2 research outputs found

    On the supercritical KDV equation with time-oscillating nonlinearity

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    For the initial value problem (IVP) associated to the generalized Korteweg-de Vries (gKdV) equation with supercritical nonlinearity, \begin{equation*} u_{t}+\partial_x^3u+\partial_x(u^{k+1}) =0,\qquad k\geq 5, \end{equation*} numerical evidence [Bona J.L., Dougalis V.A., Karakashian O.A., McKinney W.R.: Conservative, high-order numerical schemes for the generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 351, 107–164 (1995) ] shows that, there are initial data ϕ∈H1(R)\phi\in H^1(\mathbb{R}) such that the corresponding solution may blow-up in finite time. Also, with the evidence from numerical simulation [Abdullaev F.K., Caputo J.G., Kraenkel R.A., Malomed B.A.: Controlling collapse in Bose–Einstein condensates by temporal modulation of the scattering length. Phys. Rev. A 67, 012605 (2003) and Konotop V.V., Pacciani P.: Collapse of solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a time dependent nonlinearity: application to the Bose–Einstein condensates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 240405 (2005) ], it has been claimed that a periodic time dependent coefficient in the nonlinearity would disturb the blow-up solution, either accelerating or delaying it. In this work, we investigate the IVP associated to the gKdV equation \begin{equation*} u_{t}+\partial_x^3u+g(\omega t)\partial_x(u^{k+1}) =0, \end{equation*} where gg is a periodic function and k≥5k\geq 5 is an integer. We prove that, for given initial data ϕ∈H1(R)\phi \in H^1(\mathbb{R}), as ∣ω∣→∞|\omega|\to \infty, the solution uωu_{\omega} converges to the solution UU of the initial value problem associated to \begin{equation*} U_{t}+\partial_x^3U+m(g)\partial_x(U^{k+1}) =0, \end{equation*} with the same initial data, where m(g)m(g) is the average of the periodic function gg. Moreover, if the solution UU is global and satisfies ∥U∥Lx5Lt10<∞\|U\|_{L_x^5L_t^{10}}<\infty, then we prove that the solution uωu_{\omega} is also global provided ∣ω∣|\omega| is sufficiently large.M. P. was partially supported by the Research Center of Mathematics of the University of Minho, Portugal through the FCT Pluriannual Funding Program, and through the project PTDC/MAT/109844/2009, and M. S. was partially supported by FAPESP Brazil