4,668 research outputs found

    Sandstone Pore Aspect Ratio Spectra from Direct Observations and Velocity Inversion

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    Measurements of pore shapes from Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images for three sandstone samples (the Navajo Sandstone, the Weber Sandstone, and the Kayenta Sandstone) are compared to the aspect ratio spectra obtained from inverting laboratory velocity versus pressure data using the method of Cheng and Toksoz (1979). The results indicate that the inversion method is in very good agreement with the observations at high aspect ratios ( ex > 0.0 1). At low aspect ratios the agreement is very good for the clean Navajo Sandstone sample, but poor for the Weber and Kayenta samples which contain clay. The Navajo sample is composed chiefly of quartz with significant pressure dissolution apparent along grain contacts resulting in smooth, flat cracks between grains. The Weber and Kayenta samples have rougher crack surfaces as well as tapered pore edges, indicating that asperities ,and non-elliptical pore shapes may result in an over estimation of low aspect ratio cracks by velocity inversion. The presence of degraded feldspars may also play a role.Phillips Petroleum Fellowshi

    Determining Shear Wave Velocities in Soft Marine Sediments

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    The inversion technique presented in this volume (Cheng, 1987) that simultaneously inverts full waveform acoustic logs for shear wave velocity (V[subscript 3]) and compressional wave attenuation (Q[subscript p]) was applied to selected full waveform acoustic logs taken in soft sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 613. Besides V[subscript 3] and Q[subscript p], the sensitivity of the inversion to perturbations in the fixed parameters, P-wave velocity (V[subscript p]), fluid velocity (V[[subscript f]), borehole diameter, bulk density (P[subscript b]), and borehole fluid attenuation (Q[subscript f]), were tested. Our study shows that the inversion technique is most sensitive to the estimate of V[subscript p] because the inversion is based on the P leaky mode energy portion of the spectrum. The Poisson's ratio, however, which primarily controls the amplitude of the waveforms, is rather stable with different estimates in V[subscript p]. The inversion technique is less sensitive to small perturbations in borehole diameter, P[subscript b], V[subscript f], and Q[subscript f] The shear wave velocities inferred from these inversions correlate well with the attendant velocity logs run at Site 613 and the diagenetic changes identified by shipboard stratigraphers. For example, there is an increase in both V[subscript p] and V[subscript 3] at the diagenetic boundary between siliceous nannofossil oozes and porcellanite. This boundary is responsible for a sharp seismic reflector in a USGS. seismic line run nearby. Over the depth interval that we analyzed, from 390.0 to 582.0 meters below sea floor, we determined shear wave velocities ranging from 0.74 to 1.06 km/sec corresponding to compressional wave velocities from 1.70 to 2.20 km/sec.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Full Waveform Acoustic Logging ConsortiumNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE84-08761)Chevron (Fellowship

    Evaluation And Prediction Of Shear Wave Velocities In Soft Marine Sediments

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    Shear wave velocities from full waveform acoustic logs were determined at DSDP Site 613 using the spectral ratio inversion method. Discrete shear wave velocities for a 350 meter interval at 0.5-2 meter depth increments were calculated. Shear wave velocities were not evaluated for the upper 130m of the log because of data recording problems. The sediments of Site 613 represent a progression from carbonaceous-siliceous oozes through partial lithification and cementation. A method for predicting shear wave velocities using Wood's equation, the bulk moduli of water and carbonate grains, the P-wave velocity and porosity from well logs will be described. The predictions of this method provided a theoretical maximum value for the shear wave velocity to compare with the inversion results. In general, the method works well for shear wave velocities greater than 800 m/s. The inverted data fall just below the predicted theoretical maximum value from Wood's equation and agree quite well with the trends. Below this velocity threshold, trends with depth and Poisson's ratio and the divergence of the inversion itself seem to indicate incorrect behavior.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Full Waveform Acoustic Logging ConsortiumNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE84-08761)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE87-10226)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE87-20032

    Determination of Shear Wave Velocity and Attenuation From Waveforms in Low Velocity Formations

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    In boreholes where formation shear velocity is lower than borehole fluid velocity neither refracted shear waves nor pseudo-Rayleigh waves can propagate. When frequency response of the sonde does not extend to low frequencies (e.g. 2 kHz) Stoneley waves are not excited efficiently. In such cases refracted P, leaking modes (PL) and fluid waves become dominant phases on a full waveform acoustic log. The P wave velocity can be determined from the first arrivals. Then, using synthetic microseismograms and a waveform matching technique, formation shear wave velocity and attenuation can be determined. This method· is demonstrated using data from a well in the Baltimore Canyon Trough area of the Atlantic margin.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Full Waveform Acoustic Logging Consortiu

    Quantized Roentgen Effect in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    A classical dielectric moving in a charged capacitor can create a magnetic field (Roentgen effect). A quantum dielectric, however, will not produce a magnetization, except at vortices. The magnetic field outside the quantum dielectric appears as the field of quantized monopoles

    Laboratory Studies Of The Acoustic Properties Of Samples From The Salton Sea Scientific Drilling Project And Their Relation To Microstructure And Field Measurements

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    Compressional and shear wave velocities were measured at confining pressures up to 200 MPa for twelve core samples from the depth interval of 600 to 2600 m in the California State 2-14 borehole. Samples were selected to represent the various lithologies, including clean, heavily cemented sandstones, altered, impermeable claystones, and several intermediate siltstones. Velocities measured at ultrasonic frequencies in the laboratory correspond closely with velocities determined from acoustic waveform logs and vertical seismic profiles. The samples exhibit P-wave velocities around 3.5 km/sec at depths above 1250 m, but increase to nearly 5.0 km/sec at 1300 m in depth. Further increases with depth result in compressional wave velocity increasing to nearly 6.0 km/sec. These increases in velocities are related to systematic variations in lithology, microstructure and hydrothermal alteration of originally clay-rich sediments. Scanning electron microscope observations of core samples confirm that local core velocities are determined by the combined effects of pore size distributions, and the proportion of clays and alteration minerals such as epidote present in the form of pore fillings and veins.United States. Dept. of the Interior. Geological Survey (Grant 14-08-001A-0328)Elf-Aquitaine (Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Physical Properties of a Set of Sandstones, III: the Effects Of Fine Grained Pore Filling Material on Compressional Wave Velocity

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    We have used aspect ratio modeling to explain the measured compressional wave velocities of twenty different dry sandstone samples with varying clay contents at a single confining pressure of 0.5 kbar. Velocities of the sandstones range between 3.1 km/sec and 5.7 km/sec. Measured porosities are between 6% and 33%, clay contents between 2% and 30%. Pores were described using three simple type classifications. The pore type distributions of the samples were quantified by point counting polished impregnated thin sections using a scanning electron microscope. A representative aspect-ratio was assigned to each of the three categories of pore type. Velocities were modeled using these aspect ratios weighted by the observed distribution of the porosity types. Agreement between theoretical and measured velocities is generally within 10%. The modeling suggests that the effects of clays in sandstone pores is to reduce the sample porosity without reducing the non-framework (void + clay) volume. Thus, for a given porosity, clay rich samples contain greater non-framework volume, which in turn lowers velocity. The model derived from the dry measurements can be used to successfully approximate empirical relationships for saturated samples of velocity-porosity-clay content taken from the literature.Schlumberger-Doll Research CenterSchlumberger Foundation. Post-Doctoral Fellowshi

    Local/Non-Local Complementarity in Topological Effects

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    In certain topological effects the accumulation of a quantum phase shift is accompanied by a local observable effect. We show that such effects manifest a complementarity between non-local and local attributes of the topology, which is reminiscent but yet different from the usual wave-particle complementarity. This complementarity is not a consequence of non-commutativity, rather it is due to the non-canonical nature of the observables. We suggest that a local/non-local complementarity is a general feature of topological effects that are ``dual'' to the AB effect.Comment: 4 page

    Quantum Games and Quantum Strategies

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    We investigate the quantization of non-zero sum games. For the particular case of the Prisoners' Dilemma we show that this game ceases to pose a dilemma if quantum strategies are allowed for. We also construct a particular quantum strategy which always gives reward if played against any classical strategy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, typographic sign error in the definition of the operator J correcte

    Orbitally tuned timescale and astronomical forcing in the middle Eocene to early Oligocene

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    Deciphering the driving mechanisms of Earth system processes, including the climate dynamics expressed as paleoceanographic events, requires a complete, continuous, and high-resolution stratigraphy that is very accurately dated. In this study, a robust astronomically calibrated age model was constructed for the middle Eocene to early Oligocene interval (31–43 Ma) in order to permit more detailed study of the exceptional climatic events that occurred during this time, including the middle Eocene climate optimum and the Eocene–Oligocene transition. A goal of this effort is to accurately date the middle Eocene to early Oligocene composite section cored during the Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT, IODP Exp. 320/321). The stratigraphic framework for the new timescale is based on the identification of the stable long eccentricity cycle in published and new high-resolution records encompassing bulk and benthic stable isotope, calibrated XRF core scanning, and magnetostratigraphic data from ODP Sites 171B-1052, 189-1172, 199-1218, and 207-1260 as well as IODP Sites 320-U1333, and 320-U1334 spanning magnetic polarity Chrons C12n to C20n. Subsequently orbital tuning of the records to the La2011 orbital solution was conducted. The resulting new timescale revises and refines the existing orbitally tuned age model and the geomagnetic polarity timescale from 31 to 43 Ma. The newly defined absolute age for the Eocene–Oligocene boundary validates the astronomical tuned age of 33.89 Ma identified at the Massignano, Italy, global stratotype section and point. The compilation of geochemical records of climate-controlled variability in sedimentation through the middle-to-late Eocene and early Oligocene demonstrates strong power in the eccentricity band that is readily tuned to the latest astronomical solution. Obliquity driven cyclicity is only apparent during 2.4 myr eccentricity cycle minima around 35.5, 38.3, and 40.1 Ma
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