Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laboratory
Shear wave velocities from full waveform acoustic logs were determined at DSDP Site
613 using the spectral ratio inversion method. Discrete shear wave velocities for a 350
meter interval at 0.5-2 meter depth increments were calculated. Shear wave velocities
were not evaluated for the upper 130m of the log because of data recording problems.
The sediments of Site 613 represent a progression from carbonaceous-siliceous oozes
through partial lithification and cementation. A method for predicting shear wave
velocities using Wood's equation, the bulk moduli of water and carbonate grains, the
P-wave velocity and porosity from well logs will be described. The predictions of this
method provided a theoretical maximum value for the shear wave velocity to compare
with the inversion results. In general, the method works well for shear wave velocities
greater than 800 m/s. The inverted data fall just below the predicted theoretical
maximum value from Wood's equation and agree quite well with the trends. Below
this velocity threshold, trends with depth and Poisson's ratio and the divergence of
the inversion itself seem to indicate incorrect behavior.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Full Waveform Acoustic Logging ConsortiumNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE84-08761)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE87-10226)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE87-20032