32 research outputs found


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    Quantification of T 514 (peroxisomicineA1), a dimeric hydroxyanthracenone with potential antineoplasic effect is describedwhich was accomplished in two species ofgenus Karwinskia, collected in differenlocations of Mexico. The best source forthe extraction of this compound proved tobe Karwinskia parvifolia. This species wascollected in Sinaloa and Sonora; the resultsshowed a high amount of peroxisomicineA1, scarce stational variation and thepresence of a few number of secondarymetabolites which could interfere with theprocedure of extraction and purification.Se describe la cuantifiación de T 514 operoxisomicina A1, posible agenteantineoplásico, en dos plantas del géneroKarwinskia, obtenidas en distintas regiones de México. La mejor fuente de extracción de este compuesto resultó ser K.parvifolia, proveniente de Sinaloa y Sonora, por su alto contenido del compuesto encuestión, su escasa variabilidad estacionaly la presencia de pocas sustanciasinterferentes que pudieran complicar elprocedimiento de extracción y purificación

    Review of plants with hepatoprotective activity evaluated in Mexico

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    Liver diseases represent a major health problem around the world. in Mexico these are the 5th leading cause of death in the economically active population. in Mexico, it is estimated that about 60% of the population uses some medicine from plants to treat their illnesses. The purpose of this work was to search for medicinal plants in Mexico that have been evaluated for their hepatoprotective effect in different models. in this review we found only 13 plants evaluated for hepatoprotective activity: Amole tuber, Cochlospermum vitifolium, Heterotheca inuloides, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Leucophyllum frutescens, Prostechea michuacana, Psidium Guajava, Rosmarinus officinalis, Verbena Carolin, Centaurea americana, Juglans mollis, Krameria ramossisima and Turnera diffusa. This study describes the studies conducted in Mexico for each of them and the international literature reports of pharmacological and phytochemical studies

    Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Plants from Northeast of Mexico

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    Traditional medicine has a key role in health care worldwide. Obtaining scientific information about the efficacy and safety of the plants from our region is one of the goals of our research group. In this report, 17 plants were selected and collected in different localities from northeast Mexico. The dried plants were separated into leaves, flowers, fruit, stems, roots and bark. Each part was extracted with methanol, and 39 crude extracts were prepared. The extracts were tested for their antimicrobial activity using three Gram-negative bacterial strains (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii), three Gram-positive bacterial strains (Enterococcus faecalis and two Staphylococcus aureus strains), and seven clinically isolated yeasts (Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis and C. glabrata); their antioxidant activity was tested using a DPPH free radical assay. No activity against Gram-negative bacteria was observed with any extract up to the maximum concentration tested, 1000 μg ml−1. We report here for the first time activity of Ceanothus coeruleus against S. aureus (flowers, minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) 125 μg ml−1), C. glabrata (MICs 31.25 μg ml−1) and C. parapsilosis (MICs between 31.25 and 125 μg ml−1); Chrysanctinia mexicana against C. glabrata (MICs 31.25 μg ml−1); Colubrina greggii against E. faecalis (MICs 250 μg ml−1) and Cordia boissieri against C. glabrata (MIC 125 μg ml−1). Furthermore, this is the first report about antioxidant activity of extracts from Ceanothus coeruleus, Chrysanctinia mexicana, Colubrina greggii and Cyperus alternifolius. Some correlation could exist between antioxidant activity and antiyeast activity against yeasts in the species Ceanothus coeruleus, Schinus molle, Colubrina greggii and Cordia boissieri

    Evaluación de la actividad biológica de productos herbolarios comerciales

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    Antecedentes: En México los productos herbolarios se comercializan mayormente sin ningún control de calidad, lo cual fue evidenciado recientemente por nuestro grupo de investigación. Objetivo: Evaluar la actividad biológica de diversos productos, considerando el uso tradicional de las plantas que contienen. Material y métodos: Los productos fueron adquiridos comercialmente tanto en hierberías como en centros comerciales. Se obtuvieron extractos hidroalcohólicos por maceración a temperatura ambiente y extractos acuosos por ebullición. Se evaluaron la actividad antioxidante (DPPH) antimicrobiana contra S. aureus, E. coli y C. albicans (microdilución en placa), antihipertensiva (inhibición de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina) e inmunomoduladora de los extractos obtenidos. Resultados: Los productos que contenían Peumus boldus, Turnera diffusa, Eucalyptus globulus, Ginkgo biloba y Agastache mexicana resultaron con buena actividad antioxidante, los demás mostraron actividad antioxidante baja o moderada. P. boldus, E. globulus y Salvia officinalis mostraron buena actividad antimicrobiana; sin embargo, los productos analizados de Allium sativum y Mentha piperita, reconocidos tradicionalmente por sus propiedades antisépticas, no mostraron actividad contra los microorganismos utilizados. Los productos comerciales con A. sativum o con Esquisetum arvense, que se recomiendan como diuréticos, no mostraron efecto en la prueba utilizada. Conclusiones: Los resultados de esta investigación demuestran que distintos productos que dicen contener la misma planta producen diferentes grados de actividad biológica. Se hace necesario un estricto control de calidad de los productos herbolarios que evalúe también la actividad biológica, con el fin de prevenir problemas en la salud de la población que los consume

