1,668 research outputs found

    Eliciting a predatory response in the eastern corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus) using live and inanimate sensory stimuli: implications for managing invasive populations

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    North America's Eastern corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus) has been introduced to several islands throughout the Caribbean and Australasia where it poses a significant threat to native wildlife. Invasive snake control programs often involve trapping with live bait, a practice that, as well as being costly and labour intensive, raises welfare and ethical concerns. This study assessed corn snake response to live and inanimate sensory stimuli in an attempt to inform possible future trapping of the species and the development of alternative trap lures. We exposed nine individuals to sensory cues in the form of odour, visual, vibration and combined stimuli and measured the response (rate of tongue-flick [RTF]). RTF was significantly higher in odour and combined cues treatments, and there was no significant difference in RTF between live and inanimate cues during odour treatments. Our findings suggest chemical cues are of primary importance in initiating predation and that an inanimate odour stimulus, absent of simultaneous visual and vibratory cues, is a potential low-cost alternative trap lure for the control of invasive corn snake populations

    Entangled Quantum States of Magnetic Dipoles

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    Free magnetic moments usually manifest themselves in Curie Laws, where weak external magnetic fields produce magnetizations diverging as the reciprocal 1/T of the temperature. for a variety of materials that do not disply static magnetism, including doped semiconductors and certain rare earth intermetallics, the 1/T law is changed to a power law T^-a with a<1. We report here that a considerably simpler material, namely an insulating magneticsalt can also display such a power law, and show via comparison to specific heat data and numerical simulations that quantum mechanics is crucial for its formation. Two quantum mechanical phenomena are needed, namely level splitting - which affects the spectrum of excited states - and entanglement - where the wavefunction of a system with several degrees of freedom cannot be written as a product of wavefunctions for each degree of freedom. Entanglement effects become visible for remarkably small tunnelling terms, and are turned on well before tunnelling has visible effects on the spectrum. Our work is significant because it illustrates that entanglement is at the very heart of a very simple experimental observation for an insulating quantum spin system.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum homomorphic encryption for circuits of low TT-gate complexity

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    Fully homomorphic encryption is an encryption method with the property that any computation on the plaintext can be performed by a party having access to the ciphertext only. Here, we formally define and give schemes for quantum homomorphic encryption, which is the encryption of quantum information such that quantum computations can be performed given the ciphertext only. Our schemes allows for arbitrary Clifford group gates, but become inefficient for circuits with large complexity, measured in terms of the non-Clifford portion of the circuit (we use the "π/8\pi/8" non-Clifford group gate, which is also known as the TT-gate). More specifically, two schemes are proposed: the first scheme has a decryption procedure whose complexity scales with the square of the number of TT-gates (compared with a trivial scheme in which the complexity scales with the total number of gates); the second scheme uses a quantum evaluation key of length given by a polynomial of degree exponential in the circuit's TT-gate depth, yielding a homomorphic scheme for quantum circuits with constant TT-depth. Both schemes build on a classical fully homomorphic encryption scheme. A further contribution of ours is to formally define the security of encryption schemes for quantum messages: we define quantum indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attacks in both the public and private-key settings. In this context, we show the equivalence of several definitions. Our schemes are the first of their kind that are secure under modern cryptographic definitions, and can be seen as a quantum analogue of classical results establishing homomorphic encryption for circuits with a limited number of multiplication gates. Historically, such results appeared as precursors to the breakthrough result establishing classical fully homomorphic encryption

    A process pattern model for tackling and improving big data quality

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    Data seldom create value by themselves. They need to be linked and combined from multiple sources, which can often come with variable data quality. The task of improving data quality is a recurring challenge. In this paper, we use a case study of a large telecom company to develop a generic process pattern model for improving data quality. The process pattern model is defined as a proven series of activities, aimed at improving the data quality given a certain context, a particular objective, and a specific set of initial conditions. Four different patterns are derived to deal with the variations in data quality of datasets. Instead of having to find the way to improve the quality of big data for each situation, the process model provides data users with generic patterns, which can be used as a reference model to improve big data quality

    Uncertain future preferences and conservation

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    An important problem in environmental economics arises from te irreversibility of consuming or destroying certain resources. Extractive resources like oil are a clear example. Even for environmental resources the same seems to be true in a number of environmental cases, for example biodiversity, current climate conditions, or complex ecological systems. Irreversibility imposes a sever externality across different generations; future generations will suffer from the destruction of a unique asset like Amazonia, and it is not clear how such a loss could be compensated in terms of other goods. If such an asset is destroyed, then it is not possible to subsequently restore it. In contrast, if the asset is preserved, then it is possible to "use" the asset at a subsequent date. If there is uncertainty about future preferences or valuations, then preservation provides a type of insurance which is not available if the irreversible decision is carried out

