11 research outputs found

    Structures transverses et intégrales premières. Remarques

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    AbstractA real or complex foliation of codimension one is said to be of P-th kind if there is a defining Godbillon-Vey cocycle of length p but not of smaller length. For simply connected manifolds some remarks are made on the kind of a foliation and the transverse structure.RésuméDans toute la suite V désignera une variété connexe analytique réelle ou complexe de Stein. Les fonctions et formes différentielles seront supposées, le cas échéant, analytiques rélles ou complexes sauf mention expresse du contraire

    Elementaire algebraische topologie : Serie voordrachten eindhoven 1960/61

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    Equivariant cohomology over Lie groupoids and Lie-Rinehart algebras

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    Using the language and terminology of relative homological algebra, in particular that of derived functors, we introduce equivariant cohomology over a general Lie-Rinehart algebra and equivariant de Rham cohomology over a locally trivial Lie groupoid in terms of suitably defined monads (also known as triples) and the associated standard constructions. This extends a characterization of equivariant de Rham cohomology in terms of derived functors developed earlier for the special case where the Lie groupoid is an ordinary Lie group, viewed as a Lie groupoid with a single object; in that theory over a Lie group, the ordinary Bott-Dupont-Shulman-Stasheff complex arises as an a posteriori object. We prove that, given a locally trivial Lie groupoid G and a smooth G-manifold f over the space B of objects of G, the resulting G-equivariant de Rham theory of f boils down to the ordinary equivariant de Rham theory of a vertex manifold relative to the corresponding vertex group, for any vertex in the space B of objects of G; this implies that the equivariant de Rham cohomology introduced here coincides with the stack de Rham cohomology of the associated transformation groupoid whence this stack de Rham cohomology can be characterized as a relative derived functor. We introduce a notion of cone on a Lie-Rinehart algebra and in particular that of cone on a Lie algebroid. This cone is an indispensable tool for the description of the requisite monads.Comment: 47 page

    Une application d'une méthode de Cartan-Leray

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    The early proofs of the theorem of Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff and Dynkin

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive exposition of the early contributions to the so-called Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff, Dynkin Theorem during the years 1890\u20131950. Related works by Schur, Poincar\ue9, Pascal, Campbell, Baker, Hausdorff, and Dynkin will be investigated and compared. For a full recovery of the original sources, many mathematical details will also be furnished. In particular, we rediscover and comment on a series of five notable papers by Pascal (Lomb Ist Rend, 1901\u20131902), which nowadays are almost forgotten