8 research outputs found
Mahkamah Kehormatan Dewan (MKD) merupakan lembaga penegak kode etik DPR. MKD menghentikan persidangan dengan menerima surat pengunduran diri Setya Novanto sebagai ketua DPR sebelum diputuskan. Pasal 2 ayat (3) huruf h Peraturan DPR Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Tata Beracara Mahkamah Kehormatan Dewan (Peraturan DPR No. 2/2015) memberi kewenangan kepada MKD untuk menghentikan proses pemeriksaan perkara dalam setiap persidangan. Sementara itu, MKD menghentikan persidangan karena pengunduran diri diatur dalam Pasal 127 huruf b Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014 tentang MPR, DPR, DPD, dan DPRD (UU MD3). Pasal tersebut tidak dijelaskan lebih rinci tentang makna “mengundurkan diri”, yang mengindikasikan terjadi kekaburan norma yang menyebabkan multitafsir dalam pelaksanaannya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menjawab isu hukum adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan konseptual. Bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Metode analisis bahan hukum adalah secara preskriptif, dan untuk menjawab isu hukum digunakan analisis berdasarkan kewenanangan, prosedur, dan substansi, serta metode interpretasi hukum. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa MKD tidak dapat menghentikan persidangan, karena tidak sesuai dengan maksud Pasal 127 huruf b UU MD3 tentang makna mengundurkan diri yang diartikan sebagai mengundurkan diri dari anggota DPR. Selain itu, menghentikan persidangan kode etik berdasarkan pengunduran diri Setya Novanto bukan wewenang MKD lagi, karena berdasarkan subjectum litis kode etik DPR hanya berlaku bagi anggota DPR, tidak ada kaitannya dengan Alat Kelengkapan DPR. Implikasi hukumnya adalah tidak adanya putusan yang menentukan masuk dalam kategori apa sanksi yang dijatuhkan, maka Setya Novanto dapat leluasa menduduki posisi lain di Alat Kelengkapan DPR. seperti menjadi ketua F-Golkar hingga menjadi ketua DPR lagi. Saran, MKD harus bijaksana, menjunjung prinsip independensi, transparansi, dan imparsialitas dalam mengadili suatu kasus.Setya Novanto yang berulang kali melanggar kode etik sudah sepantasnya diberhentikan sebagai ketua DPR.
Kata Kunci : Mengundurkan diri, Kode Etik, Mahkamah Kehormatan Dewa
Agus Winanto, 49124648.T, 2017 ”The importance of the implementation of Saturday Routine to support the safety crew in MV. Egs Wave with FTA Method”,Program Diploma IV, Technical, Mercant Marine Politechnic of Semarang, Supervisor I: Mr. Abdi Seno, M.Si., M.Mar.E, and Supervisor II: Mr. Tony Santiko, S.ST., M.Si.
Saturday routine is a planned maintenance routine or schedule followed in the ship. In this routine, all the machinery and important control systems are maintained as per the routine chart .This is carried out for safe operation of the ship and this maintenance schedule will be inspected by the surveyor and by the port state control officers who visit the ships to carry out such inspection. If this planned maintenance schedule is found to have unaccounted for delays, or have not been carried out properly, the surveyor can even detain the ship in port. The research was conducted during the writers implementing the practice of the sea in ships MV. Egs Wave. Source of the data obtained are primary data obtained directly from the research and secondary data obtained from the literature relating to the title of the thesis. The method used is to collect fault tree analysis method. It can help us find out the root problem with the fault tree and the basic way of logical thinking to help us determine the basis of the problem itself. The author collect data through observation, documentation and literature. The reason why saturday routine activities inconsistent done in MV. Egs Wave is the weather that occurs in the ocean and the many activities onboard and the impact is machinist who will perform maintenance and checks on safety equipment, are not allowed because the weather is dangerous and can threaten their safety and other impacts are many preoccupations machinist who lead time required to perform saturday routine activities disrupted. As well as the efforts made to keep such activity still done is to conduct saturday routine at the moment not much activity on the ship and the effort that others are conducting saturday routine gradually so that these activities can walk normally.
Keywords: Saturday routine, Safety, Fault tree
The importance of the implementation of Saturday Routine to support the safety crew in MV. Egs Wave with FTA Method
Agus Winanto, 49124648.T, 2017 ”The importance of the implementation of Saturday Routine to support the safety crew in MV. Egs Wave with FTA Method”,Program Diploma IV, Technical, Mercant Marine Politechnic of Semarang, Supervisor I: Mr. Abdi Seno, M.Si., M.Mar.E, and Supervisor II: Mr. Tony Santiko, S.ST., M.Si.
Saturday routine is a planned maintenance routine or schedule followed in the ship. In this routine, all the machinery and important control systems are maintained as per the routine chart .This is carried out for safe operation of the ship and this maintenance schedule will be inspected by the surveyor and by the port state control officers who visit the ships to carry out such inspection. If this planned maintenance schedule is found to have unaccounted for delays, or have not been carried out properly, the surveyor can even detain the ship in port. The research was conducted during the writers implementing the practice of the sea in ships MV. Egs Wave. Source of the data obtained are primary data obtained directly from the research and secondary data obtained from the literature relating to the title of the thesis. The method used is to collect fault tree analysis method. It can help us find out the root problem with the fault tree and the basic way of logical thinking to help us determine the basis of the problem itself. The author collect data through observation, documentation and literature. The reason why saturday routine activities inconsistent done in MV. Egs Wave is the weather that occurs in the ocean and the many activities onboard and the impact is machinist who will perform maintenance and checks on safety equipment, are not allowed because the weather is dangerous and can threaten their safety and other impacts are many preoccupations machinist who lead time required to perform saturday routine activities disrupted. As well as the efforts made to keep such activity still done is to conduct saturday routine at the moment not much activity on the ship and the effort that others are conducting saturday routine gradually so that these activities can walk normally.
Keywords: Saturday routine, Safety, Fault tree
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the Agricultural Extension Activities in Regional Autonomy And The Benefits Of Agricultural Extension Activities For Farmers In Tugumulyo District, Musi Rawas District. This research was carried out in the Tugumulyo sub-district, Musi Rawas regency in May 2019 until July 2019. The research method used was a case study. The sampling method used was purposive sampling and random sampling methods. The data collection methods used in this study are in-depth interviews with respondents who have been determined using questioner tools that have been prepared previously. Data processing and analysis is done using descriptive-qualitative methods. The results of the study showed that the implementation of the extension program in 2018 in the subdistrict of Tugumulyo had run well and smoothly and the implementation of agricultural extension conducted by agricultural extension workers was in accordance with existing guidelines. And the benefits that can be obtained by farmers from the extension activities are increasing knowledge for farmers, being able to control pests correctly, getting assistance in the form of Saprodi and Alsintan and increasing production and the level of technology adoption that is getting better