    First do no harm: extending the debate on the provision of preventive tamoxifen

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    The Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT-P-1) demonstrated that tamoxifen could reduce the risk of invasive breast cancer in high-risk women by 49%, but that it could also increase the risk of endometrial cancer, vascular events and cataracts. This paper provides an estimate of the net health impacts of tamoxifen administration on high-risk Canadian women with no prior history of breast cancer. The results of the BCPT-P-1 were incorporated into the breast cancer and other modules of Statistics Canada’s microsimulation POpulation HEalth Model (POHEM). While the main intervention scenario conformed as closely as possible to the eligibility criteria for tamoxifen in the BCPT-P-1 protocol, 3 additional scenarios were simulated. Predicted absolute risks of breast cancer at 5 years of 1.66%, 3.32% and 4.15% were calculated for women 35 to 70 years of age. When the BCPT-P-1 results were incorporated into the simulation model, the analysis suggests no increase in life expectancy in this risk group. Tamoxifen appeared to be beneficial for women with a 5-year predicted risk of 3.32% or greater. The results of these simulations are particularly sensitive to the reduction in mortality observed in the BCPT-P-1, as well as being sensitive to other characteristics of the simulation model. Overall, the analysis raises questions about the use of tamoxifen in otherwise healthy women at high risk of breast cancer. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaig

    Optical Lattices: Theory

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    This chapter presents an overview of the properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped in a periodic potential. This system has attracted a wide interest in the last years, and a few excellent reviews of the field have already appeared in the literature (see, for instance, [1-3] and references therein). For this reason, and because of the huge amount of published results, we do not pretend here to be comprehensive, but we will be content to provide a flavor of the richness of this subject, together with some useful references. On the other hand, there are good reasons for our effort. Probably, the most significant is that BEC in periodic potentials is a truly interdisciplinary problem, with obvious connections with electrons in crystal lattices, polarons and photons in optical fibers. Moreover, the BEC experimentalists have reached such a high level of accuracy to create in the lab, so to speak, paradigmatic Hamiltonians, which were first introduced as idealized theoretical models to study, among others, dynamical instabilities or quantum phase transitions.Comment: Chapter 13 in Part VIII: "Optical Lattices" of "Emergent Nonlinear Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory and Experiment," edited by P. G. Kevrekidis, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, 2007) - pages 247-26

    Factors associated with tocolytic hospitalizations in Taiwan: evidence from a population-based and longitudinal study from 1997 to 2004

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of tocolytic hospitalization in antenatal care is controversial and worthy of more research. We investigated individual, institutional, and area factors that affect the use of tocolytic hospitalizations in Taiwan where fertility has rapidly declined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Longitudinal data from the 1996 to 2004 National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan were used to identify tocolytic hospitalizations. The probit model was used to estimate factors associated with tocolytic hospitalizations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The decline in fertility was significantly associated with the probability of tocolytic hospitalizations. Several physician and institutional factors-including physician's age, hospital ownership, accreditation status, bed size, and teaching status-were also significantly correlated to the dependent variables.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The provision of inpatient tocolysis is influenced not only by clinical considerations but also by physician, institutional, and area factors unrelated to clinical need. Fertility declines in Taiwan may have led obstetricians/gynecologists to provide more tocolysis to make up for their lost income. If the explanation is further validated, reimbursement policies may need to be reviewed to correct for overuse of inpatient tocolysis. The correlation could also be explained by the increasing use of artificial reproductive technologies and higher social value of newborns. In addition, the physician and institutional variations observed in the study indicate potential misuse of inpatient tocolysis that warrant further investigation.</p

    Gilbert Damping in Conducting Ferromagnets II: Model Tests of the Torque-Correlation Formula

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    We report on a study of Gilbert damping due to particle-hole pair excitations in conducting ferromagnets. We focus on a toy two-band model and on a four-band spherical model which provides an approximate description of ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As. These models are sufficiently simple that disorder-ladder-sum vertex corrections to the long-wavelength spin-spin response function can be summed to all orders. An important objective of this study is to assess the reliability of practical approximate expressions which can be combined with electronic structure calculations to estimate Gilbert damping in more complex systems.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Using role-play to improve students’ confidence and perceptions of communication in a simulated volcanic crisis

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    Traditional teaching of volcanic science typically emphasises scientific principles and tends to omit the key roles, responsibilities, protocols, and communication needs that accompany volcanic crises. This chapter provides a foundation in instructional communication, education, and risk and crisis communication research that identifies the need for authentic challenges in higher education to challenge learners and provide opportunities to practice crisis communication in real-time. We present an authentic, immersive role-play called the Volcanic Hazards Simulation that is an example of a teaching resource designed to match professional competencies. The role-play engages students in volcanic crisis concepts while simultaneously improving their confidence and perceptions of communicating science. During the role-play, students assume authentic roles and responsibilities of professionals and communicate through interdisciplinary team discussions, media releases, and press conferences. We characterised and measured the students’ confidence and perceptions of volcanic crisis communication using a mixed methods research design to determine if the role-play was effective at improving these qualities. Results showed that there was a statistically significant improvement in both communication confidence and perceptions of science communication. The exercise was most effective in transforming low-confidence and low-perception students, with some negative changes measured for our higher-learners. Additionally, students reported a comprehensive and diverse set of best practices but focussed primarily on the mechanics of science communication delivery. This curriculum is a successful example of how to improve students’ communication confidence and perceptions
