798 research outputs found

    Understanding Enrollment: Developing a Comprehensive Data File and Conducting Trend Analysis

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    The purpose of this project was to better understand enrollment trends related to first-year, direct-from-high school applicants for admissions to postsecondary education institutions. Analysis of this trend information could be used to evaluate program effectiveness, to assist in developing award allocation strategies, and to create a historical benchmark for future assessment projects or program evaluations. A secondary purpose of this project was to develop a model for use in conducting assessment and trend analysis projects using other institutions\u27 student populations. To complete this study, a comprehensive data file was developed with specifically selected information from students\u27 records in the admissions, registrar\u27s, and student financial aid offices

    Lifting of the Landau level degeneracy in graphene devices in a tilted magnetic field

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    We report on transport and capacitance measurements of graphene devices in magnetic fields up to 30 T. In both techniques, we observe the full splitting of Landau levels and we employ tilted field experiments to address the origin of the observed broken symmetry states. In the lowest energy level, the spin degeneracy is removed at filling factors ν=±1\nu=\pm1 and we observe an enhanced energy gap. In the higher levels, the valley degeneracy is removed at odd filling factors while spin polarized states are formed at even ν\nu. Although the observation of odd filling factors in the higher levels points towards the spontaneous origin of the splitting, we find that the main contribution to the gap at ν=4,8\nu= -4,-8, and 12-12 is due to the Zeeman energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A Fully Decentralized Hierarchical Transactive Energy Framework for Charging EVs with Local DERs in Power Distribution Systems

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    The penetration rates of both electric vehicles (EVs) and distributed energy resources (DERs) have been increasing rapidly as appealing options to address the global problems of carbon emissions and fuel supply issues. However, uncoordinated EV charging activities and DER generation result in operational challenges for power distribution systems. Therefore, this article has developed a hierarchical transactive energy (TE) framework to locally induce and coordinate EV charging demand and DER generation in electric distribution networks. Based on a modified version of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMMs), two fully decentralized (DEC) peer-to-peer (P2P) trading models are presented, that is, an hour-ahead market and a 5-min-ahead real-time market. Compared to existing P2P electricity markets, this research represents the first attempt to comprehensively incorporate alternating current (ac) power network constraints into P2P electricity trading. The proposed TE framework not only contributes to mitigating operational challenges of distribution systems, but also benefits both EV owners and DER investors through secured local energy transactions. The privacy of market participants is well preserved since the bid data of each participant are not exposed to others. Comprehensive simulations based on the IEEE 33-node distribution system are conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method

    Detection and characterization of listeria monocytogenes in São Jorge (Portugal) cheese production

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen that can cause serious invasive disease in humans. Because human listeriosis cases have previously been linked to consumption of contaminated cheese, control of this pathogen throughout the cheese production chain is of particular concern. To understand the potential for L. monocytogenes transmission via Sa˜o Jorge cheese, a Portuguese artisanal cheese variety that bears a Protected Denomination of Origin classification, 357 raw milk, curd, natural whey starter, and cheese samples representative of the production chain of this cheese were collected over one year and tested for the presence of L. monocytogenes and selected physicochemical parameters. Although neither L. monocytogenes nor other Listeria spp. were detected in whey, curd, or cheese samples, 2 of the 105 raw milk samples analyzed were positive for L. monocytogenes. These 2 raw milk isolates represented a ribotype that has previously been linked to multiple human listeriosis outbreaks and cases elsewhere, indicating the potential of these isolates to cause human listeriosis. On average, physicochemical parameters of Sa˜o Jorge cheese ripened for 4 mo presented values that likely minimize the risk of L. monocytogenes outgrowth during ripening and storage (mean pH = 5.48; mean moisture = 37.79%; mean NaCl concentration = 4.73%). However, some cheese samples evaluated in this study were characterized by physicochemical parameters that may allow growth and survival of L. monocytogenes. Even though our results indicate that raw milk used for Sa˜o Jorge cheese manufacture as well as finished products is rarely contaminated with L. monocytogenes, continued efforts to control the presence of this pathogen in the Sa˜o Jorge cheese production chain are urged and are critical to ensure the safety of this product

    Fermi-surface transformation across the pseudogap critical point of the cuprate superconductor La1.6x_{1.6-x}Nd0.4_{0.4}Srx_{x}CuO4_4

