1,878 research outputs found

    Digital frequency counter permits readout without disturbing counting process

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    Digital frequency counter system enables readout accurately at one-second intervals without interrupting or disturbing the counting process. The system incorporates a master counter and a slave counter with novel logic interconnections. The counter can be readily adapted to provide frequency readouts at 0.1 second intervals

    Digital-to-analog converter operates from low level inputs

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    Circuit controls a voltage controlled oscillator from computer output binary data representing a rate at which the oscillator is to change. It operates with low level output devices such as integrated circuit registers and devices with somewhat variable output levels

    Controlled oscillator system with a time dependent output frequency

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    A controlled oscillator system is presented for providing an output with a frequency which changes with respect to time and with a phase which is within established phase error limits. The system includes a frequency synthesizer with a symmetrical search oscillator, capable of tuning the output with a range of + or - 100 Hz about any fixed frequency to which the synthesizer is set. For a tuning range of 200 Hz (+ or - 100 Hz) an expanded search oscillator output of a frequency range of 4 MHz (from 1 MHz to 5 MHz) is provided. A counter counts continuously the expanded output cycles and at each of fixed sampling intervals, for every 0.1 second, the count or number accumulated in the counter is read out. The sample number is compared with a theoretical number which should be present in the counter at the particular sampling instant for proper synthesizer's output frequency and phase

    Minicomputer-controlled frequency generator

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    Extremely-accurate and low-phase-noise frequency generator varies oscillator frequency as predetermined function of time. System could be used: (a) to automatically vary transmission frequencies in accordance with seasonal and diurnal changes in ionospheric conditions, (b) as automatic tuner for heterodyne receivers, or (c) as control element for phase-locked telemetry receivers

    Noninterruptable digital counting system Patent

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    Noninterruptable digital counter circuit design with display device for pulse frequency modulatio

    Baseband signal combiner for large aperture antenna array

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    The invention provides a means whereby the baseband output signals of all but one of the receivers associated with each of the antennas are summed and used as a correlation reference for the baseband signal not contained in the summed signal, thereby providing a plurality of correlation or alignment loops, each having an output signal related to the phase difference between its input baseband signal and the summed signal. The invention further provides a means for subtracting an output or error signal generated in one of the correlation loops whose baseband signal has a predetermined phase delay from all the other alignment loops, thereby avoiding interaction and reflection effects in the signal combiner. A variable phase delay means for each of the other baseband signals is controlled by its corresponding correlation loop


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    A Form of Birthing

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    Risk factors associated with the development of preeclampsia in adolescents

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