14 research outputs found

    Tracking the stratosphere‐to‐surface impact of sudden stratospheric warmings

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record. Data Availability Statement ERA-I and ERA40 data are freely available from the ECMWF website. ERA-I: https://www.ecmwf.int/ en/forecasts/datasets/reanalysis-datasets/era-interim. ERA40: https://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/ era40-daily/levtype%3Dsfc. The NAO and AO indices are available from NOAA-CPC. NAO: https://www. cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/pna/nao.shtml. AO: https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/daily_ao_index/ao.shtml. Python code for the tracking algorithm is available from Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4279027).Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events are extreme atmospheric regimes which can have a signature in surface weather up to 40 days after event onset in the stratosphere. SSWs can be classified as either vortex splitting or vortex displacement events, with the nature and timing of the surface impact potentially being different between the two. In this study, using ERA40/Interim reanalysis data, we develop a simple empirical downward tracking algorithm which for the first time allows us to estimate the time of surface impact for individual SSW events. We show that the surface impact following splitting events is, on average, about 1 week earlier than following displacement events, albeit with considerable variability. By compositing tropospheric responses around the identified date of surface impact, rather than around the central stratospheric onset date as common in previous studies, we can better constrain the surface signal of SSWs. We find that while the difference in North Atlantic Oscillation anomalies between split and displacement vortices is small, surface temperature anomalies over northwest Europe and northern Eurasia are significantly colder for splitting events, particularly over the UK just prior to the surface impact date. Displacement events on average are wetter over Northwest Europe around the time of surface impact, consistent with the jet stream being displaced further south in response to split events. Our downtracking algorithm can be used with any reanalyzes and gridded model data, and therefore will be a valuable tool for use with the latest climate models.Natural Environment Research CouncilRoyal Societ

    The vertical profile of recent tropical temperature trends: Persistent model biases in the context of internal variability

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from IOP Publishing via the DOI in this recordData Availability: The data that support the findings of this study are openly available at https://esgf-index1.ceda.ac.uk/projects/cmip6-ceda/. ERA5 data are available from ECMWF. Radiosonde data are available from Leopold Haimberger. Our code is freely available at https://github.com/BrisClim/.Tropospheric and stratospheric tropical temperature trends in recent decades have been notoriously hard to simulate using climate models, particularly in the upper troposphere. Aside from the warming trend itself, this has broader implications, e.g. atmospheric circulation trends depend on latitudinal temperature gradients. In this study, tropical temperature trends in the CMIP6 models are examined, from 1979 to 2014, and contrasted with trends from the RICH/RAOBCORE radiosondes, and the ERA5/5.1 reanalysis. As in earlier studies, we find considerable warming biases in the CMIP6 modeled trends, and we show that these biases are linked to biases in surface temperature. We also uncover previously undocumented biases in the lower-middle stratosphere: the CMIP6 models appear unable to capture the time evolution of stratospheric cooling, which is non-monotonic owing to the Montreal Protocol. Finally, using models with large ensembles, we show that their standard deviation in tropospheric temperature trends, which is due to internal variability alone, explains ∼ 50% (± 20%) of that from the CMIP6 models.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)University of BristolUS National Science Foundatio

    Revisiting the Relationship among Metrics of Tropical Expansion

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    There is mounting evidence that the width of the tropics has increased over the last few decades, but there are large differences in reported expansion rates. This is, likely, in part due to the wide variety of metrics that have been used to define the tropical width. Here we perform a systematic investigation into the relationship among nine metrics of the zonal-mean tropical width using preindustrial control and abrupt quadrupling of CO2 simulations from a suite of coupled climate models. It is shown that the latitudes of the edge of the Hadley cell, the midlatitude eddy-driven jet, the edge of the subtropical dry zones, and the Southern Hemisphere subtropical high covary interannually and exhibit similar long-term responses to a quadrupling of CO2. However, metrics based on the outgoing longwave radiation, the position of the subtropical jet, the break in the tropopause, and the Northern Hemisphere subtropical high have very weak covariations with the above metrics and/or respond differently to increases in CO2 and thus are not good indicators of the expansion of the Hadley cell or subtropical dry zone. The differing variability and responses to increases in CO2 among metrics highlights that care is needed when choosing metrics for studies of the width of the tropics and that it is important to make sure the metric used is appropriate for the specific phenomena and impacts being examined

    The Brewer-Dobson circulation inferred from ERA-Interim

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    The transformed Eulerian mean residual circulation is calculated from ERA-Interim for 1989-2009. Known as the Brewer-Dobson circulation, this measures the tropical upwelling of mass from troposphere to stratosphere, the mean meridional mass transport in the stratosphere and the downwelling of mass in the Extratropics. Major features of the Brewer-Dobson circulation, including the seasonal migration of the tropical upwelling toward the summer pole, are well represented. In the tropical lower stratosphere vertical velocities are less noisy than in other reanalyses, though significant tidal variations demonstrate the need for 6-hourly data. Throughout the year tropical lower stratospheric ascent rates are a minimum at the Equator and strongest in the Northern Hemisphere. In each hemisphere the maximum tropical ascent occurs during summer, whereas the strongest circulation and maximum in extratropical descent occur in the winter hemisphere. At 70 hPa the annual mean upwelling mass flux is 5.9 × 10 9 kg s -1, with the zonal drag from resolved waves and parametrized orographic gravity wave drag (OGWD) providing 70% and 4% of the driving, respectively. Hence it is concluded that the OGWD probably underestimates the momentum deposited above 70 hPa in addition to there being an absence of drag from non-orographic gravity waves. A statistically significant trend of -5% per decade in the upwelling mass flux is considered unreliable because it is inconsistent with the negative temperature trend, assuming a mainly adiabatic temperature response at this level (70 hPa) to the changes in upwelling.</p

