160 research outputs found

    Selective low concentration ammonia sensing in a microfluidic lab-on-a-chip

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    In the medical community, there is a considerable interest in a diagnostic breath analyzer for ammonia that is selectively enough to measure in exhaled air and small enough for the small volumes available in such an application. An indirect measurement system for low gaseous ammonia concentrations has been miniaturized and integrated on a chip in order to reach this goal. The detection limit of the system was calculated to be 1.1 parts per billion (ppb). The response time was determined to be 1.6 min with a gas How of 50 ml/min. The required gas volume for one measurement is therefore sufficiently small, although sampling assistance is required for breath analysis. The selectivity of the system is sufficient to measure ammonia concentrations in the low-ppb range. The system is even sufficiently selective to be used in environments that contain elevated carbon dioxide levels, like exhaled air. The lower ammonia concentration expected in diagnostic breath analysis applications, 50 ppb, was demonstrated to be detectable

    Within-Row Irrigation Saves Water on Croplands

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    Excessive water use and soil erosion from furrow irrigation are two of the most serious management problems on irrigated silt loam soils in southern Idaho, U.S.A. These problems are especially serious on croplands planted to dry beans. In conventional bean production, fields are irrigated before planting to wet the entire soil surface. It is not unusual for farmers to apply as much as 30 cm of water over the entire field during a single preplanting irrigation. Results from this study showed that planting beans in the bottom of pre-irrigated furrows without soaking completely between the furrows reduced preplanting water application by 60%. The continuing within-row treatments reduced irrigation water use by 42% compared to conventional irrigation practices. Total bean yields on the preplanting, within-row treatments were not significantly different from the conventional treatments

    Multiset Surface Irrigation System

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    More than 80 per cent of the irrigated land in the United States is served by surface irrigation systems, of which about 90 per cent is furrow-irrigated. The furrow irrigation system has been used extensively because of its relative simplicity, adaptability, and low initial investment for most soils and cropping systems. This use has persisted for many decades even though soil and water losses may be high on many fields. Efficiencies are generally low in most furrow-irrigated fields, although irrigation efficiency can be relatively high in surface systems that are well designed, constructed and operated

    Can forest management based on natural disturbances maintain ecological resilience?

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    Given the increasingly global stresses on forests, many ecologists argue that managers must maintain ecological resilience: the capacity of ecosystems to absorb disturbances without undergoing fundamental change. In this review we ask: Can the emerging paradigm of natural-disturbance-based management (NDBM) maintain ecological resilience in managed forests? Applying resilience theory requires careful articulation of the ecosystem state under consideration, the disturbances and stresses that affect the persistence of possible alternative states, and the spatial and temporal scales of management relevance. Implementing NDBM while maintaining resilience means recognizing that (i) biodiversity is important for long-term ecosystem persistence, (ii) natural disturbances play a critical role as a generator of structural and compositional heterogeneity at multiple scales, and (iii) traditional management tends to produce forests more homogeneous than those disturbed naturally and increases the likelihood of unexpected catastrophic change by constraining variation of key environmental processes. NDBM may maintain resilience if silvicultural strategies retain the structures and processes that perpetuate desired states while reducing those that enhance resilience of undesirable states. Such strategies require an understanding of harvesting impacts on slow ecosystem processes, such as seed-bank or nutrient dynamics, which in the long term can lead to ecological surprises by altering the forest's capacity to reorganize after disturbance

    International practice variation in perioperative laboratory testing in glioblastoma patients-a retrospective cohort study

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    Purpose Although standard-of-care has been defined for the treatment of glioblastoma patients, substantial practice variation exists in the day-to-day clinical management. This study aims to compare the use of laboratory tests in the perioperative care of glioblastoma patients between two tertiary academic centers-Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), Boston, USA, and University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), Utrecht, the Netherlands. Methods All glioblastoma patients treated according to standard-of-care between 2005 and 2013 were included. We compared the number of blood drawings and laboratory tests performed during the 70-day perioperative period using a Poisson regression model, as well as the estimated laboratory costs per patient. Additionally, we compared the likelihood of an abnormal test result using a generalized linear mixed effects model. Results After correction for age, sex, IDH1 status, postoperative KPS score, length of stay, and survival status, the number of blood drawings and laboratory tests during the perioperative period were 3.7-fold (p < 0.001) and 4.7-fold (p < 0.001) higher, respectively, in BWH compared to UMCU patients. The estimated median laboratory costs per patient were 82 euros in UMCU and 256 euros in BWH. Furthermore, the likelihood of an abnormal test result was lower in BWH (odds ratio [OR] 0.75, p < 0.001), except when the prior test result was abnormal as well (OR 2.09, p < 0.001). Conclusions Our results suggest a substantially lower clinical threshold for ordering laboratory tests in BWH compared to UMCU. Further investigating the clinical consequences of laboratory testing could identify over and underuse, decrease healthcare costs, and reduce unnecessary discomfort that patients are exposed to.Scientific Assessment and Innovation in Neurosurgical Treatment Strategie

