6 research outputs found

    Meta-analysis of the association between preterm delivery and intelligence

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    <p>Background An increasing proportion of infants are born preterm, and their survival has improved. Therefore, their long-term sequelae</p> <p>Methods We conducted a systematic review covering a 30 year period (1980–2009). A random effects meta-analysis provided a pooled estimate of the difference in IQ score between individuals born preterm and term. Small-study bias was examined using a funnel plot and Egger's test, and meta-regression was used to investigate possible causes of heterogeneity. Cumulative meta-analysis was used to determine if the magnitude of the association had changed over time.</p> <p>Results The 27 eligible studies covered 7044 individuals; 3504 (50%) delivered preterm and 3540 (50%) at term. They provided 37 estimates of difference in IQ. All demonstrated a reduced IQ among those delivered preterm and all but four reached statistical significance. Overall, IQ score was 11.94 (95% CI: 10.47–13.42, P < 0.001) points lower among children born preterm. There was moderate heterogeneity (overall I2 74.2%, P < 0.001), but no significant small-study bias (P = 0.524). The association between preterm delivery and IQ did not change significantly over time. There was a statistically significant, linear association across the gestational age range (adjusted coefficient: −0.91, 95% CI: −1.64, −0.17, P = 0.018).</p> <p>Conclusions There is a strong and consistent body of evidence suggesting an association between preterm delivery and reduced IQ, with evidence of a dose–response relationship with gestational age.</p&gt

    Substratos na produção hidropônica de mudas de hortelã Mint seedlings assessment of different substrates in hydroponic cultivation

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    O crescimento normal e a formação de plantas com qualidade comercial dependem da produção de boas mudas e para isso, faz-se necessário o uso de um substrato adequado à espécie. A hidroponia mostra-se uma técnica promissora em virtude das vantagens que esse método apresenta: economia de substrato, produção de mudas com alto índice de pegamento e de qualidade. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (RS.) com objetivo de avaliar o efeito de substratos (sem substrato, substrato espuma fenólica e substrato organo-mineral), para produção de mudas de hortelã (Mentha x villosa) em cultivo hidropônico através do método de propagação vegetativa por estaquia. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e 20 repetições, usando-se uma planta por repetição. As variáveis analisadas foram: número de folhas e altura de planta aos 7; 14; 21 e 28 dias após o transplante, e fitomassa seca e fresca 35 dias após o transplante. O substrato espuma fenólica apresentou os melhores resultados na produção de fitomassa fresca (2,65 g planta-1) e seca (0,23 g planta¹). Para as demais variáveis analisadas os substratos espuma fenólica e organo-mineral não diferiram significativamente entre si, mas foram superiores ao tratamento sem substrato (direto em solução).<br>The normal growth and the formation of plants with quality for commercialization depends on good seedlings production. The right substrate has to be used. Hydroponic cultivation holds certain advantages: saving substrate, resulting in good establishment of the crop and quality of seedlings production. The experiment was carried out at the University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The effect of substrates (without substrate, phenolic foam substrate and organicmineral substrates) was determined on the production of mint (Mentha x villosa) transplants by cuttings vegetable methods in hydroponics. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with three treatments and 20 replications, one plant being used in each repetition. We evaluated: height and number of leaves at 7; 14; 21 and 28 days after the transplant. Fresh and dry matter weight 35 days after transplant were also analyzed. The phenolic foam substrate showed the best results in relation to the production of fresh and dry matter. Phenolic foam and the organicmineral substrates were not significantly different, but were significantly superior to the treatment (direct in solution) without substrate

    Propriedades químicas e físicas de substratos de origem mineral e orgânica para o cultivo de mudas em recipientes Physical and chemical properties of substrats with mineral and organic origin for growth of potted plants

