23 research outputs found

    The formation of a Sn monolayer on Ge(1 0 0) studied at the atomic scale

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    The growth of multi-layer germanium-tin (GeSn) quantum wells offers an intriguing pathway towards the integration of lasers in a CMOS platform. An important step in growing high quality quantum well interfaces is the formation of an initial wetting layer. However, key atomic-scale details of this process have not previously been discussed. We use scanning tunneling microscopy combined with density functional theory to study the deposition of Sn on Ge(1 0 0) at room temperature over a coverage range of 0.01 to 1.24 monolayers. We demonstrate the formation of a sub-2% Ge content GeSn wetting layer from three atomic-scale characteristic ad-dimer structural components, and show that small quantities of Sn incorporate into the Ge surface forming two atomic configurations. The ratio of the ad-dimer structures changes with increasing Sn coverage, indicating a change in growth kinetics. At sub-monolayer coverage, the least densely packing ad-dimer structure is most abundant. As the layer closes, forming a two-dimensional wetting layer, the more densely packing ad-dimer structure become dominant. These results demonstrate the capability to form an atomically smooth wetting layer at room temperature, and provide critical atomic-scale insights for the optimization of growth processes of GeSn multi-quantum-wells to meet the quality requirements of optical GeSn-based devices

    Bottom-up assembly of metallic germanium

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    Extending chip performance beyond current limits of miniaturisation requires new materials and functionalities that integrate well with the silicon platform. Germanium fits these requirements and has been proposed as a high-mobility channel material, a light emitting medium in silicon-integrated lasers, and a plasmonic conductor for bio-sensing. Common to these diverse applications is the need for homogeneous, high electron densities in three-dimensions (3D). Here we use a bottom-up approach to demonstrate the 3D assembly of atomically sharp doping profiles in germanium by a repeated stacking of two-dimensional (2D) high-density phosphorus layers. This produces high-density (1019 to 1020 cm-3) low-resistivity (10-4Ω ∙ cm) metallic germanium of precisely defined thickness, beyond the capabilities of diffusion-based doping technologies. We demonstrate that free electrons from distinct 2D dopant layers coalesce into a homogeneous 3D conductor using anisotropic quantum interference measurements, atom probe tomography, and density functional theory

    Preparation of the Ge(001) surface towards fabrication of atomic-scale germanium devices

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    We demonstrate the preparation of a clean Ge(001) surface with minimal roughness (RMS similar to 0.6 angstrom), low defect densities (similar to 0.2% ML) and wide mono-atomic terraces (similar to 80-100 nm). We use an ex situ wet chemical process combined with an in situ anneal treatment followed by a homoepitaxial buffer layer grown by molecular beam epitaxy and a subsequent final thermal anneal. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, we investigate the effect on the surface morphology of using different chemical reagents, concentrations as well as substrate temperature during growth. Such a high quality Ge(001) surface enables the formation of defect-free H-terminated Ge surfaces for subsequent patterning of atomic-scale devices by scanning tunneling lithography. We have achieved atomic-scale dangling bond wire structures 1.6 nm wide and 40 nm long as well as large, micron-size patterns with clear contrast of lithography in STM images

    New avenues to an old material: controlled nanoscale doping of germanium

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    We review our recent research into n-type doping of Ge for nanoelectronics and integrated photonics.We demonstrate a doping method in ultra-high vacuum to achieve high electron concentrations in Ge while maintaining atomic-level control of the doping process. We integrated this doping technique with ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscope lithography and femtosecond laser ablation micron-scale lithography, and demonstrated basic components of donor-based nanoelectronic circuitry such as wires and tunnel gaps. By repetition of controlled doping cycles we have shown that stacking of multiple Ge:P two-dimensional electron gases results in high electron densities in Ge (>1020 cm3). Because of the strong vertical electron confinement, closely stacked 2D layers – although interacting – maintain their individuality in terms of electron transport. These results bode well towards the realization of nanoscale 3D epitaxial circuits in Ge comprising stacked 2DEGs and/or atomic-scale Ge:P devices with confinement in more dimensions

    Phosphorus atomic layer doping of germanium by the stacking of multiple delta layers

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    In this paper we demonstrate the fabrication of multiple, narrow, and closely spaced delta-doped P layers in Ge. The P profiles are obtained by repeated phosphine adsorption onto atomically flat Ge(001) surfaces and subsequent thermal incorporation of P into the lattice. A dual-temperature epitaxial Ge overgrowth separates the layers, minimizing dopant redistribution and guaranteeing an atomically flat starting surface for each doping cycle. This technique allows P atomic layer doping in Ge and can be scaled up to an arbitrary number of doped layers maintaining atomic level control of the interface. Low sheet resistivities (280 Omega/square) and high carrier densities (2 x 10(14) cm(-2), corresponding to 7.4 x 10(19) cm(-3)) are demonstrated at 4.2 K

    Dual-temperature encapsulation of phosphorus in germanium delta-layers toward ultra-shallow junctions

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    We have developed a dual-step encapsulation process for phosphorus in germanium delta-layers with initial low-temperature encapsulation to suppress dopant redistribution, followed by a higher temperature overgrowth to improve crystalline quality and electrical transport properties. Structural and electrical characterization shows that encapsulation of the delta-layer with a 2-nm-thick Ge layer deposited at 350 degrees C followed by Ge growth at 530 degrees C confines P donors into an atomically flat layer with limited dopant segregation, high carrier concentration and low resistivity. This doping method is promising for the fabrication of ultra-shallow junctions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Phosphorus Molecules on Ge(001): A Playground for Controlled N-Doping of Germanium at High Densities

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    The achievement of controlled high n-type doping in Ge will enable the fabrication of a number of innovative nano-electronic and photonic devices. In this work we present a combined scanning tunneling microscopy, secondary ions mass spectrometry, and magnetotransport study to understand the atomistic doping process of Ge by P2 molecules. Harnessing the one-dimer footprint of P2 molecules on the Ge(001) surface, we achieved the incorporation of a full P monolayer in Ge using a relatively low process temperature. The consequent formation of P-P dimers, however, limits electrical activation above a critical donor density corresponding to P-P spacing of less than a single dimer row. With this insight, tuning of doping parameters allows us to repeatedly stack such 2D P layers to achieve 3D electron densities up to ~2×10^20 cm^-3

    ECS Transactions

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    In this paper we review the state of the art of high n-type doping techniques in germanium alternative to ion implantation. We discuss a novel technique for achieving ultra-high doping based on adsorption and thermal incorporation of P atoms from PH3 or P2 molecules into a Ge surface and subsequent encapsulation by Ge homoepitaxial growth. This process results in the formation of spatially-confined P δ-layers with planar electrically active densities as high as 1×1014 cm-2. Owing to the high morphological quality of the crystal matrix, it is possible to stack an arbitrary number of d-layers and tailor the thickness of spacer layers in between to build an electrically active donor density in excess of 1020 cm-3 in a bottom-up process

    Alternative High n-Type Doping Techniques in Germanium

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    In this paper we review the state of the art of high n-type doping techniques in germanium alternative to ion implantation. We discuss a novel technique for achieving ultra-high doping based on adsorption and thermal incorporation of P atoms from PH3 or P2 molecules into a Ge surface and subsequent encapsulation by Ge homoepitaxial growth. This process results in the formation of spatially-confined P -layers with planar electrically active densities as high as 1×1014 cm-2. Owing to the high morphological quality of the crystal matrix, it is possible to stack an arbitrary number of -layers and tailor the thickness of spacer layers in between to build an electrically active donor density in excess of 1020 cm-3 in a bottom-up process