225 research outputs found

    Why a dollar depreciation may not close the U.S. trade deficit

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    With the U.S. trade deficit at high levels, many look to a dollar depreciation to curb the U.S. appetite for foreign goods by pushing up the cost of imports. Yet three factors -- the use of the dollar in invoicing U.S. trade, the market share concerns of exporters, and sizable U.S. distribution costs -- could keep U.S. import prices from rising enough to reduce demand significantly. Evidence suggests that a weaker dollar will boost foreign demand for U.S. exports, but this adjustment by itself is unlikely to close the deficit.Imports - Prices ; Dollar, American ; International finance ; International trade ; Balance of trade


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    The purposes of this study are (1) to know the local trees which growing at area before mining operation began and when mining operation by PT. J Resource Bolaang Mongondow has started, (2) to know the kind of local trees which is appropriate with revegetation land, (3) to know technical planning the use of local tree for revegetation gold mine area. This study is use line swath method. This method is as the modification of dual swaths method or track method which with through one or more swaths in the track so that in every line path should have many swaths in some distance. The sampling intensity which use in this study is 10 %. The variables (data) of the study are consists by primary data and secondary data. To collect the data the researcher use a literature study which to collect the first data from many literatures about the analysis of local trees and revegetation land, direct observation, and identify kind of local trees by using work sheet data. The result of the study at the PT. J Resources Bolaang Mongondow Lanut-Site forest area, the researcher have found that (1) 29 species of vegetation tree level with the total number 50 individual trees and vegetation of local trees consist of 8 species and those are Matoa (Pometia pinnata), kitchen wood (Dryobalanops aromatic), Gopasa (Vitex cofassus), Sengon (Albazia moluccana), Benuang (Octomeles sumatrana), Trembesi (Albizia saman), Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana), and Durian (Durio spp). From all of the total number of individual trees which is in 6 swaths examples (plot), (2) it has founded 10 species trees level with the level of dominance (level of mastery) in the vegetation community are: Diangow (Anarcadium Sp), Dongiat/Matoa (Pometia Pinnata), Dau’/Dao (Dracontomelon dao), Toraut/Gopasa (Vitex cofassus), Biluk (Aegle marmefes), Nutmeg (Myristica sp), Dongkat/Stone wood (Irvingia malayana oliv), Atul/Kitchen wood (Dryobalanops aromatic), Tagoy (Laportea sinuate), and tula-tula (Floribundus muel). (3) For the revegetation area planning should be formulated that the revegetation area in gold mine must effective and efficient, because the area with slope and difference contour will have different way to handling (land with 300)


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    This study aims to analyze the socio-economic factors that affect the management of mangrove forests, as well as describe the management of community-based mangrove forests in Kampung Ambong Village, Likupang Timur District, North Minahasa District. This research was conducted for 3 (three) months from August to October 2017. The research used analytical descriptive approach using survey method. Sampling used purposive sampling method. Furthermore, participation analysis used Likert Scale. The survey was conducted to 55 respondents in Desa Kampung Ambong, Likupang Timur Sub-district, North Minahasa District. The results showed that based on the Rank Spearman correlation, socio-economic factors ie education level and membership in organization had enough influenced community participation in mangrove forest management. The participation rate of Kampung Ambong Village community in community-based mangrove forest management is categorized as 47.27%. Mangrove forest management have conducted by community members at Kampong Ambong Village, Likupang Timur Sub-district, North Minahasa District, in the form of rehabilitation which mostly plant Rhyzopora seedlings, as well as mangrove and supervision. This activity was carried out by the Tanjung Asa Forest Farmers Group


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    The purpose of this study is to describe how the characterizations in Tere Liye's novel  About You using Robert Stanton's structuralism analysis. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative that uses the structuralism approach of Robert Stanton. The data in this study are in the form of words and sentences. The descriptive method is used to describe the state of the by describing the things that are the centre of attention that support the object of research. The results of the study are 1) the plot used in the novel about Kamuy, which is a back and forth plot, meaning that in the story there is a flashback to the past and future events. Where is the journey of Zaman which traces the pieces of Sri Ningsih's life story from childhood to the end of her life to find the heirs of the treasure she left behind?   The storyline of the main character started in 2013 when the Zaman got the task of dealing with the Sri Ningsi wealth case 2013. 2) The setting of this novel About You uses various settings in different times and places. The setting places are Landon, Bungin Island, Surakarta, Jakarta, London, and Paris. 3) The characterization of the main character  Sri Ningsih is the main character as a protagonist female and strong character in dealing with problems by showing being smart, great, forgiving, and caring for others


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    This study aims to describe the image of women through the main character in the novel About You by Tere Liye. The collection of data used in this study with a literature review. The data set is data on the image of women in the novel About You. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, because the data in this study are in the form of words. This study uses Naomi Wolf's liberal feminist analysis. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on the Novel About You by Tere Liye, the main character Sri Ningsih displays the image of a tough woman. Through the strength and power displayed by the main character in the novel. The main character shows the power that creates freedom through the strength and power of women, namely intelligence, charm, courage and courage. And, the function of women's power is leadership. All of these things are described by Sri Ningsih who is a tough woman in the novel About You


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    The purpose of the study was to map marginal land to be used as a map of potential clove plantation land in Kakas District, West Kakas District and East Lembean District by using a Geographic Information System (GIS). The research was carried out in 3 sub-districts namely Kakas District, West Kakas District and East Lembean District using satellite imagery, physical observations and by using drones in the field to see areas of marginal land that have the potential to be used as clove plantations. GIS analysis was carried out for 3 months (June – August 2020). The results showed that there is an area of 623,9 hectares that can be used as land for planting cloves in Kakas District, West Kakas District and East Lembean District. With the use of GIS, the community and the government can optimize the marginal land in the 3 sub-districts to be planted so that marginal land can produce

    Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis Kawasan Peruntukan Pertambangan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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    This qualitative study was analyzed using semi-detailed method is based on the assessment of data and information that is more accurate, can be quantitative. Primary data was collected through interviews with the stakeholders starting from the government officials, the academics and community leaders to get information about important issues emerging in Bolaang Mongondow. Secondary data collected from various government agencies and institutions or personnel associated with the research. The results showed that the mining activities in BolaangMongondow both for exploration and exploitation cause negative impacts by 50%. Starting from the conversion of land that have growing increasingly by time which can certainly bring problems in the future. The implication of uncontrolled agricultural land conversion can threaten food supply capacity and even in the long term can cause social harm. The mining activities, plantation and cultivation will lead to fragmentation of forest landscapes. Forest fragmentation will cause the forest to be smaller in which to live for animals and resulted in less food available for wildlife. There are 6 rivers in Bolaang Mongondow indicated that some parameters that are already above the value of standard quality. They are River Toraut located in the Sub-district of West Dumoga, Totabuan River, Tombolango River located in the Lolak Sub-district, upstream and downstream sections of Wineru River and Nonapan River located in Poigar Sub-District. In addition, natural disasters often occur in Bolaang Mongondow including floods and landslides. This natural disaster resulted in tremendous losses for the community. This study concludes that need to enactment of Regions to regulate mining activities in the area. And also there are should be intensive supervision from the institution concerned. The most important thing is also necessary accomplishment of an alternative control strategies are based on community participation

    Peningkatan Sulforafan Brokoli (Brassica Oleraceae L. Var Italica) Dengan Modifikasi Media Pada Kultur Jaringan