    A practical method to identify displaced and split stratospheric polar vortex events

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    Extreme variability of the stratospheric polar vortex during winter can manifest as a displaced vortex event or a split vortex event. The influence of this vortex disruption can extend downwards and affect surface weather patterns. In particular, vortex splitting events have been associated with a negative Arctic Oscillation pattern. An assessment of the impacts of climate change on the polar vortex is therefore important, and more climate models now include a wella-resolved stratosphere. To aid this analysis, we introduce a practical thresholda-based method to distinguish between displaced and split vortex events. It requires only geopotential height at 10 hPa to measure the geometry of the vortex using twoa-dimensional moment diagnostics. It captures extremes of vortex variability at least, as well as previous methods when applied to reanalysis data, and has the advantage of being easily employed to analyze climate model simulations. Key Points It is important to distinguish split and displaced vortex events Current methods to do so are not easily-applicable to climate models A new method is easily-applicable and can accurately identify these events ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Shallow-Water Modelling of the Atmospheric Circulation Regimes of Brown Dwarfs and their Observable Features

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    This is the author accepted manuscript.Data availability: The original shallow-water model is available from https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/idealized-spectral-models-quickstart/Observations of time-varying thermal emission from brown dwarfs suggest that they have large-scale atmospheric circulation. The magnitude of this variability ranges from a few percent to tens of percent, implying a range of sizes of atmospheric perturbations. Periodograms of phase curves of the thermal emission reveal a range of peaks with different periods and widths, suggesting different atmospheric flow speeds and directions. This implies a variety of atmospheric circulations in the different brown dwarfs observed to date, but there is no general theoretical understanding of the circulation regimes these objects can support, and the resulting sizes and velocities of their atmospheric features. We therefore use an idealised two-dimensional shallow-water model of a brown dwarf atmosphere to understand their potential large-scale circulation regimes. We non dimensionalise the model to reduce the number of input parameters to two non-dimensional numbers: the thermal Rossby number and the non-dimensional radiative timescale. This allows us to define a parameter space that bounds the entire range of brown dwarf behaviour possible in our model. We analyse the resulting height, velocity, and potential vorticity fields in this parameter space, and simulate observed phase curve and periodograms for comparison with real observations. We use our results to qualitatively define four circulation regimes, which we hope will be useful for interpreting observations and for guiding simulations with more detailed physical models.Christ Church, OxfordScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)Leverhulme TrustUKR

    Skillful Seasonal Prediction of the Southern Annular Mode and Antarctic Ozone

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    Using a set of seasonal hindcast simulations produced by the Met Office Global Seasonal Forecast System, version 5 (GloSea5), significant predictability of the southern annular mode (SAM) is demonstrated during the austral spring. The correlation of the September-November mean SAM with observed values is 0.64, which is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level [confidence interval: (0.18, 0.92)], and is similar to that found recently for the North Atlantic Oscillation in the same system. Significant skill is also found in the prediction of the strength of the Antarctic stratospheric polar vortex at 1 month average lead times. Because of the observed strong correlation between interannual variability in the strength of the Antarctic stratospheric circulation and ozone concentrations, it is possible to make skillful predictions of Antarctic column ozone amounts. By studying the variation of forecast skill with time and height, it is shown that skillful predictions of the SAM are significantly influenced by stratospheric anomalies that descend with time and are coupled with the troposphere. This effect allows skillful statistical forecasts of the October mean SAM to be produced based only on midstratosphere anomalies on 1 August. Together, these results both demonstrate a significant advance in the skill of seasonal forecasts of the Southern Hemisphere and highlight the importance of accurate modeling and observation of the stratosphere in producing long-range forecasts

    Potential vorticity structure of Titan’s polar vortices from Cassini CIRS observations

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    The Cassini mission has provided the best opportunity to date to extensively study the seasonal variation in Titan’s atmosphere, with observations spanning almost half a Titan year (). An important feature in the Titan middle-atmosphere is the formation of a polar vortex. Observations have shown that an initially well-developed northern vortex enriched with trace gas species gradually breaks down after spring equinox as a new vortex emerges in southern winter. Here we use Cassini CIRS observations to derive the temperature and composition of the middle-atmosphere. We use the gradient wind equation to first estimate the mean zonal winds, and then the Potential Vorticity (PV) throughout Titan’s atmosphere over the timespan of the Cassini mission. PV is a useful diagnostic quantity for studying the dynamics of polar vortices because it is materially conserved for adiabatic and frictionless flows, and can be inverted to find all other dynamical fields. Our results show the formation of a strong zonal jet in the winter hemisphere, with wind velocities reaching 220 ms, which is consistent with previous studies. An annular PV structure is also observed over the winter poles, whereby a ring of PV encircles a local minima over the pole. Such distributions are often found to be unstable without a restoring force, yet they are seen here in numerous observations in both the northern and southern hemispheres. A comparison with the annular Martian vortices shows that latent heat release from condensation or subsidence-induced adiabatic heating may explain the origin and stability of the annulus. Finally, we investigate the evolution of the size of the vortices and the role of strong PV gradients as a dynamical mixing barrier for trace gas species across the vortex edge. We find that longer lived gases are less confined to the vortex than those with shorter photochemical lifetimes