330 research outputs found

    Charm multiplicity and the branching ratios of inclusive charmless b quark decays in the general two-Higgs-doublet models

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    In the framework of general two-Higgs-doublet models, we calculate the branching ratios of various inclusive charmless b decays by using the low energy effective Hamiltonian including next-to-leading order QCD corrections, and examine the current status and the new physics effects on the determination of the charm multiplicity ncn_c and semileptonic branching ratio BSLB_{SL}. Within the considered parameter space, the enhancement to the ratio BR(bsg)BR(b \to s g) due to the charged-Higgs penguins can be as large as a factor of 8 (3) in the model III (II), while the ratio BR(bnocharm)BR(b \to no charm) can be increased from the standard model prediction of 2.49% to 4.91% (2.99%) in the model III (II). Consequently, the value of BSLB_{SL} and ncn_c can be decreased simultaneously in the model III. The central value of BSLB_{SL} will be lowered slightly by about 0.003, but the ratio ncn_c can be reduced significantly from the theoretical prediction of nc=1.28±0.05n_c= 1.28 \pm 0.05 in the SM to nc=1.23±0.05n_c= 1.23 \pm 0.05, 1.18±0.051.18 \pm 0.05 for mH+=200,100m_{H^+}=200, 100 GeV, respectively. We find that the predicted ncn_c and the measured ncn_c now agree within roughly one standard deviation after taking into account the effects of gluonic charged Higgs penguins in the model III with a relatively light charged Higgs boson.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file, axodraw.sty, 6 figures. Final version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Charmless hadronic decays BPP,PV,VVB \to PP, PV, VV and new physics effects in the general two-Higgs doublet models

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    Based on the low-energy effective Hamiltonian with the generalized factorization, we calculate the new physics contributions to the branching ratios of the two-body charmless hadronic decays of BuB_u and BdB_d mesons induced by the new gluonic and electroweak charged-Higgs penguin diagrams in the general two-Higgs doublet models (models I, II and III). Within the considered parameter space, we find that: (a) the new physics effects from new gluonic penguin diagrams strongly dominate over those from the new γ\gamma- and Z0Z^0- penguin diagrams; (b) in models I and II, new physics contributions to most studied B meson decay channels are rather small in size: from -15% to 20%; (c) in model III, however, the new physics enhancements to the penguin-dominated decay modes can be significant, (30200)\sim (30 -200)%, and therefore are measurable in forthcoming high precision B experiments; (d) the new physics enhancements to ratios {\cal B}(B \to K \etap) are significant in model III, (3570)\sim (35 -70)%, and hence provide a simple and plausible new physics interpretation for the observed unexpectedly large B \to K \etap decay rates; (e) the theoretical predictions for B(BK+π){\cal B}(B \to K^+ \pi) and B(BK0π+){\cal B}(B \to K^0 \pi^+) in model III are still consistent with the data within 2σ2\sigma errors; (f) the significant new physics enhancements to the branching ratios of BK0π0,Kη,K+π,K+ϕ,K0ω,K+ϕB \to K^0 \pi^0, K^* \eta, K^{*+} \pi^-, K^+ \phi, K^{*0} \omega, K^{*+} \phi and K0ϕK^{*0} \phi decays are helpful to improve the agreement between the data and the theoretical predictions; (g) the theoretical predictions of B(BPP,PV,VV){\cal B}(B \to PP, PV, VV) in the 2HDM's are generally consistent with experimental measurements and upper limits (9090% C.L.)Comment: 55 pages, Latex file, 17 PS and EPS figures. With minor corrections, final version to be published in Phys.Rev. D. Repot-no: PKU-TH-2000-4

    CP violation in Bd,sl+lB_{d,s} \to l^+l^- in the model III 2HDM

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    We have calculated the Wilson coefficients C10,CQiC_{10}, C_{Q_i} (i=1,2) in the MSˉ\bar{MS} renormalization scheme in the model III 2HDM. Using the obtained Wilson coefficients, we have analyzed the CP violation in decays Bq0l+lB^0_q\to l^+l^- (q=d,s) in the model. The CP asymmetry, ACPA_{CP}, depends on the parameters of models and ACPA_{CP} in Bdl+lB_d\to l^+l^- can be as large as 40% and 35% for l=τl=\tau and l=μl=\mu respectively. It can reach 4% for Bs0B^0_s decays. Because in SM CP violation is smaller than or equal to O(10310^{-3}) which is unobservably small, an observation of CP asymmetry in the decays Bq0l+l(q=d,s)B^0_q \to l^+l^- (q=d,s) would unambiguously signal the existence of new physics.Comment: revtex4, 16 pages, 7 figure

    Delocalization and spin-wave dynamics in ferromagnetic chains with long-range correlated random exchange

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    We study the one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet with exchange couplings exhibiting long-range correlated disorder with power spectrum proportional to 1/kα1/k^{\alpha}, where kk is the wave-vector of the modulations on the random coupling landscape. By using renormalization group, integration of the equations of motion and exact diagonalization, we compute the spin-wave localization length and the mean-square displacement of the wave-packet. We find that, associated with the emergence of extended spin-waves in the low-energy region for α>1\alpha > 1, the wave-packet mean-square displacement changes from a long-time super-diffusive behavior for α<1\alpha <1 to a long-time ballistic behavior for α>1\alpha > 1. At the vicinity of α=1\alpha =1, the mobility edge separating the extended and localized phases is shown to scale with the degree of correlation as Ec(α1)1/3E_c\propto (\alpha -1)^{1/3}.Comment: PRB to appea

