626 research outputs found

    Toy Model for Pion Production II: The role of three-particle singularities

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    The influence of three-particle breakup singularities on s-wave meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions is studied within the distorted wave Born approximation. This study is based on a simple scalar model for the two-nucleon interaction and the production mechanism. An algorithm for the exact numerical treatment of the inherent three-body cuts, together with its straightforward implementation is presented. It is also shown that two often-used approximations to avoid the calculation of the three-body breakup are not justified. The possible impact on pion production observables is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Tight Combinatorial Generalization Bounds for Threshold Conjunction Rules

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    Abstract. We propose a combinatorial technique for obtaining tight data dependent generalization bounds based on a splitting and connec-tivity graph (SC-graph) of the set of classifiers. We apply this approach to a parametric set of conjunctive rules and propose an algorithm for effective SC-bound computation. Experiments on 6 data sets from the UCI ML Repository show that SC-bound helps to learn more reliable rule-based classifiers as compositions of less overfitted rules

    Surface Kinetics and Generation of Different Terms in a Conservative Growth Equation

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    A method based on the kinetics of adatoms on a growing surface under epitaxial growth at low temperature in (1+1) dimensions is proposed to obtain a closed form of local growth equation. It can be generalized to any growth problem as long as diffusion of adatoms govern the surface morphology. The method can be easily extended to higher dimensions. The kinetic processes contributing to various terms in the growth equation (GE) are identified from the analysis of in-plane and downward hops. In particular, processes corresponding to the (h -> -h) symmetry breaking term and curvature dependent term are discussed. Consequence of these terms on the stable and unstable transition in (1+1) dimensions is analyzed. In (2+1) dimensions it is shown that an additional (h -> -h) symmetry breaking term is generated due to the in-plane curvature associated with the mound like structures. This term is independent of any diffusion barrier differences between in-plane and out of-plane migration. It is argued that terms generated in the presence of downward hops are the relevant terms in a GE. Growth equation in the closed form is obtained for various growth models introduced to capture most of the processes in experimental Molecular Beam Epitaxial growth. Effect of dissociation is also considered and is seen to have stabilizing effect on the growth. It is shown that for uphill current the GE approach fails to describe the growth since a given GE is not valid over the entire substrate.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Self-similar Solutions to a Kinetic Model for Grain Growth

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    We prove the existence of self-similar solutions to the Fradkov model for two-dimensional grain growth, which consists of an infinite number of nonlocally coupled transport equations for the number densities of grains with given area and number of neighbours (topological class). For the proof we introduce a finite maximal topological class and study an appropriate upwind-discretization of the time dependent problem in self-similar variables. We first show that the resulting finite dimensional differential system has nontrivial steady states. Afterwards we let the discretization parameter tend to zero and prove that the steady states converge to a compactly supported self-similar solution for a Fradkov model with finitely many equations. In a third step we let the maximal topology class tend to infinity and obtain self-similar solutions to the original system that decay exponentially. Finally, we use the upwind discretization to compute self-similar solutions numerically.Comment: 25 pages, several figure

    Placental growth factor and its potential role in diabetic retinopathy and other ocular neovascular diseases.

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    The role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), including in retinal vascular diseases, has been well studied, and pharmacological blockade of VEGF is the gold standard of treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion and diabetic macular oedema. Placental growth factor (PGF, previously known as PlGF), a homologue of VEGF, is a multifunctional peptide associated with angiogenesis-dependent pathologies in the eye and non-ocular conditions. Animal studies using genetic modification and pharmacological treatment have demonstrated a mechanistic role for PGF in pathological angiogenesis. Inhibition decreases neovascularization and microvascular abnormalities across different models, including oxygen-induced retinopathy, laser-induced choroidal neovascularization and in diabetic mice exhibiting retinopathies. High levels of PGF have been found in the vitreous of patients with diabetic retinopathy. Despite these strong animal data, the exact role of PGF in pathological angiogenesis in retinal vascular diseases remains to be defined, and the benefits of PGF-specific inhibition in humans with retinal neovascular diseases and macular oedema remain controversial. Comparative effectiveness research studies in patients with diabetic retinal disease have shown that treatment that inhibits both VEGF and PGF may provide superior outcomes in certain patients compared with treatment that inhibits only VEGF. This review summarizes current knowledge of PGF, including its relationship to VEGF and its role in pathological angiogenesis in retinal diseases, and identifies some key unanswered questions about PGF that can serve as a pathway for future basic, translational and clinical research

    Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization

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    The automated categorization (or classification) of texts into predefined categories has witnessed a booming interest in the last ten years, due to the increased availability of documents in digital form and the ensuing need to organize them. In the research community the dominant approach to this problem is based on machine learning techniques: a general inductive process automatically builds a classifier by learning, from a set of preclassified documents, the characteristics of the categories. The advantages of this approach over the knowledge engineering approach (consisting in the manual definition of a classifier by domain experts) are a very good effectiveness, considerable savings in terms of expert manpower, and straightforward portability to different domains. This survey discusses the main approaches to text categorization that fall within the machine learning paradigm. We will discuss in detail issues pertaining to three different problems, namely document representation, classifier construction, and classifier evaluation.Comment: Accepted for publication on ACM Computing Survey

    Statistics of the gravitational force in various dimensions of space: from Gaussian to Levy laws

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    We discuss the distribution of the gravitational force created by a Poissonian distribution of field sources (stars, galaxies,...) in different dimensions of space d. In d=3, it is given by a Levy law called the Holtsmark distribution. It presents an algebraic tail for large fluctuations due to the contribution of the nearest neighbor. In d=2, it is given by a marginal Gaussian distribution intermediate between Gaussian and Levy laws. In d=1, it is exactly given by the Bernouilli distribution (for any particle number N) which becomes Gaussian for N>>1. Therefore, the dimension d=2 is critical regarding the statistics of the gravitational force. We generalize these results for inhomogeneous systems with arbitrary power-law density profile and arbitrary power-law force in a d-dimensional universe

    Supporting thinking on sample sizes for thematic analyses: a quantitative tool

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    Thematic analysis is frequently used to analyse qualitative data in psychology, healthcare, social research and beyond. An important stage in planning a study is determining how large a sample size may be required, however current guidelines for thematic analysis are varied, ranging from around 2 to over 400 and it is unclear how to choose a value from the space in between. Some guidance can also not be applied prospectively. This paper introduces a tool to help users think about what would be a useful sample size for their particular context when investigating patterns across participants. The calculation depends on (a) the expected population theme prevalence of the least prevalent theme, derived either from prior knowledge or based on the prevalence of the rarest themes considered worth uncovering, e.g. 1 in 10, 1 in 100; (b) the number of desired instances of the theme; and (c) the power of the study. An adequately powered study will have a high likelihood of finding sufficient themes of the desired prevalence. This calculation can then be used alongside other considerations. We illustrate how to use the method to calculate sample size before starting a study and achieved power given a sample size, providing tables of answers and code for use in the free software, R. Sample sizes are comparable to those found in the literature, for example to have 80% power to detect two instances of a theme with 10% prevalence, 29 participants are required. Increasing power, increasing the number of instances or decreasing prevalence increases the sample size needed. We do not propose this as a ritualistic requirement for study design, but rather as a pragmatic supporting tool to help plan studies using thematic analysis

    Eigenvalue Problem in Two Dimensions for an Irregular Boundary II: Neumann Condition

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    We formulate a systematic elegant perturbative scheme for determining the eigenvalues of the Helmholtz equation (\bigtriangledown^{2} + k^{2}){\psi} = 0 in two dimensions when the normal derivative of {\psi} vanishes on an irregular closed curve. Unique feature of this method, unlike other perturbation schemes, is that it does not require a separate formalism to treat degeneracies. Degenerate states are handled equally elegantly as the non-degenerate ones. A real parameter, extracted from the parameters defining the irregular boundary, serves as a perturbation parameter in this scheme as opposed to earlier schemes where the perturbation parameter is an artificial one. The efficacy of the proposed scheme is gauged by calculating the eigenvalues for elliptical and supercircular boundaries and comparing with the results obtained numerically. We also present a simple and interesting semi-empirical formula, determining the eigenspectrum of the 2D Helmholtz equation with the Dirichlet or the Neumann condition for a supercircular boundary. A comparison of the eigenspectrum for several low-lying modes obtained by employing the formula with the corresponding numerical estimates shows good agreement for a wide range of the supercircular exponent.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure