21 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of cotton fabric reinforced geopolymer composites at 200-1000 °C

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    Geopolymer composites containing woven cotton fabric (0–8.3 wt%) were fabricated using the hand lay-up technique, and were exposed to elevated temperatures of 200 °C, 400 °C, 600 °C, 800 °C and 1000 °C. With an increase in temperature, the geopolymer composites exhibited a reduction in compressive strength, flexural strength and fracture toughness. When heated above 600 °C, the composites exhibited a significant reduction in mechanical properties. They also exhibited brittle behavior due to severe degradation of cotton fibres and the creation of additional porosity in the composites. Microstructural images verified the existence of voids and small channels in the composites due to fibre degradation

    Generation of amorphous carbon and crystallographic texture during low-temperature subseismic slip in calcite fault gouge

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    Identification of the nano-scale to micro-scale mechanochemical processes occurring during fault slip is of fundamental importance to understand earthquake nucleation and propagation. Here we explore the micromechanical processes occurring during fault nucleation and slip at subseismic rates (∼3 × 10−6 m s–1) in carbonate rocks. We experimentally sheared calcite-rich travertine blocks at simulated upper crustal conditions, producing a nano-grained fault gouge. Strain in the gouge is accommodated by cataclastic comminution of calcite grains and concurrent crystal-plastic deformation through twinning and dislocation glide, producing a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). Continued wear of fine-grained gouge particles results in the mechanical decomposition of calcite and production of amorphous carbon. We show that CPO and the production of amorphous carbon, previously attributed to frictional heating and weakening during seismic slip, can be produced at low temperature during stable slip at subseismic rates without slip weakening

    Effects of slag content on the residual mechanical properties of ambient air-cured geopolymers exposed to elevated temperatures

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    This paper presents the effects of various slag contents on the residual compressive strength and physical properties of ambient air-cured fly ash-slag blended geopolymers after exposure to various elevated temperatures up to 800°C. The results showed an increasing trend in the compressive strength of ambient air-cured geopolymers with increase in the slag contents after exposure to 400 and 600°C temperatures. This trend deviated, however, at 800°C. Nevertheless, all the geopolymers showed reductions in control compressive strength at ambient temperature after exposure to elevated temperatures. The reductions were much higher at 600 and 800°C compared to 400°C. All the geopolymers exhibited significant damage in terms of cracking after exposure to a temperature of 800°C compared to 400 and 600°C and significant damage occurred at slag contents of 15–30%. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of the above geopolymers also showed higher porosity at 800°C compared to 400 and 600°C. Traces of calcite/calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) peaks are observed in the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of fly ash-slag geopolymers, and the intensity of those peaks increased with increases in slag contents. After exposure to elevated temperatures, the calcite/CSH peaks disappeared and new phases of nepheline and gehlenite were formed at 800°C in all the fly ash-slag geopolymers

    Characterization of supplementary cementitious materials by thermal analysis

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    Working Group 1 of RILEM TC 238-SCM ‘Hydration and microstructure of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)’ is defining best practices for the physical and chemical characterization of SCMs, and this paper focusses on their thermal analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) can provide valuable data on the chemical and mineralogical composition of SCMs. Loss-on-ignition (LOI) testing is a commonly used, standardized, but less sophisticated version of TGA that measures mass at endpoints only, with heating generally in air. In this paper we describe the use of TGA and LOI to characterize Portland cement with limestone additions, coal combustion fly ashes, ground-granulated blast furnace slag, calcined clays, and natural pozzolans. This paper outlines the value and limitations of TGA and LOI (in the formats defined in different standards regimes) for material characterization, and describes testing methods and analysis. TGA testing parameters affect the mass loss recorded at temperatures relevant for LOI measurements (700–1000 °C) of slags and fly ashes, mainly associated with oxidation reactions taking place upon heating. TGA of clays and natural pozzolans is utilized to identify optimal calcination conditions leading to dehydroxylation and consequent structural amorphization, particularly for kaolinite. However, dehydroxylation and amorphization do not occur at similar temperatures for all clays, limiting the applicability of TGA for this purpose. Although TGA is widely utilized for characterization of SCMs, the testing parameters significantly affect the results obtained, and TGA results require careful interpretation. Therefore, standardization of TGA testing conditions, particularly for LOI determination of slags and fly ashes, is required

    Thermal properties of spray-coated geopolymer-type compositions

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    Thermal properties (DTA-TG and thermal expansion) of spray-coated fly ash-based geopolymer have been studied. The geopolymer composition selected for thermal spray coating had Si:Al = 3.3 and Na:Al = 1.45. To improve the fire resistant characteristics, fine- and coarse-milled vermiculite powder was added at 10 mass percent. Water:geopolymer ratios varied from 0.35 to 0.41 depending on vermiculite content and method of coating. Water added into a starting mixture to increase the flowability also decreased the geopolymerisation reaction

    Developing atom probe tomography of phyllosilicates in preparation for extra-terrestrial sample return

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    Hydrous phyllosilicate minerals, including the serpentine subgroup, are likely to be major constituents of material that will be bought back to Earth by missions to Mars and to primitive asteroids Ryugu and Bennu. Small quantities (< 60 g) of micrometre-sized, internally heterogeneous material will be available for study, requiring minimally destructive techniques. Many conventional methods are unsuitable for phyllosilicates as they are typically finely crystalline and electron beam-sensitive resulting in amorphisation and dehydration. New tools will be required for nanoscale characterisation of these precious extra-terrestrial samples. Here we test the effectiveness of atom probe tomography (APT) for this purpose. Using lizardite from the Ronda peridotite, Spain, as a terrestrial analogue, we outline an effective analytical protocol to extract nanoscale chemical and structural measurements of phyllosilicates. The potential of APT is demonstrated by the unexpected finding that the Ronda lizardite contains SiO-rich nanophases, consistent with opaline silica that formed as a by-product of the serpentinisation of olivine. Our new APT approach unlocks previously unobservable nanominerals and nanostructures within phyllosilicates owing to resolution limitations of more established imaging techniques. APT will provide unique insights into the processes and products of water/rock interaction on Earth, Mars and primitive asteroids

    Crystallography of refractory metal nuggets in carbonaceous chondrites: A transmission Kikuchi diffraction approach

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    Transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) is a relatively new technique that is currently being developed for geological sample analysis. This technique utilises the transmission capabilities of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to rapidly and accurately map the crystallographic and geochemical features of an electron transparent sample. TKD uses a similar methodology to traditional electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), but is capable of achieving a much higher spatial resolution (5–10 nm) (Trimby, 2012; Trimby et al., 2014). Here we apply TKD to refractory metal nuggets (RMNs) which are micrometre to sub-micrometre metal alloys composed of highly siderophile elements (HSEs) found in primitive carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. TKD allows us to analyse RMNs in situ, enabling the characterisation of nanometre-scale variations in chemistry and crystallography, whilst preserving their spatial and crystallographic context. This provides a complete representation of each RMN, permitting detailed interpretation of their formation history. We present TKD analysis of five transmission electron microscopy (TEM) lamellae containing RMNs coupled with EBSD and TEM analyses. These analyses revealed textures and relationships not previously observed in RMNs. These textures indicate some RMNs experienced annealing, forming twins. Some RMNs also acted as nucleation centres, and formed immiscible metal-silicate fluids. In fact, each RMN analysed in this study had different crystallographic textures. These RMNs also had heterogeneous compositions, even between RMNs contained within the same inclusion, host phase and even separated by only a few nanometres. Some RMNs are also affected by secondary processes at low temperature causing exsolution of molybdenite. However, most RMNs had crystallographic textures indicating that the RMN formed prior to their host inclusion. TKD analyses reveal most RMNs have been affected by processing in the protoplanetary disk. Despite this alteration, RMNs still preserve primary crystallographic textures and heterogeneous chemical signatures. This heterogeneity in crystallographic relationships, which mostly suggest that RMNs pre-date their host, is consistent with the idea that there is not a dominant RMN forming process. Each RMN has experienced a complex history, supporting the suggestion of Daly et al. (2017), that RMNs may preserve a diverse pre-solar chemical signature inherited from the Giant Molecular Cloud