    The lifetime of B_c-meson and some relevant problems

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    The lifetime of the B_c-meson is estimated with consistent considerations on all of the heavy mesons (B0,B±,Bs,D0,D±DsB^0, B^\pm, B_s, D^0, D^\pm D_s) and the double heavy meson B_c. In the estimate, the framework, where the non-spectator effects for nonleptonic decays are taken into account properly, is adopted, and the parameters needed to be fixed are treated carefully and determined by fitting the available data. The bound-state effects in it are also considered. We find that in decays of the meson B_c, the QCD correction terms of the penguin diagrams and the main component terms c_1O_1, c_2O_2 of the effective interaction Lagrangian have direct interference that causes an enhancement about 3 ~ 4% in the total width of the B_c meson.Comment: 27 pages, 0 figur

    Glueball spectrum based on a rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation for two-gluon bound states II: calculation of the glueball spectrum

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    In the preceding paper, a rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation for two-gluon bound states was derived from the QCD with massive gluons and represented in the angular momentum representation. In order to apply this equation to calculate the glueball spectrum, in this paper, the equation is recast in an equivalent three-dimensional relativistic equation satisfied by the two-gluon positive energy state amplitude. The interaction Hamiltonian in the equation is exactly derived and expressed as a perturbative series. The first term in the series describes the one-gluon exchange interaction which includes fully the retardation effect in it. This term plus the linear confining potential are chosen to be the interaction Hamiltonian and employed in the practical calculation. With the integrals containing three and four spherical Bessel functions in the QCD vertices being analytically calculated, the interaction Hamiltonian is given an explicit expression in the angular momentum representation. Numerically solving the relativistic equation with taking the contributions arising from the retardation effect and the longitudinal mode of gluon fields into account, a set of masses for the 0++,0+,1++,1+,2++0^{++},0^{-+},1^{++},1^{-+},2^{++} and 2+2^{-+\text{}} glueball states are obtained and are in fairly good agreement with the predictions given by the lattice simulatio

    Muon anomalous magnetic moment in the standard model with two Higgs doublets

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    The muon anomalous magnetic moment is investigated in the standard model with two Higgs doublets (S2HDM) motivated from spontaneous CP violation. Thus all the effective Yukawa couplings become complex. As a consequence of the non-zero phase in the couplings, the one loop contribution from the neutral scalar bosons could be positive and negative relying on the CP phases. The interference between one and two loop diagrams can be constructive in a large parameter space of CP-phases. This will result in a significant contribution to muon anomalous magnetic moment even in the flavor conserving process with a heavy neutral scalar boson (mhm_h \sim 200 GeV) once the effective muon Yukawa coupling is large (ξμ50|\xi_\mu|\sim 50). In general, the one loop contributions from lepton flavor changing scalar interactions become more important. In particular, when all contributions are positive in a reasonable parameter space of CP phases, the recently reported 2.6 sigma experiment vs. theory deviation can be easily explained even for a heavy scalar boson with a relative small Yukawa coupling in the S2HDM.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex file, 5 figures, published version Phys. Rev. D 54 (2001) 11501

    Charmless BPPB \to PP decays using flavor SU(3) symmetry

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    The decays of BB mesons to a pair of charmless pseudoscalar (PP) mesons are analyzed within a framework of flavor SU(3). Symmetry breaking is taken into account in tree (TT) amplitudes through ratios of decay constants; exact SU(3) is assumed elsewhere. Acceptable fits to BππB \to \pi \pi and BKπB \to K \pi branching ratios and CP asymmetries are obtained with tree, color-suppressed (CC), penguin (PP), and electroweak penguin (PEWP_{EW}) amplitudes. Crucial additional terms for describing processes involving η\eta and η\eta' include a large flavor-singlet penguin amplitude (SS) as proposed earlier and a penguin amplitude PtuP_{tu} associated with intermediate tt and uu quarks. For the B+π+ηB^+ \to \pi^+ \eta' mode a term StuS_{tu} associated with intermediate tt and uu quarks also may be needed. Values of the weak phase γ\gamma are obtained consistent with an earlier analysis of BVPB \to VP decays, where VV denotes a vector meson, and with other analyses of CKM parameters.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. To be submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Reference update

    Towards an international understanding of the power of celebrity persuasions: a review and a research agenda

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    Research into advertising using celebrity has been undertaken for nearly 40 years. It has principally used surveys and experiments to explore how consumers respond to celebrity advertisements. A recent meta-study of 32 papers has demonstrated that different populations respond in different ways to celebrity endorsements. Specifically, both US subjects and college students are more likely to respond in a significant way to the presence of celebrity than subjects who are not from the US, or who are not studying at college. Given that the nationality and student status of subjects matter, this article explores the make up of the samples that have been used to examine celebrity advertising. The article finds that these samples are not representative of US populations (because so many are students), nor of populations outside the US (because so few live beyond it). Furthermore, the history of dominance of US-based student samples, and the citation practices which keep them circulating in academia, suggests that theories of celebrity advertising have for a long time been excessively influenced by ideas tested on this unrepresentative group. This fact will limit the applicability of research into celebrity advertising to the wider world. I explore whether this matters, and how deficiencies might be addressed in further research