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    Realizou-se a caracterização química e física de cinco materiais [solo, areia, turfa SCv, casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC) e resíduo decomposto de casca de acácia (RDCA)] e de algumas de suas misturas [solo + areia (1:1), solo + areia + CAC (1:1:1), solo + areia + RDCA (1:1:1), turfa SCv + CAC (2:1), turva SCv + RDCA (2:1)] para verificar quais deles podem melhor adequar-se ao uso como substratos para produção de mudas frutíferas e de flores em recipientes. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: pH em água (pH), teor total de sais solúveis (TTSS), capacidade de troca de cátions (CTC), teor de carbono orgânico (Corg.),. densidade seca (DS), porosidade total (PT), espaço de aeração (EA), água disponível (AD), água remanescente (AR) e distribuição do tamanho de partículas. O substrato turfa SCv + RDCA apresentou características químicas e físicas superiores para o uso hortícola.<br>Physical and chemical characterizations were done for five materials [soil, sand, peat SCv, carbonized rice husk (CRH) and decomposed acacia (Acacia mearnsii) bark after tannin extraction (DAB)] and some of their mixtures [soil + sand (1:1), soil + sand + CRH (1:1:1), soil + sand + DAB (1:1:1), peat + CRH (2:1), peat + DAB (2:1)], trying to identify which of them could be used as growing substrates for potted fruit and flower plant crops. The following properties were analyzed: water pH, salinity, cation extange capacity (CEC), organic carbon levels, dry density, total porosity, air space, available water, remaining water and particles distribution. The growing media "peat SCv + DAB" showed upper chemical and physical properties for the horticultural purposes defined

    Enraizamento de estacas de Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Parl. em cinco substratos com uso de ácido indolbutírico Rooting of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Parl. cuttings with indolbutyric acid in five media

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    Com o objetivo de determinar o melhor substrato disponível na região para o enraizamento de estacas de Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Parl., utilizaram-se os substratos vermiculita fina, casca de arroz carbonizada, areia e as misturas casca de arroz carbonizada + vermiculita fina e areia + vermiculita fina (1:1 v/v). O experimento foi realizado em estufa do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel/Universidade Federal de Pelotas, no período de maio a setembro de 1997, sob nebulização intermitente. Foram empregadas estacas apicais com 15cm de comprimento, submetidas ao tratamento com ácido indolbutírico (AIB) na concentração de 10.000ppm. Foram efetuadas as seguintes avaliações: número de raízes por estaca, peso da matéria seca das raízes, comprimento da maior raiz por estaca e percentual de estacas enraizadas. Os resultados mostraram que dos substratos testados e com a concentração de AIB utilizada, a vermiculita fina apresentou os melhores resultados, com 99% das estacas enraizadas, maior número raízes por estaca (15), maior comprimento de raiz (12cm) e maior peso da matéria seca das raízes (0,04g).<br>To determine the best medium available in Pelotas, RS, for rooting of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Parl. cuttings, the media fine vermiculite, carbonized rice hull, sand, carbonized rice hull + fine vermiculite and sand + fine vermiculite (1:1 v/v) were used. This experiment was carried out in a glass greenhouse with intermitent mist at the Plant Science Department of Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel/Universidade Federal de Pelotas, from May to September 1997. Apical cuttings 15cm long were treated with indolbutyric acid (IBA) at 10.000ppm. The following evaluations were made: number of roots per cutting, weight of root dry matter, length of the longest root per cutting, and rooted cutting percentage. The results show that the vermiculite medium, with the IBA concentration utilized, is the most suitable for the rooting of C. lawsoniana cuttings, with 99% of rooting, greater number of roots per cutting (15), greater length of roots (12cm) and greater weight of root dry matter (0.04g)

    Flexible Sojourning in the Era of Globalization: Cross-border Population Mobility in the Hong Kong-Guangdong Border Region

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    This study of cross-border population mobility in the Hong Kong-Guangdong region adopts a humanistic and disaggregate approach to analyzing how ordinary and sometimes underrepresented people, such as housewives, workers, low-income households and elderly retirees, have engaged in border-crossing as a personal strategy to actively negotiate with the reproduction of regional asymmetry in the era of uneven globalization. Flexible sojourning across the border has long been pursued by the local population in this region as a means of survival during natural catastrophes, economic downturns, wars and political turmoil. Cross-border population mobility has acquired a new momentum in recent years subsequent to the uneven economic and social changes on the two sides of the border. The border-crossers are, seemingly, a uniform group of people whose travel behavior does not deviate from the expectation of conventional wisdom. However, a closer analysis reveals significant differences among the border-crossers. Four main types of border-crossers are identified: shoppers, workers, homebuyers and elderly retirees. Each type demonstrates distinct patterns of border-crossing and makes the trip out of different considerations. Border-crossing has different meanings to people of different social identities. Cross-border mobility can be and has been used by different kinds of people in different ways as a personal strategy to take on the challenges of structural changes at home and across the border. The article calls for an extension of border studies beyond the existing emphasis on border functioning, nation-states and regional development toward examining more seriously and carefully the ordinary people who are involved in border-crossing as a practice of their everyday life. © Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005.link_to_subscribed_fulltex