65 research outputs found

    TcOPT3, a Member of Oligopeptide Transporters from the Hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens, Is a Novel Fe/Zn/Cd/Cu Transporter

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    BACKGROUND: Thlaspi caerulescens is a natural selected heavy metal hyperaccumulator that can not only tolerate but also accumulate extremely high levels of heavy metals in the shoots. Thus, to identify the transportors involved in metal long-distance transportation is very important for understanding the mechanism of heavy metal accumulation in this hyperaccumulator. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We cloned and characterized a novel gene TcOPT3 of OPT family from T. caerulescens. TcOPT3 was pronouncedly expressed in aerial parts, including stem and leaf. Moreover, in situ hybridization analyses showed that TcOPT3 expressed in the plant vascular systems, especially in the pericycle cells that may be involved in the long-distance transportation. The expression of TcOPT3 was highly induced by iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) deficiency, especially in the stem and leaf. Sub-cellular localization showed that TcOPT3 was a plasma membrane-localized protein. Furthermore, heterogonous expression of TcOPT3 by mutant yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) complementation experiments demonstrated that TcOPT3 could transport Fe(2+) and Zn(2+). Moreover, expression of TcOPT3 in yeast increased metal (Fe, Zn, Cu and Cd) accumulation and resulted in an increased sensitivity to cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu). CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrated that TcOPT3 might encode an Fe/Zn/Cd/Cu influx transporter with broad-substrate. This is the first report showing that TcOPT3 may be involved in metal long-distance transportation and contribute to the heavy metal hyperaccumulation

    Nitrogen acquisition by roots: physiological and developmental mechanisms ensuring plant adaptation to a fluctuating resource

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    Uptake and apoplastic retention of EDTA- and phytosiderophore-chelated chromium(III) in maize

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    Increasing the mobilization and root uptake of chromium (Cr) by synthetic and plant-borne chelators might be relevant for the design of phytoremediation strategies on Cr-contaminated sites. Short-term uptake studies in maize roots supplied with 51CrCl3 or 51Cr(III)-EDTA led to higher apoplastic Cr contents in plant roots supplied with 51CrCl3 and in Fe-sufficient plants relative to Fe-deficient plants, indicating that Fe stimulated co-precipitation of Cr. Concentration-dependent retention of Cr in a methanol:chloroform-treated cell-wall fraction was still saturable and in agreement with the predicted tendency of Cr(III) to precipitate as Cr(OH)3. To investigate a possible stimulation of Cr(III) uptake by phytosiderophores, Fe-deficient maize roots were exposed for 6 d to Cr(III)-EDTA or Cr(III)-DMA (2'- deoxymugineic acid). Relative to plants without Cr supply, the supply of both chelated Cr species in a subtoxic concentration of 1 µM resulted in alleviation of Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis and higher Cr accumulation. Long-term Cr accumulation from Cr(III)-DMA was similar to that from Cr(III)-EDTA, and Cr uptake from both chelates was not altered in the maize mutant ys1, which is defective in metal-phytosiderophore uptake. We therefore conclude that phytosiderophores increase Cr solubility similar to synthetic chelators like EDTA, but do not additionally contribute to Cr(III) uptake from Cr-contaminated sites. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
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