232 research outputs found

    Targeting the IL-6 Dependent Phenotype Can Identify Novel Therapies for Cholangiocarcinoma

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    The need for new therapies for cholangiocarcinoma is highlighted by their poor prognosis and refractoriness to chemotherapy. Increased production of Interleukin-6 promotes cholangiocarcinoma growth and contributes to chemoresistance by activating cell survival mechanisms. We sought to identify biologically active compounds capable of ameliorating the phenotypic effects of IL-6 expression and to explore their potential therapeutic use for cholangiocarcinoma.A genomic signature associated with Interleukin-6 expression in Mz-ChA-1 human malignant cholangiocytes was derived. Computational bioinformatics analysis was performed to identify compounds that induced inverse gene changes to the signature. The effect of these compounds on cholangiocarcinoma growth was then experimentally verified in vitro and in vivo. Interactions with other therapeutic agents were evaluated using median effects analysis.A group of structurally related compounds, nitrendipine, nifedipine and felodipine was identified. All three compounds were cytotoxic to Mz-ChA-1 cells with an IC50 for felodipine of 26 Β΅M, nitrendipine, 44 Β΅M and nifedipine, 15 Β΅M. Similar results were observed in KMCH-1, CC-LP-1 and TFK-1 cholangiocarcinoma cell lines. At a fractional effect of 0.5, all three agents were synergistic with either camptothecin or gemcitabine in Mz-ChA-1 cells in vitro. Co-administration of felodipine and gemcitabine decreased the growth of Mz-ChA-1 cell xenografts in nude athymic mice.Computational bioinformatics analysis of phenotype-based genomic expression can be used to identify therapeutic agents. Using this drug discovery approach based on targeting a defined tumor associated phenotype, we identified compounds with the potential for therapeutic use in cholangiocarcinoma

    Smoking in asthma is associated with elevated levels of corticosteroid resistant sputum cytokinesβ€”an exploratory study

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    <p>Background: Current cigarette smoking is associated with reduced acute responses to corticosteroids and worse clinical outcomes in stable chronic asthma. The mechanism by which current smoking promotes this altered behavior is currently unclear. Whilst cytokines can induce corticosteroid insensitivity in-vitro, how current and former smoking affects airway cytokine concentrations and their responses to oral corticosteroids in stable chronic asthma is unclear.</p> <p>Objectives: To examine blood and sputum cytokine concentrations in never, ex and current smokers with asthma before and after oral corticosteroids.</p> <p>Methods: Exploratory study utilizing two weeks of oral dexamethasone (equivalent to 40 mg/day prednisolone) in 22 current, 21 never and 10 ex-smokers with asthma. Induced sputum supernatant and plasma was obtained before and after oral dexamethasone. 25 cytokines were measured by multiplex microbead system (Invitrogen, UK) on a Luminex platform.</p> <p>Results: Smokers with asthma had elevated sputum cytokine interleukin (IL) -6, -7, and -12 concentrations compared to never smokers with asthma. Few sputum cytokine concentrations changed in response to dexamethasone IL-17 and IFNΞ± increased in smokers, CCL4 increased in never smokers and CCL5 and CXCL10 reduced in ex-smokers with asthma. Ex-smokers with asthma appeared to have evidence of an ongoing corticosteroid resistant elevation of cytokines despite smoking cessation. Several plasma cytokines were lower in smokers wi</p> <p>Conclusion: Cigarette smoking in asthma is associated with a corticosteroid insensitive increase in multiple airway cytokines. Distinct airway cytokine profiles are present in current smokers and never smokers with asthma and could provide an explanatory mechanism for the altered clinical behavior observed in smokers with asthma.</p&gt

    Differential susceptibility to obesity between male, female and ovariectomized female mice