    High-Yield Hydrogen Production from Starch and Water by a Synthetic Enzymatic Pathway

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    BACKGROUND: The future hydrogen economy offers a compelling energy vision, but there are four main obstacles: hydrogen production, storage, and distribution, as well as fuel cells. Hydrogen production from inexpensive abundant renewable biomass can produce cheaper hydrogen, decrease reliance on fossil fuels, and achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions, but current chemical and biological means suffer from low hydrogen yields and/or severe reaction conditions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we demonstrate a synthetic enzymatic pathway consisting of 13 enzymes for producing hydrogen from starch and water. The stoichiometric reaction is C(6)H(10)O(5) (l)+7 H(2)O (l)→12 H(2) (g)+6 CO(2) (g). The overall process is spontaneous and unidirectional because of a negative Gibbs free energy and separation of the gaseous products with the aqueous reactants. CONCLUSIONS: Enzymatic hydrogen production from starch and water mediated by 13 enzymes occurred at 30°C as expected, and the hydrogen yields were much higher than the theoretical limit (4 H(2)/glucose) of anaerobic fermentations. SIGNIFICANCE: The unique features, such as mild reaction conditions (30°C and atmospheric pressure), high hydrogen yields, likely low production costs ($∼2/kg H(2)), and a high energy-density carrier starch (14.8 H(2)-based mass%), provide great potential for mobile applications. With technology improvements and integration with fuel cells, this technology also solves the challenges associated with hydrogen storage, distribution, and infrastructure in the hydrogen economy

    The Impact of a Standardized Pre-visit Laboratory Testing Panel in the Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic: a Controlled “On-Off” Trial

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    Background: In several settings, a shorter time to diagnosis has been shown to lead to improved clinical outcomes. The implementation of a rapid laboratory testing allows for a pre-visit testing in the outpatient clinic, meaning that test results are available during the first outpatient visit. Objective: To determine whether the pre-visit laboratory testing leads to a shorter time to diagnosis in the general internal medicine outpatient clinic. Design: An “on-off” trial, allocating subjects to one of two treatment arms in consecutive alternating blocks. Participants: All new referrals to the internal medicine outpatient clinic of a university hospital were included, excluding second opinions. A total of 595 patients were eligible; one person declined to participate, leaving data from 594 patients for analysis. Intervention: In the intervention group, patients had a standardized pre-visit laboratory testing before the first visit. Main Measures: The primary outcome was the time to diagnosis. Secondary outcomes were the correctness of the preliminary diagnosis on the first day, health care utilization, and patient and physician satisfaction. Key Results: There was no difference in time to diagnosis between the two groups (median 35 days vs 35 days; hazard ratio 1.03 [0.87–1.22]; p =.71). The pre-visit testing group had higher proportions of both correct preliminary diagnoses on day 1 (24% vs 14%; p =.003) and diagnostic workups being completed on day 1 (10% vs 3%; p <.001). The intervention group had more laboratory tests done (50.0 [interquartile range (IQR) 39.0–69.0] vs 43.0 [IQR 31.0–68.5]; p <.001). Otherwise, there were no differences between the groups. Conclusions: Pre-visit testing did not lead to a shorter overall time to diagnosis. However, a greater proportion of patients had a correct diagnosis on the first day. Further studies should focus on customizing pre-visit laboratory panels, to improve their efficacy. Trial Registration: NL500

    Norms, Networks, Power, and Control: Understanding Informal Payments and Brokerage in Cross-Border Trade in Sierra Leone

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    Recent research has cast light on the variety of informal payments and practices that govern the day-to-day interactions between traders and customs agents at border posts in low-income countries. Building on this literature, this paper draws on survey and qualitative evidence in an effort to explore which groups are most advantaged and disadvantaged by the largely informal processes and norms governing cross-border trade. We find that understanding variation in strategies and outcomes across traders can only be effectively understood with reference to the importance of norms, networks, power, and the logic of control.Department for International DevelopmentBill and Melinda Gates Foundatio

    The roles of the formal and informal sectors in the provision of effective science education

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    For many years, formal school science education has been criticised by students, teachers, parents and employers throughout the world. This article presents an argument that a greater collaboration between the formal and the informal sector could address some of these criticisms. The causes for concern about formal science education are summarised and the major approaches being taken to address them are outlined. The contributions that the informal sector currently makes to science education are identified. It is suggested that the provision of an effective science education entails an enhanced complementarity between the two sectors. Finally, there is a brief discussion of the collaboration and communication still needed if this is to be effective