4 research outputs found

    The Performance of German Motion Pictures, Profits and Subsidies: Some Empirical Evidence

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    This paper pursues three objectives. First, it seeks to identify the determinants of performance of German motion pictures in terms of cinema admissions and producers’ rates of return. Second, against the background of heavy subsidization of the German film industry, it discusses two types of subsidy allocation: committee principle allocation and reference principle allocation. Third, the profitability of the industry is considered as the presumed economic non-viability of the industry constantly recurs in the public debate as an argument for subsidies. Copyright Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2005German movies, motion picture, industry, subsidies,

    Selection models in the music industry: How a prior independent experience may affect chart success

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    The is article analyses the two main approaches for artists’ selection in the recording industry: the direct model in which large major companies directly choose new artists from the supply market, and the agency model in which small independent labels realise the first choice and, subsequently, large organisations pick their new artists among those pre-selected by independents. An empirical analysis of chart sales reveals that artists selected through the agency model exhibit a longer presence on the chart due to repeated successes, while they are slower to reach heavy success once they have entered the chart. Conversely, the direct model leads to artists with a faster path to a strong success, but the same artists have a shorter presence on the chart due to the sporadic nature of their success. The profile of artists selected through these two models is also found to be different: big international soloist stars are more frequently selected through the direct model, while national bands are more frequently selected through the agency model. The insights suggest important implications for management in the cultural industries and especially in the recording industry. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006Artist selection, Cultural industries, Music market,

    Polioencefalomalacia em bovinos: epidemiologia, sinais clínicos e distribuição das lesões no encéfalo Bovine polioencephalomalacia: epidemiology, clinical signs and distribution of lesions in the brain

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    Trinta e um casos de polioencefalomalacia (PEM) diagnosticados de 1999-2008 em bovinos do Sul (13 casos) e Centro-Oeste (18 casos) brasileiros foram estudados. As taxas de morbidade (0,04%-6,66 %), mortalidade (0,04%-6,66 %) e letalidade (50%-100%) foram semelhantes em ambas as regiões estudadas. Não houve uma associação clara entre os casos de PEM e a idade, sexo dos bovinos e sazonalidade. Os casos ocorreram principalmente em bovinos criados de forma extensiva em pastagem. Na Região Sul a doença afetou principalmente bovinos jovens (um ano de idade ou menos), enquanto que principalmente bovinos mais velhos (3 anos de idade ou mais) foram afetados no Centro-Oeste. Os sinais clínicos mais frequentemente observados incluíram cegueira, incoordenação, andar em círculos, opistótono, decúbito e movimentos de pedalagem. A evolução do quadro clínico variou de 12 horas a 8 dias (media 3 dias e meio). Em 11 encéfalos não foram observadas alterações macroscópicas; as principais alterações macroscópicas nos outros casos incluíam congestão com tumefação e achatamento das circunvoluções, amolecimento e amarelamento do córtex telencefálico, focos de hemorragia no tronco encefálico, cerebelo e telencéfalo e herniação cerebelar. As principais alterações histológicas ocorreram no córtex dos lobos telencefálicos occipital, parietal e frontal; no entanto, lesões menos acentuadas e menos frequentemente observadas ocorreram no hipocampo, núcleos da base, tálamo, mesencéfalo e cerebelo. O tipo de lesão microscópica cortical era consistente em todos os casos e incluía necrose neuronal (neurônio vermelho) laminar segmentar, espongiose, tumefação do núcleo das células endoteliais, astrócitos Alzheimer tipo II e infiltração por células gitter. Em 20% dos casos havia um leve infiltrado celular linfo-histiocitário e em 13% dos casos havia leve infiltrado de neutrófilos e eosinófilos. Adicionalmente, lesões necro-hemorrágicas leves ou moderadas foram observadas em 49% dos casos nos núcleos da base, em 39% dos casos no tronco encefálico e em 26% dos casos no tálamo. Lesões telencefálicas foram consistentemente observadas nas lâminas dos córtices dos lobos occipital, parietal e frontal. Nessas regiões as camadas granular externa e interna foram as mais afetadas tanto por neurônios necróticos quanto por edema em todas as regiões avaliadas. Tanto os giros quanto os sulcos foram afetados igualmente.<br>Thirty one cases of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) diagnosed from 1999-2008 in cattle from the Southern (13 cases) and Midwestern (18 cases) Brazil were studied. Morbidity (0.04%-6.66 %), mortality (0.04%-6.66 %), and lethality (50%-100%) rates were similar in both regions studied. There was no clear association between PEM cases and age, sex or seasonality. Cases occurred mainly in cattle raised at pasture; in the Southern the disease affected mainly young cattle (one-year old or less) while mainly older cattle (three-year-old or older) were affected in the Midwest. Clinical signs more frequently observed included blindness, incoordination, circling, opisthotonus, recumbence and peddling movements. Clinical course varied from 12 hours to 8 days (average three days and a half). In 11 cases no gross changes were observed in the brain. Main gross findings in the brain of remaining cases included congestion with swelling and flattening of gyri, softening and yellow discoloration of cerebral cortex, hemorrhagic foci in the brain stem, cerebellum and telencephalon, and cerebellar herniation. The main histopathological changes were in the cortex of occipital, parietal and frontal telencephalic lobes; however less prominent and less frequently found lesions occurred in the hippocampus, basal nuclei, thalamus, midbrain, and cerebellum. The type of microscopic cortical lesions was consistent in all cases and included segmentar laminar neuronal necrosis (red neurons), spongiosis, swollen of vascular endothelial nuclei, Alzheimer type II astrocytes and infiltration of gitter cells. In 20% of the cases there was mild lymphohistiocytic cellular infiltrate and in 13% of the cases there was mild infiltrate by neutrophils and eosinophils. Additionally, mild to moderate necro-hemorrhagic lesions were observed in 49% of the cases in the basal nuclei, in 39% of the cases in brain stem and in 26% of the cases in the thalamus. Brain lesions were consistently found in the cortical laminae of the occipital, parietal and frontal telencephalic lobes. In such locations, most frequently affected cortical layers both by neuronal necrosis and edema were external and internal granular layers. Both gyri and sulci were equally affected