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    All authors are with the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USABackground: The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically. A direct comparison in the predisposition to obesity between males, premenopausal females, and postmenopausal females with various caloric intakes has not been made. To determine the effects of sex and ovarian hormones on the susceptibility to obesity, we conducted laboratory studies with mice. To eliminate confounders that can alter body weight gain, such as age and food consumption; we used mice with the same age and controlled the amount of calories they consumed. -- Methods: We determined sex-specific susceptibility to obesity between male, non-ovariectomized female, and ovariectomized female mice. To compare susceptibility to gaining body weight between males and females, animals from each sex were exposed to either a 30% calorie-restricted, low-fat (5% fat), or high-fat (35% fat) diet regimen. To establish the role of ovarian hormones in weight gain, the ovaries were surgically removed from additional female mice, and then were exposed to the diets described above. Percent body fat and percent lean mass in the mice were determined by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). -- Results: In all three diet categories, male mice had a greater propensity of gaining body weight than female mice. However, ovariectomy eliminated the protection of female mice to gaining weight; in fact, ovariectomized female mice mimicked male mice in their susceptibility to weight gain. In summary, results show that male mice are more likely to become obese than female mice and that the protection against obesity in female mice is eliminated by ovariectomy. -- Conclusion: Understanding metabolic differences between males and females may allow the discovery of better preventive and treatment strategies for diseases associated with body weight such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.Nutritional [email protected]

    Aberrant methylation of Polo-like kinase CpG islands in Plk4 heterozygous mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the most common cancers world-wide occurs twice as often in men compared to women. Predisposing conditions such as alcoholism, chronic viral hepatitis, aflatoxin B1 ingestion, and cirrhosis all contribute to the development of HCC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used a combination of methylation specific PCR and bisulfite sequencing, qReal-Time PCR (qPCR), and Western blot analysis to examine epigenetic changes for the <it>Polo-like kinases </it>(<it>Plks</it>) during the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in <it>Plk4 </it>heterozygous mice and murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report that the promoter methylation of <it>Plk4 </it>CpG islands increases with age, was more prevalent in males and that <it>Plk4 </it>epigenetic modification and subsequent downregulation of expression was associated with the development of HCC in <it>Plk4 </it>mutant mice. Interestingly, the opposite occurs with another Plk family member, <it>Plk1 </it>which was typically hypermethylated in normal liver tissue but became hypomethylated and upregulated in liver tumours. Furthermore, upon alcohol exposure murine embryonic fibroblasts exhibited increased <it>Plk4 </it>hypermethylation and downregulation along with increased centrosome numbers and multinucleation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that aberrant <it>Plk </it>methylation is correlated with the development of HCC in mice.</p

    Association between Serum Interleukin-6 Concentrations and Mortality in Older Adults: The Rancho Bernardo Study

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    Background: Interleukin-6 (IL-6) may have a protective role in acute liver disease but a detrimental effect in chronic liver disease. It is unknown whether IL-6 is associated with risk of liver-related mortality in humans. Aims: To determine if IL-6 is associated with an increased risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and liverrelated mortality. Methods: A prospective cohort study included 1843 participants who attended a research visit in 1984–87. Multiple covariates were ascertained including serum IL-6. Multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were used to examine the association between serum IL-6 as a continuous (log transformed) variable with all-cause, CVD, cancer, and liver-related mortality. Patients with prevalent CVD, cancer and liver disease were excluded for cause-specific mortality. Results: The mean (6 standard deviation) age and body-mass-index (BMI) of participants was 68 (610.6) years and 25 (63.7) Kg/m 2, respectively. During the 25,802 person-years of follow-up, the cumulative all-cause, CVD, cancer, and liverrelated mortality were 53.1 % (N = 978), 25.5%, 11.3%, and 1.3%, respectively. The median (6IQR) length of follow-up was 15.3610.6 years. In multivariable analyses, adjusted for age, sex, alcohol, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, total cholesterol, HDL, and smoking, one-SD increment in log-transformed serum IL-6 was associated with increased risk of all-cause, CVD, cancer, and liver-related mortality, with hazard ratios of 1.48 (95 % CI, 1.33–1.64), 1.38 (95 % CI, 1.16–1.65), 1.35 (95 % CI, 1.02–1.79)

    NF-ΞΊB, stem cells and breast cancer: the links get stronger

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    Self-renewing breast cancer stem cells are key actors in perpetuating tumour existence and in treatment resistance and relapse. The molecular pathways required for their maintenance are starting to be elucidated. Among them is the transcription factor NF-ΞΊB, which is known to play critical roles in cell survival, inflammation and immunity. Recent studies indicate that mammary epithelial NF-ΞΊB regulates the self-renewal of breast cancer stem cells in a model of Her2-dependent tumourigenesis. We will describe here the NF-ΞΊB-activating pathways that are involved in this process and in which progenitor cells this transcription factor is actually activated

    Interleukin-6 Induces Gr-1+CD11b+ Myeloid Cells to Suppress CD8+ T Cell-Mediated Liver Injury in Mice

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    Agonist antibodies against CD137 (4-1BB) on T lymphocytes are used to increase host anti-tumor immunity, but often leading to severe liver injury in treated mice or in patients during clinical trials. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) has been reported to protect hepatocyte death, but the role of IL-6 in protecting chronic T cell-induced liver diseases is not clearly defined due to lack of relevant animal models. We aimed to define the role of IL-6 in CD8+ T cell-mediated liver injury induced by a CD137 agonistic mAb (clone 2A) in mice.We expressed IL-6 in the liver by hydrodynamic gene delivery in mice treated with 2A or control mAb and studied how IL-6 treatment affected host immunity and T cell-mediated liver injury. We found that ectopic IL-6 expression in the liver elevated intrahepatic leukocyte infiltration but prevented CD8+ T cell-mediated liver injury. In IL-6 treated mice, CD8+ T cells proliferation and IFN-Ξ³ expression were inhibited in the liver. We discovered that IL-6 increased accumulation of Gr-1+CD11b+ myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in the liver and spleen. These MDSCs had the ability to inhibit T cells proliferation and activation. Finally, we showed that the MDSCs were sufficient and essential for IL-6-mediated protection of anti-CD137 mAb-induced liver injury.We concluded that IL-6 induced Gr-1+CD11b+ MDSCs in the liver to inhibit T cell-mediated liver injury. The findings have defined a novel mechanism of IL-6 in protecting liver from CD8+ T cell-mediated injury

    Loss of p19Arf Facilitates the Angiogenic Switch and Tumor Initiation in a Multi-Stage Cancer Model via p53-Dependent and Independent Mechanisms

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    The Arf tumor suppressor acts as a sensor of oncogenic signals, countering aberrant proliferation in large part via activation of the p53 transcriptional program, though a number of p53-independent functions have been described. Mounting evidence suggests that, in addition to promoting tumorigenesis via disruptions in the homeostatic balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis of overt cancer cells, genetic alterations leading to tumor suppressor loss of function or oncogene gain of function can also incite tumor development via effects on the tumor microenvironment. In a transgenic mouse model of multi-stage pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinogenesis (PNET) driven by inhibition of the canonical p53 and Rb tumor suppressors with SV40 large T-antigen (Tag), stochastic progression to tumors is limited in part by a requirement for initiation of an angiogenic switch. Despite inhibition of p53 by Tag in this mouse PNET model, concomitant disruption of Arf via genetic knockout resulted in a significantly accelerated pathway to tumor formation that was surprisingly not driven by alterations in tumor cell proliferation or apoptosis, but rather via earlier activation of the angiogenic switch. In the setting of a constitutional p53 gene knockout, loss of Arf also accelerated tumor development, albeit to a lesser degree. These findings demonstrate that Arf loss of function can promote tumorigenesis via facilitating angiogenesis, at least in part, through p53-independent mechanisms
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