172 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPS Ditinjau Dari Konsep Diri Akademik Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 3 Sukawati

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    This study aims to determine the influence of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model of Social Learning Achievement Judging from Self Concept in Class Students at SMPN 3 Sukawati. This study uses the Post Test –Only Control Group Design. The research were conducted in academic year 2012/2013 that consist of 263 students. The sample using simple random sampling and analyzed by two ways Anova. The results are: 1)There are differences in social achievement of students who follow the model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning 2)There are differences in the interaction in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have high self concept There are differences in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have high self concept with self concept 3)There are differences in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have high self concept 4) There are differences in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have low self concept. Based on these finding we can conclude that there are differences in students' social learning achievement of the following type STAD Cooperative Learning model judging from self concept in VIII Class Students at SMPN 3 Sukawati-Gianyar


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     Metode pelaksanaannya (penyuluhan) sendiri cukup rumit, dikarenakan proses tersebut dilakukan dengan pemberian pemahaman dan praktik langsung di tempat kegiatan, walaupun hanya sebatas simulasi penanggulangan bencana kecil di tempat penyuluhan di sekolah-sekolah di desa kecamatan sembalun namun cukup menyita waktu dan tenaga para kemitraan penyuluhan. Diharapkan melalui kegiatan tersebut dapat membantu para siswa dan siswi tentang bagaimana cara menanggulangi bencana sejak dini dengan memulai dari hal yang paling terkecil yaitu: 1) tidak membuang sampah pada tempatnya, 2) menanam dan menjaga pohon sebaik mungkin demi kelangsungan hidup, 3) penyuluhan disampaikan kepada anak bangku sekolah, dikarenakan pada usia tersebut peneliti memilih cukup banyak waktu dan pengalaman yang dapat di praktikkan selama hidup. Sehingga dari proses tersebut warga sembalun memahami dan mampu mempraktikkan bagaimana cara penanggulangan bencana dengan baik dan benar


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    Perkembangan teknologi tidak terlepas dari adanya komputer sebagai perangkat yang menunjang dalam segi kehidupan. Kegiatan bisnis, pendidikan, hiburan, kepemerintahan dan keamanan negara menggunakan komputer sebagai sarana penunjang. Komputer sebagai sarana penunjang tidak dapat berfungsi tanpa adanya sistem operasi atau OS yang bekerja di dalamnya. Windows sebagai sistem operasi yang populer digunakan belum dijamin keamanannya. Perlu adanya pengujian untuk mengetahui kerentanan yang dimiliki oleh beberapa versi sistem operasi Windows. Dengan adanya pengujian ini dimungkinkan untuk mengetahui kelemahan sistem keamanan yang terdapat di beberapa versi Windows yang dapat dieksploitasi dan diketahui cara mengatasi kelemahan sistem keamanan tersebut. Kata Kunci: Sistem Operasi, Kerentanan, Window

    On the Munn-Silbey approach to polaron transport with off-diagonal coupling

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    Improved results using a method similar to the Munn-Silbey approach have been obtained on the temperature dependence of transport properties of an extended Holstein model incorporating simultaneous diagonal and off-diagonal exciton-phonon coupling. The Hamiltonian is partially diagonalized by a canonical transformation, and optimal transformation coefficients are determined in a self-consistent manner. Calculated transport properties exhibit substantial corrections on those obtained previously by Munn and Silbey for a wide range of temperatures thanks to a numerically exact evaluation and an added momentum-dependence of the transformation matrix. Results on the diffusion coefficient in the moderate and weak coupling regime show distinct band-like and hopping-like transport features as a function of temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accpeted in Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Shaul Mukamel Festschrift (2011

    Results from the Second International Module Inter-comparison

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    Most photovoltaic (PV) manufacturers trace their peakwatt rating through calibrations/measurements performed at recognized terrestrial calibration facilities. This paper summarizes the results of one such measurement performed by many different calibration facilities. The participants were selected from around the world based on their designation as a national PV calibration facility, prior participation in inter-comparisons, or as an ISO 17025-accredited PV module qualification or certification facility. Each facility was sent the same devices and was requested to treat them as a regular measurement. The modules were selected from newer thin-film manufacturers - ones that might stretch or exceed the current scope of capabilities of the different participants. A concentrator module was even included as part of the set. Short-circuit current (Isc), open-circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor (FF), and peak power (Pmax) results are reported

    Photovoltaic performance measurements in Europe: PV-catapult round robin tests

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    Two sets of modules have been sent around to different testing installations across Europe, one set to laboratories performing indoor calibrations and one set to laboratories performing outdoor power and energy ratings. The results show that for crystalline and polycrystalline devices, a very good agreement between laboratories has been achieved. A lower agreement between laboratories has been achieved for thin film devices and further need for research is identified

    Micro-spectroscopy on silicon wafers and solar cells

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    Micro-Raman (μRS) and micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy (μPLS) are demonstrated as valuable characterization techniques for fundamental research on silicon as well as for technological issues in the photovoltaic production. We measure the quantitative carrier recombination lifetime and the doping density with submicron resolution by μPLS and μRS. μPLS utilizes the carrier diffusion from a point excitation source and μRS the hole density-dependent Fano resonances of the first order Raman peak. This is demonstrated on micro defects in multicrystalline silicon. In comparison with the stress measurement by μRS, these measurements reveal the influence of stress on the recombination activity of metal precipitates. This can be attributed to the strong stress dependence of the carrier mobility (piezoresistance) of silicon. With the aim of evaluating technological process steps, Fano resonances in μRS measurements are analyzed for the determination of the doping density and the carrier lifetime in selective emitters, laser fired doping structures, and back surface fields, while μPLS can show the micron-sized damage induced by the respective processes

    Austrian Research and Technology Report 2022

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    Der Forschungs-und Technologiebericht 2022 gibt einen Überblick über die aus Bundesmitteln geförderte Forschung, Technologie und Innovation (FTI) in Österreich. Neben der Darstellung aktueller forschungspolitischer Entwicklungen, die den Stand der Umsetzung der mit Ende 2020 verabschiedeten FTI-Strategie 2030, forschungsrelevante Teilstrategien und neueste Entwicklungen im Hochschulbereich behandelt, werden auf Grundlage rezenter Daten aus diversen internationalen Rankings, aus der F&E (Forschung & Entwicklung)-Erhebung 2019 und der Globalschätzung 2022 Analysen zur nationalen und internationalen FTI-Performance Österreichs erstellt

    A European proficiency test on thin film tandem photovoltaic devices

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    A round robin proficiency test RR PT on thin film multi junction MJ photovoltaic PV cells was run between 13 laboratories within the European project CHEETAH. Five encapsulated PV cells were circulated to participants for being tested at Standard Test Conditions STC . Three cells were a Si amp; 956;c Si tandem PV devices, each of which had a different short circuit current ratio between the top junction and the bottom one; the remaining two cells were single junction PV devices made with material representative of the individual junctions in the MJ cells. The RR PT s main purpose was to assess the capability of the participating laboratories, in terms of employed facilities and procedures, to test MJ PV devices. Therefore, participant

    The regulatory mechanisms of NG2/CSPG4 expression

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    Neuron-glial antigen 2 (NG2), also known as chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4), is a surface type I transmembrane core proteoglycan that is crucially involved in cell survival, migration and angiogenesis. NG2 is frequently used as a marker for the identification and characterization of certain cell types, but little is known about the mechanisms regulating its expression. In this review, we provide evidence that the regulation of NG2 expression underlies inflammation and hypoxia and is mediated by methyltransferases, transcription factors, including Sp1, paired box (Pax) 3 and Egr-1, and the microRNA miR129-2. These regulatory factors crucially determine NG2-mediated cellular processes such as glial scar formation in the central nervous system (CNS) or tumor growth and metastasis. Therefore, they are potential targets for the establishment of novel NG2-based therapeutic strategies in the treatment of CNS injuries, cancer and other conditions of these types