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    The electrical resistivity ρ\rho and Hall coefficient RH_H of the tetragonal single-layer cuprate Nd-LSCO were measured in magnetic fields up to H=37.5H = 37.5 T, large enough to access the normal state at T0T \to 0, for closely spaced dopings pp across the pseudogap critical point at p=0.235p^\star = 0.235. Below pp^\star, both coefficients exhibit an upturn at low temperature, which gets more pronounced with decreasing pp. Taken together, these upturns show that the normal-state carrier density nn at T=0T = 0 drops upon entering the pseudogap phase. Quantitatively, it goes from n=1+pn = 1 + p at p=0.24p = 0.24 to n=pn = p at p=0.20p = 0.20. By contrast, the mobility does not change appreciably, as revealed by the magneto-resistance. The transition has a width in doping and some internal structure, whereby RH_H responds more slowly than ρ\rho to the opening of the pseudogap. We attribute this difference to a Fermi surface that supports both hole-like and electron-like carriers in the interval 0.2<p<p0.2 < p < p^\star, with compensating contributions to RH_H. Our data are in excellent agreement with recent high-field data on YBCO and LSCO. The quantitative consistency across three different cuprates shows that a drop in carrier density from 1+p1 + p to pp is a universal signature of the pseudogap transition at T=0T=0. We discuss the implication of these findings for the nature of the pseudogap phase.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Shedding New Light on Kaon-Nucleon/Nuclei Interaction and Its Astrophysical Implications with the AMADEUS Experiment at DAFNE

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    The AMADEUS experiment deals with the investigation of the low-energy kaon-nuclei hadronic interaction at the DA{\Phi}NE collider at LNF-INFN, which is fundamental to respond longstanding questions in the non-perturbative QCD strangeness sector. The antikaon-nucleon potential is investigated searching for signals from possible bound kaonic clusters, which would open the possibility for the formation of cold dense baryonic matter. The confirmation of this scenario may imply a fundamental role of strangeness in astrophysics. AMADEUS step 0 consisted in the reanalysis of 2004/2005 KLOE dataset, exploiting K- absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C in the setup materials. In this paper, together with a review on the multi-nucleon K- absorption and the particle identification procedure, the first results on the {\Sigma}0-p channel will be presented including a statistical analysis on the possible accomodation of a deeply bound stateComment: 6 pages, 2 figure, 1 table, HADRON 2015 conferenc

    Deep RNA sequencing of L. monocytogenes reveals overlapping and extensive stationary phase and sigma B-dependent transcriptomes, including multiple highly transcribed noncoding RNAs

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of specific genes and gene expression patterns important for bacterial survival, transmission and pathogenesis is critically needed to enable development of more effective pathogen control strategies. The stationary phase stress response transcriptome, including many σ(B)-dependent genes, was defined for the human bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes using RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) with the Illumina Genome Analyzer. Specifically, bacterial transcriptomes were compared between stationary phase cells of L. monocytogenes 10403S and an otherwise isogenic ΔsigB mutant, which does not express the alternative σ factor σ(B), a major regulator of genes contributing to stress response, including stresses encountered upon entry into stationary phase. RESULTS: Overall, 83% of all L. monocytogenes genes were transcribed in stationary phase cells; 42% of currently annotated L. monocytogenes genes showed medium to high transcript levels under these conditions. A total of 96 genes had significantly higher transcript levels in 10403S than in ΔsigB, indicating σ(B)-dependent transcription of these genes. RNA-Seq analyses indicate that a total of 67 noncoding RNA molecules (ncRNAs) are transcribed in stationary phase L. monocytogenes, including 7 previously unrecognized putative ncRNAs. Application of a dynamically trained Hidden Markov Model, in combination with RNA-Seq data, identified 65 putative σ(B )promoters upstream of 82 of the 96 σ(B)-dependent genes and upstream of the one σ(B)-dependent ncRNA. The RNA-Seq data also enabled annotation of putative operons as well as visualization of 5'- and 3'-UTR regions. CONCLUSIONS: The results from these studies provide powerful evidence that RNA-Seq data combined with appropriate bioinformatics tools allow quantitative characterization of prokaryotic transcriptomes, thus providing exciting new strategies for exploring transcriptional regulatory networks in bacteria. See minireivew http://jbiol.com/content/8/12/107