817 research outputs found

    Large-N reduction in QCD-like theories with massive adjoint fermions

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    Large-N QCD with heavy adjoint fermions emulates pure Yang-Mills theory at long distances. We study this theory on a four- and three-torus, and analytically argue the existence of a large-small volume equivalence. For any finite mass, center symmetry unbroken phase exists at sufficiently small volume and this phase can be used to study the large-volume limit through the Eguchi-Kawai equivalence. A finite temperature version of volume independence implies that thermodynamics on R^3 x S^1 can be studied via a unitary matrix quantum mechanics on S^1, by varying the temperature. To confirm this non-perturbatively, we numerically study both zero- and one-dimensional theories by using Monte-Carlo simulation. Order of finite-N corrections turns out to be 1/N. We introduce various twisted versions of the reduced QCD which systematically suppress finite-N corrections. Using a twisted model, we observe the confinement/deconfinement transition on a 1^3 x 2-lattice. The result agrees with large volume simulations of Yang-Mills theory. We also comment that the twisted model can serve as a non-perturbative formulation of the non-commutative Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, version accepted for publication in PR

    Bio-inspired protein-based biomaterial

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    Protein functions are as diverse as protein structures. The tunability and biocompatibility of proteins make them attractive candidates for use as building blocks for biomaterials engineering. This strategy provides molecular-level material design, enabling straightforward and independent control over an array of biomaterial properties. A key challenge in our research is to unveil the mechanisms of formation of micro and nano-scale protein-based capsules-gels and shells, as well as to achieve their functionalization for uses in targeted delivery of bioactive materials. The aim to test protein microgels for their ability to act as drug carrier agents, and for the controlled release of different drug-like small molecules as well as the release of the component proteins. Advantages of these systems include compositional definition, control over topology and nanostructure, and the ability to combine multiple different functional components in a modular way. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Added Value-based Approach to Analyze Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce Business Models

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    In this contribution we propose to apply the theory of informational added values (IAV) on electronic commerce (EC) and mobile commerce (MC). We state that for the success of electronic and mobile offers it is not sufficient to merely make a conventional offer available with new media. Instead, the use of electronic and mobile communication technology is only remunerative if it results in obtaining distinct supplementary IAV. This depends on the exploitation of certain faculties of the used technology. For EC, we call these the four electronic added values (EAV): reduction of temporal and certain spatial limitations, reduction of technical limitations, multi-mediality of access and egalitarian access. For MC, we call these the four mobile added values (MAV): ubiquity, contextsensitivity,identifying functions and command and control functions. We can find EAV and MAV as typical properties of EC or MC applications. EAV are the basis for the superiority of Internet applications compared with offline solutions. The relationship between the separate EAV and IAV will be explained and analyzed. Proceeding analogously for mobile applications, we analyze the relationship between MAV and resulting IAV. The outcome is an extension of the theory of informational added values with the concept of electronic and mobile added values. This allows for an application of the theory to both EC and MC in order to analyze and qualitatively evaluate any given business model. For determining its crucial added value we have to identify the EAV/MAV which are capitalized and can deduce the IAV resulting for each party involved. The concept put forward is a suggestion to approach business models, with the focus on typical evaluation criteria for Internet/mobile business models. It is also suitable to compare different business models and to put their added value for the involved parties in a context. In this way, objective criteria are established reducing subjectivity and allowing to make certain predictions. The paper ends with a critical review and the perspective for further research

    Henri Temianka Correspondence; (weizmann)

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    This collection contains material pertaining to the life, career, and activities of Henri Temianka, violin virtuoso, conductor, music teacher, and author. Materials include correspondence, concert programs and flyers, music scores, photographs, and books.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/temianka_correspondence/3004/thumbnail.jp

    Comments on worldsheet theories dual to free large N gauge theories

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    We continue to investigate properties of the worldsheet conformal field theories (CFTs) which are conjectured to be dual to free large N gauge theories, using the mapping of Feynman diagrams to the worldsheet suggested in hep-th/0504229. The modular invariance of these CFTs is shown to be built into the formalism. We show that correlation functions in these CFTs which are localized on subspaces of the moduli space may be interpreted as delta-function distributions, and that this can be consistent with a local worldsheet description given some constraints on the operator product expansion coefficients. We illustrate these features by a detailed analysis of a specific four-point function diagram. To reliably compute this correlator we use a novel perturbation scheme which involves an expansion in the large dimension of some operators.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figures, JHEP format. v2: added reference

    [Invited book review of Theodore M. Porter. Genetics in the Madhouse: The Unknown History of Human Heredity.]