    Quimiometría aplicada al control de calidad de fármacos

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    Las técnicas empleadas para el control de calidad de la Peroxisomicina A1, fueron mejoradas aplicando técnicas quimiométricas tanto en CLAR como en espectrofotometría UV-visible. El uso de cromatogramas derivados en CLAR, permitió resolver la señal de un contaminante con tiempo de retención cercano al de la PA1 y de esta manera se mejoraron los parámetros de cuantificación del mismo. Por UV-visible se realizó la cuantificación del contaminante empleando dos técnicas quimiométricas: la espectroscopía de derivadas y la calibración multivariante. Ambos métodos fueron comparados en función de precisión y sensibilidad

    A new RP-HPLC method as an auxiliary tool for optimization of sample preparation procedures for tracing of PPCPs of different hydrophilicities

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    Recently, pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) have received considerable attention because of their increasing use. Analysis of PPCPs presents a significant analytical challenge, with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in reversed-phase mode, as the most widely used analytical technique. To facilitate the optimization of the procedures that are applied in the early stages of sample preparation, a simple and fast HPLC method is proposed in this work for the separation of some PPCPs with a wide range of hydrophilicity. Two columns were evaluated (Atlantis dC18 and Discovery HS F5); as for mobile phases: a formate buffer (40 mmol L-1, pH 4) and methanol were tested in a gradient mode. The fluorinated column allowed better separation in a shorter time and better resolution for all analytes (Rs >1). The proposed method delivered good performance for the tracing of PPCPs and is a suitable alternative to traditional C18-based HPLC methods

    Establecimiento de una Plataforma basada en Cromatografía de Líquidos-Espectrometría de Masas para la Determinación de Compuestos Polifenólicos en Extractos de Uva.

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    El empleo de productos vegetales como fuente de compuestos bioactivos presenta algunos inconvenientes que pueden poner en riesgo la salud del consumidor. La información respaldada científicamente sobre su actividad biológica es escasa y es difícil asegurar la identidad de las plantas y detectar adulteraciones. La principal limitante en el control es la falta de métodos analíticos adecuados. Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de una plataforma analítica basada en LC-MS para determinar compuestos polifenólicos en extractos de cáscara y semillas de uva. Se estudiaron extractos acuosos de semilla y cáscara de uva. Se optimizaron la separación cromatográfica y la detección, evaluando métodos de análisis dirigido y no dirigido, combinando el barrido completo, con la fragmentación utilizando análisis dependiente e independiente de datos. Para la identificación de los compuestos, los datos se analizaron con ayuda de una base de datos de espectros de masas y datos de la literatura. El uso de análisis dependiente de datos con y sin energía escalonada produce cromatogramas y espectros similares; ya que el uso de energía escalonada puede abarcar distintas energías de fragmentación fue el modo de trabajo seleccionado. Los compuestos identificados coinciden con los reportados por otros autores para el mismo tipo de muestras

    Biological Activities of Extracts from Aerial Parts of Salvia pachyphylla Epling Ex Munz

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    Abstract: The antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiproliferative, and enzyme inhibitory properties of five extracts from aerial parts of Salvia pachyphylla Epling ex Munz were examined to assess the prospective of this plant as a source of natural products with therapeutic potential. These properties were analyzed by performing a set of standard assays. The extract obtained with dichloromethane showed the most variety of components, as they yielded promising results in all completed assays. Furthermore,theextractobtainedwithethylacetateexhibitedthegreatestantioxidantactivity,aswell as the best xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity. Remarkably, both extracts obtained with n-hexane or dichloromethane revealed significant antimicrobial activity against the Gram-positive bacteria; additionally, they showed greater antiproliferative activity against three representative cell lines of the most common types of cancers in women worldwide, and against a cell line that exemplifies cancers that typically develop drug resistance. Despite that, other extracts were less active, such as the methanolic or aqueous; their results are promising for the isolation and identification of novel bioactive molecules

    Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and Docking Studies of Chalcone and Flavone Analogs as Antioxidants and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

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    Several oxidative processes are related to a wide range of human chronic and degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease, which also has been related to cholinergic processes. Therefore, search for new or improved antioxidant molecules with acetylcholinesterase activity is essential to offer alternative chemotherapeutic agents to support current drug therapies. A series of chalcone (2a–2k) and flavone (3a–3k) analogs were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated as acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors, and antioxidant agents using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•), 2-20-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS•), and β-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching assay. Compounds more active were 3j and 2k in DPPH with EC50 of 1 × 10−8 and 5.4 × 10−3 µg/mL, respectively; 2g and 3i in ABTS (1.14 × 10−2 and 1.9 × 10−3 µg/mL); 2e, 2f, 3f, 2j, and 3j exceeded the α-tocopherol control in the β-carotene assay (98–99% of antioxidant activity). At acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay, flavones were more active than chalcones; the best results were compounds 2d and 3d (IC50 21.5 and 26.8 µg/mL, respectively), suggesting that the presence of the nitro group enhances the inhibitory activity. The docking of these two structures were made to understand their interactions with the AChE receptor. Although further in vivo testing must be performed, our results represent an important step towards the identification of improved antioxidants and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors