36 research outputs found

    Differences in life-history traits in two clonal strains of the self-fertilizing fish, Rivulus marmoratus

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    We compared life-history traits such as fecundity, sex ratio, reproductive cycle, age at sexual maturity, embryonic period, egg size, early growth and morphology in two clonal strains (PAN-RS and DAN) of the mangrove killifish, Rivulus marmoratus, under constant rearing conditions. We found a positive relationship between growth and reproductive effort. Fecundity was significantly higher in the PAN-RS strain than in the DAN strain. The sex ratio was significantly different, with DAN producing more primary males than PAN-RS. Spawning and ovulation cycle did not clearly differ between the strains. PAN-RS showed a significantly higher growth rate than DAN from 0 to 100 days after hatching, however, age at sexual maturity, embryonic period, egg size, and morphometric and meristic characteristics (vertebral and fin-ray counts) did not differ between the two strains. The high fecundity of PAN-RS may provide an increased chance of offspring survival, while the attainment of sexual maturity at a smaller size in DAN may allow them to invest earlier in reproduction to increase breeding success. Variations in the life-history traits of PAN-RS and DAN may be adaptive strategies for life in their natural habitat, which consists of mangrove estuaries with a highly variable environment

    Paracellular nutrient absorption in a gum-feeding new world primate, the common marmoset Callithrix jacchus

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    The common marmoset is one of the few callitrichid species that is not threatened or endangered in the wild, and is widely used in biomedical research, yet relatively little is understood about its digestive physiology. Dietary specialization on plant exudates has lead to relatively reduced small intestines, yet the common marmoset has exceptional dietary breadth, allowing it to successfully utilize a variety of habitats. We predicted that passive, paracellular nutrient absorption would be used by the common marmoset to a greater extent than in other non-flying mammals. We measured the bioavailability and rates of absorption of two metabolically inert carbohydrates not transported by mediated pathways (L-rhamnose and cellobiose, molecular masses of 164 and 342, respectively) to measure paracellular uptake, and of a non-metabolized D-glucose analog (3-O-methyl-D-glucose) to measure total uptake by both mediated and paracellular pathways. We found high bioavailability of 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (83 ± 5%), and much higher bioavailability of the paracellular probes than in similarly sized non-flying mammals (30 ± 3% and 19 ± 2% for L-rhamnose and cellobiose, respectively). Passive, paracellular nutrient absorption accounts for around 30% of total glucose absorption in common marmosets and intestinal permeability is significantly higher than in humans, the only other species of primate measured to date. This may allow the common marmoset to maintain high digestive efficiency when feeding on higher quality foods (fruit, arthropods, gums with higher proportions of simple sugars), in spite of relatively reduced small intestines correlated with adaptations for fermentative digestion of plant gums. We find no evidence to support, in primates, the hypothesis that reliance on paracellular nutrient absorption should increase with body size in mammals, but suggest instead that it may be associated with small body size and/or taxon-specific adaptations to diet

    Nutritional quality of winter browse for ruffed grouse

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    Efforts to determine quality of ruffed grouse winter diets from food habit studies have been hampered by lack of knowledge of nutritional values for potential forages. We measured food preferences and digestive efficiencies of 8 grouse fed quaking aspen staminate flower buds, willow buds, and American hazel, paper birch, and speckled alder catkins. We collected forages in winter condition and fed them to grouse that had acclimated to winter foods for 31-41 days prior to mass balance trials. We collected winter and spring aspen buds from trees used by grouse in the field. Grouse preferred spring aspen flower buds and avoided birch and alder catkins

    Mechanistic bases for differences in passive absorption

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    Increasing evidence indicates that small birds have more extensive non-mediated, paracellular intestinal absorption of hydrosoluble compounds than do mammals, although studies have not employed uniform methodologies or demonstrated differences at the tissue level. The mechanistic bases behind apparent species differences are poorly understood. We show using uniform methodology at the whole-animal level that intact, unanesthetized pigeons had significantly higher absorption of L-arabinose and L-rhamnose, two water-soluble compounds used to measure paracellular absorption, than similarly sized laboratory rats. The species differences were also evident using perfused isolated loops of duodenum, showing that the difference in paracellular absorption occurred at the tissue level, even when D-glucose absorption rates (transcellular+paracellular) were similar between the two species. The greater absorption of these probes in pigeons could not be explained by mediated uptake of the putative paracellular probes, or by increased nominal surface area, increased villus area or increased number of tight junctions. Rats and pigeons had comparable absorption of larger probes, which is consistent with similar effective pore size of the tight junction between enterocytes. The elimination of these mechanistic explanations might suggest that pigeon intestine has relatively higher paracellular solvent drag, but pigeon duodenal segments did not have higher net water absorption than rat duodenal segments. Whatever the exact mechanism(s), the paracellular pathway of both species limits substantial (>5%) fractional absorption to molecules smaller than about 4.8 Å (Mr ca. 350), and permeability to smaller molecules at the tissue level is higher in pigeons than in rats