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    In this winner of the Cheiron Book Prize, Ted Porter returns to the theme of his classic works—"The Rise of Statistical Thinking" (Princeton University Press, 1986) and "Trust in Numbers" (Princeton University Press, 1995)—to trace the human side of the numbers that became the basis for modern population genetics. And he locates them, unexpectedly, in the pre-history of the psy-disciplines

    Projeto de um emulador de comutador, para uma rede local de ethernet, utilizando redes de Petri coloridas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.A administração dos dados que trafegam em redes de computadores, dá-se através da análise dos quadros (frames) de dados, aonde, encontram-se os endereçamentos de máquina-destinatária e máquina-remetente, o protocolo utilizado, o tamanho total de bytes de dados no quadro e a seqüência de verificação à falhas CRC. Várias implementações em hardware e software provêem estas informações estatísticas, dentre o hardware pode-se citar o comutador (switch). Equipamento este que efetua a leitura do datagrama do quadro de dados, extraindo informações quanto ao número de quadros danificados, qual a máquina que mais remete quadros, qual a máquina que mais recebe quadros, os protocolos que trafegam dados ou o protocolo princiapal em uso, entre outros. Através do uso das Redes de Petri Coloridas, implementou-se um algoritmo que emula o funcionamento de um comutador em um computador, fornecendo dados estatísticos sobre o tráfego dos dados na rede, ao qual o emulador estiver conectado, outrossim, possibilita a sua utilização em substituição aos hubs. Como sistema operacional tem-se o Linux, que por ser de domínio público, não tem-se que pagar pela licença de utilização do mesmo e como linguagem de programação o C, por ser uma linguagem robusta, portável e pela sua capacidade de trabalhar em baixo nível. Este algoritmo foi implementado, simulado e validado utilizando o programa DaNAMiCS, dentro do conceito de Redes de Petri Coloridas

    Legal outcomes of all suspected neonaticides in Finland 1980-2000

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    This nationwide study examined legal outcomes and possible psychiatric diagnoses of suspected cases of neonaticide. Neonaticide is commonly defined as the killing of a newborn on the day of its birth, and is considered to have not only a low prevalence but also a high level of concealed criminality. This hidden nature guided us to find out what the final legal outcomes of suspected neonaticide were. It was a comprehensive, retrospective, register-based study of all 44 cases of suspected neonaticide that occurred 1980-2000 as recorded by Statistics Finland. The 44 cases were ascribed to 40 suspects, three of whom died themselves during the offence. Twelve cases (27%) were eventually prosecuted and the accused convicted of neonaticide. Their mean sentence was 617 days (SD 216, range 300-1095 days). Fourteen offenders (35% of offenders) underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, out of which four (29%) were diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and 10 (71%) with a personality disorder. Six of the 14 women were not sentenced as criminally irresponsible and three of them were committed to involuntary hospital care. Nine cases (20% of cases) were still unsolved, and in eight (18%) cases the offence title had changed into something other than neonaticide. We concluded that since only 41% of suspected neonaticides completed the court process as neonaticides, the previous results from studies on neonaticide may present a subgroup of offenders, not the whole picture. Therefore, further discussion and research is needed to elucidate this perplexing, sad, and utterly redundant offence in modem society, to prevent it, and develop treatment programs for the offenders. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This nationwide study examined legal outcomes and possible psychiatric diagnoses of suspected cases of neonaticide. Neonaticide is commonly defined as the killing of a newborn on the day of its birth, and is considered to have not only a low prevalence but also a high level of concealed criminality. This hidden nature guided us to find out what the final legal outcomes of suspected neonaticide were. It was a comprehensive, retrospective, register-based study of all 44 cases of suspected neonaticide that occurred 1980-2000 as recorded by Statistics Finland. The 44 cases were ascribed to 40 suspects, three of whom died themselves during the offence. Twelve cases (27%) were eventually prosecuted and the accused convicted of neonaticide. Their mean sentence was 617 days (SD 216, range 300-1095 days). Fourteen offenders (35% of offenders) underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, out of which four (29%) were diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and 10 (71%) with a personality disorder. Six of the 14 women were not sentenced as criminally irresponsible and three of them were committed to involuntary hospital care. Nine cases (20% of cases) were still unsolved, and in eight (18%) cases the offence title had changed into something other than neonaticide. We concluded that since only 41% of suspected neonaticides completed the court process as neonaticides, the previous results from studies on neonaticide may present a subgroup of offenders, not the whole picture. Therefore, further discussion and research is needed to elucidate this perplexing, sad, and utterly redundant offence in modem society, to prevent it, and develop treatment programs for the offenders. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This nationwide study examined legal outcomes and possible psychiatric diagnoses of suspected cases of neonaticide. Neonaticide is commonly defined as the killing of a newborn on the day of its birth, and is considered to have not only a low prevalence but also a high level of concealed criminality. This hidden nature guided us to find out what the final legal outcomes of suspected neonaticide were. It was a comprehensive, retrospective, register-based study of all 44 cases of suspected neonaticide that occurred 1980-2000 as recorded by Statistics Finland. The 44 cases were ascribed to 40 suspects, three of whom died themselves during the offence. Twelve cases (27%) were eventually prosecuted and the accused convicted of neonaticide. Their mean sentence was 617 days (SD 216, range 300-1095 days). Fourteen offenders (35% of offenders) underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, out of which four (29%) were diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and 10 (71%) with a personality disorder. Six of the 14 women were not sentenced as criminally irresponsible and three of them were committed to involuntary hospital care. Nine cases (20% of cases) were still unsolved, and in eight (18%) cases the offence title had changed into something other than neonaticide. We concluded that since only 41% of suspected neonaticides completed the court process as neonaticides, the previous results from studies on neonaticide may present a subgroup of offenders, not the whole picture. Therefore, further discussion and research is needed to elucidate this perplexing, sad, and utterly redundant offence in modem society, to prevent it, and develop treatment programs for the offenders. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe