sin embargo, no siempre este enfoque se corresponde con el control de la calidad de los proyectos en las metodologías y regulaciones vigentes. El presente trabajo representa una contribución metodológica al aseguramiento de la calidad de este complejo producto que es una planta industrial, con un enfoque moderno para que sirva de base al perfeccionamiento de este complejo processo.<br>The following work is aimed lo describe a modern approach for quality assurance of industrial plants design by means of a methodological contribution that can be taken as a basis for design improvement. Key questions whose answers are the basis for a proper quality assurance approach oriented to this complex process are described. Main quality specifications are pointed out. finally, design process errors and their classified causes, quality improvement oriented countermeasures as well as reliability considerations and quality evaluation of design are also described

    Seasonal MLT-region nightglow intensities, temperatures, and emission heights at a Southern Hemisphere midlatitude site

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    We consider 5 years of spectrometer measurements of OH(6–2) and O2(0–1) airglow emission intensities and temperatures made near Adelaide, Australia (35° S, 138° E), between September 2001 and August 2006 and compare them with measurements of the same parameters from at the same site using an airglow imager, with the intensities of the OH(8–3) and O(1S) emissions made with a filter photometer, and with 2 years of Aura MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder) v3.3 temperatures and 4.5 years of TIMED SABER (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry) v2.0 temperatures for the same site. We also consider whether we can recover the actual emission heights from the intercomparison of the ground-based and satellite observations. We find a significant improvement in the correlation between the spectrometer OH and SABER temperatures by interpolating the latter to constant density surfaces determined using a meteor radar

    F-O-G Ring Formation in Glycopeptide Antibiotic Biosynthesis is Catalysed by OxyE

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    The glycopeptide antibiotics are peptide-based natural products with impressive antibiotic function that derives from their unique three-dimensional structure. Biosynthesis of the glycopeptide antibiotics centres of the combination of peptide synthesis, mediated by a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, and the crosslinking of aromatic side chains of the peptide, mediated by the action of a cascade of Cytochrome P450s. Here, we report the first example of in vitro activity of OxyE, which catalyses the F-O-G ring formation reaction in teicoplanin biosynthesis. OxyE was found to only act after an initial C-O-D crosslink is installed by OxyB and to require an interaction with the unique NRPS domain from glycopeptide antibiotic – the X-domain – in order to display catalytic activity. We could demonstrate that OxyE displays limited stereoselectivity for the peptide, which mirrors the results from OxyB-catalysed turnover and is in sharp contrast to OxyA. Furthermore, we show that activity of a three-enzyme cascade (OxyB/OxyA/OxyE) in generating tricyclic glycopeptide antibiotic peptides depends upon the order of addition of the OxyA and OxyE enzymes to the reaction. This work demonstrates that complex enzymatic cascades from glycopeptide antibiotic biosynthesis can be reconstituted in vitro and provides new insights into the biosynthesis of these important antibiotics

    A seasonal study of mesospheric temperatures and emission intensities at Adelaide and Alice Springs

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    Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.Aerospace imagers operating at Alice Springs (23°42′S, 133°53′E) and Adelaide (34°55′S, 138°36′E) have collected more than 4-year of OH and O2 atmospheric emission data. Images taken over the course of each moonless night at 5-min intervals were used to determine OH Meinel (6, 2) and O2 Atmospheric (0, 1) band emission intensities and temperatures, as well as atmospheric gravity wave parameters. The NCAR general circulation model TIME-GCM was run for years 2002–2005 for comparison with these data. The data presented here show the interannual variability of OH and O2A emissions at two sites, Alice Springs and Adelaide, over a 4-a period. It was found that the TIME-GCM successfully reproduces many observed features of the data, including equinoctial maxima associated with the diurnal tide, a 6-h phase shift between OH temperature and intensity maxima, and springtime OH intensity enhancements at Alice Springs. However, the model tends to underestimate the depth of the summertime temperature minimum at both sites, possibly due to inadequate specification of the seasonal variation of gravity waves in the model. The model does, however, successfully describe many of the mesospheric changes observed during the 2002 stratospheric warming event.Gelinas, L. J., J. H. Hecht, R. L. Walterscheid, R. G. Roble, and J. M. Woith