37 research outputs found

    Finding suitable activity clusters for decomposed process discovery

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    Event data can be found in any information system and provide the starting point for a range of process mining techniques. The widespread availability of large amounts of event data also creates new challenges. Existing process mining techniques are often unable to handle "big event data" adequately. Decomposed process mining aims to solve this problem by decomposing the process mining problem into many smaller problems which can be solved in less time, using less resources, or even in parallel. Many decomposed process mining techniques have been proposed in literature. Analysis shows that even though the decomposition step takes a relatively small amount of time, it is of key importance in finding a high-quality process model and for the computation time required to discover the individual parts. Currently there is no way to assess the quality of a decomposition beforehand. We define three quality notions that can be used to assess a decomposition, before using it to discover a model or check conformance with. We then propose a decomposition approach that uses these notions and is able to find a high-quality decomposition in little time. Keywords: decomposed process mining, decomposed process discovery, distributed computing, event lo

    Learning Hybrid Process Models From Events: Process Discovery Without Faking Confidence

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    Process discovery techniques return process models that are either formal (precisely describing the possible behaviors) or informal (merely a "picture" not allowing for any form of formal reasoning). Formal models are able to classify traces (i.e., sequences of events) as fitting or non-fitting. Most process mining approaches described in the literature produce such models. This is in stark contrast with the over 25 available commercial process mining tools that only discover informal process models that remain deliberately vague on the precise set of possible traces. There are two main reasons why vendors resort to such models: scalability and simplicity. In this paper, we propose to combine the best of both worlds: discovering hybrid process models that have formal and informal elements. As a proof of concept we present a discovery technique based on hybrid Petri nets. These models allow for formal reasoning, but also reveal information that cannot be captured in mainstream formal models. A novel discovery algorithm returning hybrid Petri nets has been implemented in ProM and has been applied to several real-life event logs. The results clearly demonstrate the advantages of remaining "vague" when there is not enough "evidence" in the data or standard modeling constructs do not "fit". Moreover, the approach is scalable enough to be incorporated in industrial-strength process mining tools.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Discovery of frequent episodes in event logs

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    Lion's share of process mining research focuses on the discovery of end-to-end process models describing the characteristic behavior of observed cases. The notion of a process instance (i.e., the case) plays an important role in process mining. Pattern mining techniques (such as frequent itemset mining, association rule learning, sequence mining, and traditional episode mining) do not consider process instances. An episode is a collection of partially ordered events. In this paper, we present a new technique (and corresponding implementation) that discovers frequently occurring episodes in event logs thereby exploiting the fact that events are associated with cases. Hence, the work can be positioned in-between process mining and pattern mining. Episode discovery has its applications in, amongst others, discovering local patterns in complex processes and conformance checking based on partial orders. We also discover episode rules to predict behavior and discover correlated behaviors in processes. We have developed a ProM plug-in that exploits efficient algorithms for the discovery of frequent episodes and episode rules. Experimental results based on real-life event logs demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the approach

    Unfolding-Based Process Discovery

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    This paper presents a novel technique for process discovery. In contrast to the current trend, which only considers an event log for discovering a process model, we assume two additional inputs: an independence relation on the set of logged activities, and a collection of negative traces. After deriving an intermediate net unfolding from them, we perform a controlled folding giving rise to a Petri net which contains both the input log and all independence-equivalent traces arising from it. Remarkably, the derived Petri net cannot execute any trace from the negative collection. The entire chain of transformations is fully automated. A tool has been developed and experimental results are provided that witness the significance of the contribution of this paper.Comment: This is the unabridged version of a paper with the same title appearead at the proceedings of ATVA 201

    Verification of Logs - Revealing Faulty Processes of a Medical Laboratory

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    Abstract. If there is a suspicion of Lyme disease, a blood sample of a patient is sent to a medical laboratory. The laboratory performs a number of dierent blood examinations testing for antibodies against the Lyme disease bacteria. The total number of dierent examinations depends on the intermediate results of the blood count. The costs of each examination is paid by the health insurance company of the patient. To control and restrict the number of performed examinations the health insurance companies provide a charges regulation document. If a health insurance company disagrees with the charges of a laboratory it is the job of the public prosecution service to validate the charges according to the regulation document. In this paper we present a case study showing a systematic approach to reveal faulty processes of a medical laboratory. First, files produced by the information system of the respective laboratory are analysed and consolidated in a database. An excerpt from this database is translated into an event log describing a sequential language of events performed by the information system. With the help of the regulation document this language can be split in two sets- the set of valid and the set of faulty words. In a next step, we build a coloured Petri net model corre-sponding to the set of valid words in a sense that only the valid words are executable in the Petri net model. In a last step we translated the coloured Petri net into a PL/SQL-program. This program can automat-ically reveal all faulty processes stored in the database.

    Efficient Process Model Discovery Using Maximal Pattern Mining

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    In recent years, process mining has become one of the most important and promising areas of research in the field of business process management as it helps businesses understand, analyze, and improve their business processes. In particular, several proposed techniques and algorithms have been proposed to discover and construct process models from workflow execution logs (i.e., event logs). With the existing techniques, mined models can be built based on analyzing the relationship between any two events seen in event logs. Being restricted by that, they can only handle special cases of routing constructs and often produce unsound models that do not cover all of the traces seen in the log. In this paper, we propose a novel technique for process discovery using Maximal Pattern Mining (MPM) where we construct patterns based on the whole sequence of events seen on the traces—ensuring the soundness of the mined models. Our MPM technique can handle loops (of any length), duplicate tasks, non-free choice constructs, and long distance dependencies. Our evaluation shows that it consistently achieves better precision, replay fitness and efficiency than the existing techniques

    Decomposed process mining : the ILP case

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    Over the last decade process mining techniques have matured and more and more organizations started to use process mining to analyze their operational processes. The current hype around "big data" illustrates the desire to analyze ever-growing data sets. Process mining starts from event logs—multisets of traces (sequences of events)—and for the widespread application of process mining it is vital to be able to handle "big event logs". Some event logs are "big" because they contain many traces. Others are big in terms of different activities. Most of the more advanced process mining algorithms (both for process discovery and conformance checking) scale very badly in the number of activities. For these algorithms, it could help if we could split the big event log (containing many activities) into a collection of smaller event logs (which each contain fewer activities), run the algorithm on each of these smaller logs, and merge the results into a single result. This paper introduces a generic framework for doing exactly that, and makes this concrete by implementing algorithms for decomposed process discovery and decomposed conformance checking using Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based algorithms. ILP-based process mining techniques provide precise results and formal guarantees (e.g., perfect fitness), but are known to scale badly in the number of activities. A small case study shows that we can gain orders of magnitude in run-time. However, in some cases there is tradeoff between run-time and quality

    Online compliance monitoring of service landscapes

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    Today, it is a challenging task to keep a service application running over the internet safe and secure. Based on a collection of security requirements, a so-called golden configuration can be created for such an application. When the application has been configured according to this golden configuration, it is assumed that it satisfies these requirements, that is, that it is safe and secure. This assumption is based on the best practices that were used for creating the golden configuration, and on assumptions like that nothing out-of-the-ordinary occurs. Whether the requirements are actually violated, can be checked on the traces that are left behind by the configured service application. Today’s applications typically log an enormous amount of data to keep track of everything that has happened. As such, such an event log can be regarded as the ground truth for the entire application: A security requirement is violated if and only if it shows in the event log. This paper introduces the ProMSecCo tool, which has been built to check whether the security requirements that have been used to create the golden configuration are violated by the event log as generated by the configured service application