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode percobaan rancangan faktorial dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan metionin 3 taraf, yaitu 0 ppm (M0), 10 ppm (M10), 20 ppm (M20), dan ekstrak benih brokoli dengan 4 taraf, yaitu 0 g/l (E0), 1 g/l (E1), 2 g/l (E2), 3 g/l (E3), yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Variabel yang diamati terdiri dari jumlah tunas, berat basah tunas, tinggi tunas, jumlah daun, dan kandungan sulforafan. Data diuji dengan analisis sidik ragam, dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan metionin memberi pengaruh yang nyata untuk variabel jumlah tunas, tinggi tunas, dan jumlah daun; dan berpengaruh yang sangat nyata untuk variabel berat basah tunas dan kandungan sulforafan. Perlakuan ekstrak benih brokoli tidak memberi pengaruh yang nyata pada variabel jumlah tunas, berat basah tunas, tinggi tunas, dan jumlah daun; berpengaruh yang sangat nyata untuk variabel kandungan sulforafan. Kombinasi perlakuan metionin dan ekstrak benih brokoli berpengaruh yang nyata pada variabel jumlah tunas, berpengaruh yang sangat nyata pada variabel kandungan sulforafan, dan tidak berpengaruh yang nyata pada variabel berat basah tunas, tinggi tunas, dan jumlah daun. Kandungan sulforafan tertinggi dicapai pada kombinasi perlakuan metionin 10 ppm dengan 3 gram ekstrak benih (M10E3).This research was using factorial design in complete random design with three level methionine there was 0 ppm (M0), 10 ppm (M10), 20 ppm (M20) and four level extract brocoli seeds, was 0 g/l (E0), 1 g/l (E1), 2 g/l (E2), and 3 g/l (E3), become 12 treatment combinations with 3 replicated. The variable that was observed are the total of shoot, wet weight of shoot, the shoot length, total leave, and the sulphoraphane content. The data was examine with analyze of varians and continue with LSD (Least Significant Difference). The result of this research shown that application of methionine have significance to the total shoot, shoot length, and total leave; more significance to wet weight shoot and sulphoraphane content. Application of extract seeds was non significant to the total shoot, wet weight shoot, shoot length, an total leave; more significant to sulphoraphane content. Application combination of methionine and extract seeds of brocoli was significant to the total shoot, more significant to sulphoraphane content, and non significant to wet weight shoot, shoot length, and total leave. The high sulphoraphane amount was in the application of methionine 10 ppm and 3 g/l seed extract (M10E3)

    Analisis Perubahan Tutupan Lahan DAS Tondano, Sulawesi Utara Selama Periode Tahun 2002 Dan 2015

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    Monitoring land cover change is important to be done in order to understand changing mechanism and to model impacts of the change to environment and ecosystem in different scale. Research on change detection of the Tondano watershed for the period of 1989-1999 showed that the land cover has changed due to agricultural activity and urbanization (Prenzel, et al, 2006). Land cover change of the Tondano Watershed contributed to the flooding and landslide disasters in Minahasa and Manado in the early of 2014. This research was conducted to compare land cover of the Tondano Watershed between the period of 2002 and 2015 using remote sensing data and Geographical Information System (GIS). Change detection method, post classification comparison was used to gather information on land cover change in the Tondano Watershed. Results showed that there was a significant change in the land cover within thirteen years. There was a decrease of forest, paddy field and volcano areas and an increase of agriculture, residential and water body areas. Forest has been converted to dry land agriculture; paddy field area has been converted to agriculture and residential areas. An increase of residential area was caused by conversion of agricultural and paddy field areas located nearby Manado City


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    This research aims to (1) identify and review strategic priority issues of tourism in Bolaang Mongondow Regency, (2) identify, assess and analyze the impact of RTRW Program of tourism designation in BolaangMongondow Regency on the environment, (3) review efforts to minimize the negative impact that will occur as a result of the implementation of the Program in the area of tourism designation in Bolaang Mongondow District. The research was conducted in Bolaang Mongondow Regency of North Sulawesi Province, from September to October 2017. This research uses purposive sampling method with semi-detailed method based on field observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and key informant interview. Sources of data obtained are: primary data through interviews with key informants and implementation of Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Research results show that 1) The priority strategic issues of the tourism designation area in Bolaang Mongondow District are biodiversity,waste, distruption of security and comfort, Increasing prosperity, Damage of mangrove and coral reefs. (2) The positive impact is the increase of people's welfare with the business opportunities around the tourism area. Negative impacts caused by the implementation of the tourism area programming program in Bolaang Mongondow District are biodiversity, waste, disruption of security and comfort, mangrove damage and coral reefs. (3) Mitigation efforts to minimize negative impacts are making local regulations on the protection of biodiversity around the tourism area, preparing shelters and processing solid and liquid waste from tourism activities, preparing security officers and disaster management team teams around the tourism area, local regulations as a limiting factor of diving and coastal tourism activities to minimize mangrove and coral reef damage
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