2,052 research outputs found

    Secure certification of mixed quantum states with application to two-party randomness generation

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    We investigate sampling procedures that certify that an arbitrary quantum state on nn subsystems is close to an ideal mixed state φ⊗n\varphi^{\otimes n} for a given reference state φ\varphi, up to errors on a few positions. This task makes no sense classically: it would correspond to certifying that a given bitstring was generated according to some desired probability distribution. However, in the quantum case, this is possible if one has access to a prover who can supply a purification of the mixed state. In this work, we introduce the concept of mixed-state certification, and we show that a natural sampling protocol offers secure certification in the presence of a possibly dishonest prover: if the verifier accepts then he can be almost certain that the state in question has been correctly prepared, up to a small number of errors. We then apply this result to two-party quantum coin-tossing. Given that strong coin tossing is impossible, it is natural to ask "how close can we get". This question has been well studied and is nowadays well understood from the perspective of the bias of individual coin tosses. We approach and answer this question from a different---and somewhat orthogonal---perspective, where we do not look at individual coin tosses but at the global entropy instead. We show how two distrusting parties can produce a common high-entropy source, where the entropy is an arbitrarily small fraction below the maximum (except with negligible probability)

    The molecular basis of protein toxin HicA-dependent binding of the protein antitoxin HicB to DNA

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Experimental SAXS data and derived models of both HicB4 and HicAB4 have been deposited in the Small Angle Scattering Biological Data Bank (SASBDB) under the accession codes SASDD45 and SASDD55.Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are present in many bacteria and play important roles in bacterial growth, physiology, and pathogenicity. Those that are best studied are the type II TA systems, in which both toxins and antitoxins are proteins. The HicAB system is one of the prototypic TA systems, found in many bacterial species. Complex interactions between the protein toxin (HicA), the protein antitoxin (HicB), and the DNA upstream of the encoding genes regulate the activity of this system, but few structural details are available about how HicA destabilizes the HicB-DNA complex. Here, we determined the X-ray structures of HicB and the HicAB complex to 1.8 and 2.5 Ă… resolution respectively and characterized their DNA interactions. This revealed that HicB forms a tetramer and HicA and HicB form a hetero-octameric complex that involves structural reorganization of the C-terminal (DNA-binding) region of HicB. Our observations indicated that HicA has a profound impact on binding of HicB to DNA sequences upstream of hicAB in a stoichiometric-dependent way. At low ratios of HicA:HicB, there was no effect on DNA binding, but at higher ratios, the affinity for DNA declined cooperatively, driving dissociation of the HicA:HicB:DNA complex.These results reveal the structural mechanisms by which HicA de-represses the HicB-DNA complex.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC

    Secure certification of mixed quantum states with application to two-party randomness generation

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    We investigate sampling procedures that certify that an arbitrary quantum state on n subsystems is close to an ideal mixed state ⊗ for a given reference state , up to errors on a few positions. This task makes no sense classically: it would correspond to certifying that a given bitstring was generated according to some desired probability distribution. However, in the quantum case, this is possible if one has access to a prover who can supply a purification of the mixed state. In this work, we introduce the concept of mixed-state certification, and we show that a natural sampling protocol offers secure certification in the presence of a possibly dishonest prover: if the verifier accepts then he can be almost certain that the state in question has been correctly prepared, up to a small number of errors. We then apply this result to two-party quantum coin-tossing. Given that strong coin tossing is impossible, it is natural to ask “how close can we get”. This question has been well studied and is nowadays well understood from the perspective of the bias of individual coin tosses. We approach and answer this question from a different—and somewhat orthogonal—perspective, where we do not look at individual coin tosses but at the global entropy instead. We show how two distrusting parties can produce a common high-entropy source, where the entropy is an arbitrarily small fraction below the maximum

    Constitutive basal and stimulated human small bowel contractility is enhanced in obesity

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    Small bowel contractility may be more prominent in obese subjects, such that there is enhanced nutrient absorption and hunger stimulation. However, there is little evidence to support this. This study examined in vitro small bowel contractility in obese patients versus non-obese patients

    Shunting operations at flat yards : retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks

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    In this paper, we study the railcar retrieval problem (RRT) where specified numbers of certain types of railcars have to be withdrawn from the storage tracks of a flat yard. This task arises in the daily operations of workshop yards for railcar maintenance. The objective is to minimize the total cost of shunting via methods such as minimizing the usage of shunting engines. We describe the RRT formally, present a mixed-integer program formulation, and prove the general case to be NP-hard. For some special cases, exact algorithms with polynomial runtimes are proposed. We also analyze several intuitive heuristic solution approaches motivated by observed real-world planning routines. We evaluate their average performances in simulations with different scenarios and provide their worst-case performance guarantee. We show that although the analyzed heuristics result in much better solutions than the naive planning approach, they are still on average 30%-50% from the optimal objective value and may result in up to 14 times higher costs in the worst case. Therefore, we conclude that optimization should be implemented in practice in order to save valuable resources. Furthermore, we analyze the impacts of yard layout and the widespread organizational routine of presorting on the railcar retrieval cost

    Metatarsophalangeal joint function during sprinting: A comparison of barefoot and sprint spike shod foot conditions

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    This is the authors' post print as accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Biomechanics. The published version is available at http://journals.humankinetics.com/jabThe metatarsophalangeal joint is an important contributor to lower limb energetics during sprint running. This study compared the kinematics, kinetics and energetics of the metatarsophalangeal joint during sprinting barefoot and wearing standardised sprint spikes. The aim of this investigation was to determine whether standard sprinting footwear alters the natural motion and function of the metatatarsophalangeal joint exhibited during barefoot sprint running. Eight trained sprinters performed maximal sprints along a runway, four sprints in each condition. Three dimensional high speed (1000 Hz) kinematic and kinetic data were collected at the 20 m point. Joint angle, angular velocity, moment, power and energy were calculated for the metatarsophalangeal joint. Sprint spikes significantly increase sprinting velocity (0.3 m/s average increase), yet limit the range of motion about the metatarsophalangeal joint (17.9 % average reduction) and reduce peak dorsiflexion velocity (25.5 % average reduction), thus exhibiting a controlling affect over the natural behaviour of the foot. However, sprint spikes improve metatarsophalangeal joint kinetics by significantly increasing the peak metatarsophalangeal joint moment (15 % average increase) and total energy generated during the important push-off phase (0.5 J to 1.4 J). The results demonstrate substantial changes in metatarsophalangeal function and potential improvements in performance-related parameters due to footwear

    Mobile health in adults with congenital heart disease: Current use and future needs

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    Objective Many adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) are affected lifelong by cardiac events, particularly arrhythmias and heart failure. Despite the care provided, the cardiac event rate remains high. Mobile health (mHealth) brings opportunities to enhance daily monitoring and hence timely response in an attempt to improve outcome. However, it is not known if adults with CHD are currently using mHealth and what type of mHealth they may need in the near future. Methods Consecutive adult patients with CHD who visited the outpatient clinic at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam were asked to fill out questionnaires. Exclusion criteria for this study were mental impairment or inability to read and write Dutch. Results All 118 patients participated (median age 40 (range 18–78) years, 40 % male, 49 % symptomatic) and 92 % owned a smartphone. Whereas only a small minority (14 %) of patients used mHealth, the large majority (75 %) were willing to start. Most patients wanted to use mHealth in order to receive more information on physical health, and advice on progression of symptoms or signs of deterioration. Analyses on age, gender and complexity of defect showed significantly less current smartphone usage at older age, but no difference in interest or preferences in type of mHealth application for the near future. Conclusion The relatively young adult CHD population only rarely uses mHealth, but the majority are motivated to start using mHealth. New mHealth initiatives are required in these patients with a chronic condition who need lifelong surveillance in order to reveal if a reduction in morbidity and mortality and improvement in quality of life can be achieved
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