145 research outputs found

    Profaning the sacred in leadership studies: A reading of Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase

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    The leadership literature is full of stories of heroic self-sacrifice. Sacrificial leadership behaviour, some scholars conclude, is to be recommended. In this article we follow Keith Grint's conceptualization of leadership as necessarily pertaining to the sacred, but-drawing on Giorgio Agamben's notion of profanation-we highlight the need for organization scholars to profane the sacralizations embedded in leadership thinking. One example of this, which guides us throughout the article, is the novel A Wild Sheep Chase, by the Japanese author Haruki Murakami. By means of a thematic reading of the novel, we discuss how it contributes to profaning particular notions of sacrifice and the sacred in leadership thinking. In the novel, self-sacrifice does not function as a way of establishing a leadership position, but as a way to avoid the dangers associated with leadership, and possibly redeem humans from their current collective urge to become leaders. Inspired by Murakami's fictional example, we call organization scholars to engage in profanation of leadership studies and, in doing so, open new vistas for leadership theory and practice. © The Author(s) 2012


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    Becoming a leader: A co-produced autoethnographic exploration of situated learning of leadership practice

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    The article examines the development of situated leadership practice through an autoethnographic study of the first three months of being in the role of a chief operating officer. The argument for using an autoethnographic approach is in response to the dearth of in-depth research on the development of leadership practice from a relational, social and situated perspective. The article makes a contribution to management learning by exploring aspects of situated curriculum within a manager’s legitimate participation influencing the development of situated leadership practice