    Hummingbirds rely on both paracellular and carrier-mediated intestinal glucose absorption to fuel high metabolism

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    Twenty years ago, the highest active glucose transport rate and lowest passive glucose permeability in vertebrates were reported in Rufous and Anna's hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus, Calypte anna). These first measurements of intestinal nutrient absorption in nectarivores provided an unprecedented physiological foundation for understanding their foraging ecology. They showed that physiological processes are determinants of feeding behaviour. The conclusion that active, mediated transport accounts for essentially all glucose absorption in hummingbirds influenced two decades of subsequent research on the digestive physiology and nutritional ecology of nectarivores. Here, we report new findings demonstrating that the passive permeability of hummingbird intestines to glucose is much higher than previously reported, suggesting that not all sugar uptake is mediated. Even while possessing the highest active glucose transport rates measured in vertebrates, hummingbirds must rely partially on passive non-mediated intestinal nutrient absorption to meet their high mass-specific metabolic demands

    The integration of digestion and osmoregulation in the avian gut

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    We review digestion and osmoregulation in the avian gut, with an emphasis on the ways these different functions might interact to support or constrain each other and the ways they support the functioning of the whole animal in its natural environment. Differences between birds and other vertebrates are highlighted because these differences may make birds excellent models for study and may suggest interesting directions for future research. At a given body size birds, compared with mammals, tend to eat more food but have less small intestine and retain food in their gastrointestinal tract (GIT) for shorter periods of time, despite generally higher mass-specific energy demands. On most foods, however, they are not less efficient at digestion, which begs the question how they compensate. Intestinal tissue-specific rates of enzymatic breakdown of substrates and rates of active transport do not appear higher in birds than in mammals, nor is there a demonstrated difference in the extent to which those rates can be modulated during acclimation to different feeding regimes (e.g. diet, relative intake level). One compensation appears to be more extensive reliance on passive nutrient absorption by the paracellular pathway, because the avian species studied so far exceed the mammalian species by a factor of at least two- to threefold in this regard. Undigested residues reach the hindgut, but there is little evidence that most wild birds recover microbial metabolites of nutritional significance (essential amino acids and vitamins) by re-ingestion of faeces, in contrast to many hindgut fermenting mammals and possibly poultry. In birds, there is some evidence for hindgut capacity to breakdown either microbial protein or protein that escapes the small intestine intact, freeing up essential amino acids, and there is considerable evidence for an amino acid absorptive capacity in the hindgut of both avian and mammalian hindgut fermenters. Birds, unlike mammals, do not excrete hyperosmotic urine (i.e. more than five times plasma osmotic concentration). Urine is mixed with digesta rather than directly eliminated, and so the avian gut plays a relatively more important role in water and salt regulation than in mammals. Responses to dehydration and high- and low-salt loads are reviewed. Intestinal absorption of ingested water is modulated to help achieve water balance in one species studied (a nectar-feeding sunbird), the first demonstration of this in any terrestrial vertebrate. In many wild avian species the size and digestive capacity of the GIT is increased or decreased by as much as 50% in response to nutritional challenges such as hyperphagia, food restriction or fasting. The coincident impacts of these changes on osmoregulatory or immune function of the gut are poorly understood

    Absorption of sugars in the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus): a paradox explained

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    Two decades ago D. J. Keegan reported results on Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus, Megachiroptera) that were strangely at odds with the prevailing understanding of how glucose is absorbed in the mammalian intestine. Keegan's in vitro tests for glucose transport against a concentration gradient and with phloridzin inhibition in fruit bat intestine were all negative, although he used several different tissue preparations and had positive control results with laboratory rats. Because glucose absorption by fruit bats is nonetheless efficient, Keegan postulated that the rapid glucose absorption from the fruit bat intestine is not through the enterocytes, but must occur via spaces between the cells. Thus, we hypothesized that absorption of water-soluble compounds that are not actively transported would be extensive in these bats, and would decline with increasing molecular mass in accord with sieve-like paracellular absorption. We did not presume from Keegan's studies that there is no Na +-coupled, mediated sugar transport in these bats, and our study was not designed to rule it out, but rather to quantify the level of possible non-mediated absorption. Using a standard pharmacokinetic technique, we fed, or injected intraperitonealy, the metabolically inert carbohydrates L-rhamnose (molecular mass=164 Da) and cellobiose (molecular mass=342 Da), which are absorbed by paracellular uptake, and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (3OMD-glucose), a D-glucose analog that is absorbed via both mediated (active) and paracellular uptake. As predicted, the bioavailability of paracellular probes declined with increasing molecular mass (rhamnose, 62±4%; cellobiose, 22±4%) and was significantly higher in bats than has been reported for rats and other mammals. In addition, fractional absorption of 3OMD-glucose was high (91±2%). We estimated that Egyptian fruit bats rely on passive, paracellular absorption for the majority of their glucose absorption (at least 55% of 3OMD-glucose absorption), much more than in non-flying mammals