422 research outputs found

    Techniques for improving reliability of computers

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    Modular design techniques improve methods of error detection, diagnosis, and recovery. Theoretical computer (MARCS (Modular Architecture for Reliable Computer Systems)) study deals with postulated and modeled technology indigenous to 1975-1980. Study developments are discussed

    Exact Solution of the One-Dimensional Non-Abelian Coulomb Gas at Large N

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    The problem of computing the thermodynamic properties of a one-dimensional gas of particles which transform in the adjoint representation of the gauge group and interact through non-Abelian electric fields is formulated and solved in the large NN limit. The explicit solution exhibits a first order confinement-deconfinement phase transition with computable properties and describes two dimensional adjoint QCD in the limit where matter field masses are large.Comment: 8 pages, late

    Universal Cellular Automata and Class 4

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    Wolfram has provided a qualitative classification of cellular automata(CA) rules according to which, there exits a class of CA rules (called Class 4) which exhibit complex pattern formation and long-lived dynamical activity (long transients). These properties of Class 4 CA's has led to the conjecture that Class 4 rules are Universal Turing machines i.e. they are bases for computational universality. We describe an embedding of a ``small'' universal Turing machine due to Minsky, into a cellular automaton rule-table. This produces a collection of (k=18,r=1)(k=18,r=1) cellular automata, all of which are computationally universal. However, we observe that these rules are distributed amongst the various Wolfram classes. More precisely, we show that the identification of the Wolfram class depends crucially on the set of initial conditions used to simulate the given CA. This work, among others, indicates that a description of complex systems and information dynamics may need a new framework for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, 5 figures uuencode

    Search for π0→ΜΌΜˉΌ\pi^0 \to \nu_{\mu}\bar\nu_{\mu} Decay in LSND

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    We observe a net beam-excess of 8.7±6.38.7 \pm 6.3 (stat) ±2.4\pm 2.4 (syst) events, above 160 MeV, resulting from the charged-current reaction of ΜΌ\nu_{\mu} and/or ΜˉΌ\bar\nu_{\mu} on C and H in the LSND detector. No beam related muon background is expected in this energy regime. Within an analysis framework of π0→ΜΌΜˉΌ\pi^0 \to \nu_{\mu}\bar\nu_{\mu}, we set a direct upper limit for this branching ratio of Γ(π0→ΜΌΜˉΌ)/Γ(π0→all)<1.6×10−6\Gamma(\pi^0 \to \nu_\mu \bar\nu_\mu) / \Gamma(\pi^0 \to all) < 1.6 \times 10^{-6} at 90% confidence level.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    ABSTRACT Previous experimental and analytical studies conducted to compare the performance of transonic swept rotors in single stage fans have demonstrated the potential of significant improvements in both efficiency and stall margin with forward swept blading. This paper extends the assessment of the payoff derived from forward sweep with respect to aerodynamic performance and stability to multistage configurations. The experimental investigation compares, on a back-to-back test basis, two builds of an advanced good efficiency, high pressure ratio, two-stage fan configuration tested alternately with a radial and a forward swept stage 1 blade. In the two-stage evaluations, the testing was extended to include the effect on inlet flow distortion. While the common second stage among the two builds prevented the overall fan from showing clean inlet performance and stability benefits with the forward swept rotor 1, this configuration did demonstrate superior front stage efficiency and tolerance to inlet distortion. Having obtained an already low distortion sensitivity with the radial rotor 1 configuration relative to current production military fan standards, the sensitivity to inlet distortion was halved with the forward swept rotor 1 configuration. In the case of the 180-degree one-per-rev distortion pattern, the two-stage configuration was evaluated both with and without inlet guide vanes (IGVs). The presence of the inlet guide vanes had a profound impact in lowering the two stage fan&apos;s sensitivity with inlet distortion

    Phases of one dimensional large N gauge theory in a 1/D expansion

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    We consider large N Yang Mills theory with D adjoint scalar fields in d dimensions for d=0 or 1. We show the existence of a non-trivial saddle point of the functional integral at large D which is characterized by a mass gap for the adjoint scalars. We integrate out the adjoint scalars in a 1/D expansion around the saddle point. In case of one dimension which is regarded as a circle, this procedure leads to an effective action for the Wilson line. We find an analogue of the confinement/deconfinement transition which consists of a second order phase transition from a uniform to a non-uniform eigenvalue distribution of the Wilson line, closely followed by a Gross-Witten-Wadia transition where a gap develops in the eigenvalue distribution. The phase transition can be regarded as a continuation of a Gregory-Laflamme transition. Our methods involve large values of the dimensionless 'tHooft coupling. The analysis in this paper is quantitatively supported by earlier numerical work for D=9.Comment: 27 pages + 21 pages of Appendix; 8 figures, v2:some comments are added in sec.4.3, minor corrections, one reference added, v3: minor corrections, one reference added, version to be published in JHE

    Measurements of Charged Current Reactions of Îœe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C

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    Charged Current reactions of Îœe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C have been studied using a ÎŒ+\mu^+ decay-at-rest Îœe\nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The cross section for the exclusive reaction 12C(Îœe,e−)12Ng.s.^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N_{g.s.} was measured to be (8.9±0.3±0.9)×10−42(8.9\pm0.3\pm0.9)\times10^{-42} cm2^2. The observed energy dependence of the cross section and angular distribution of the outgoing electron agree well with theoretical expectations. Measurements are also presented for inclusive transitions to 12N^{12}N excited states, 12C(Îœe,e−)12N∗^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N^* and compared with theoretical expectations. The measured cross section, (4.3±0.4±0.6)×10−42(4.3\pm0.4\pm0.6)\times10^{-42} cm2^2, is somewhat lower than previous measurements and than a continuum random phase approximation calculation. It is in better agreement with a recent shell model calculation.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, accepted to PRC, replaced with the accepted on

    Constraining conformal field theories with a slightly broken higher spin symmetry

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    We consider three dimensional conformal field theories that have a higher spin symmetry that is slightly broken. The theories have a large N limit, in the sense that the operators separate into single trace and multitrace and obey the usual large N factorization properties. We assume that the spectrum of single trace operators is similar to the one that one gets in the Vasiliev theories. Namely, the only single trace operators are the higher spin currents plus an additional scalar. The anomalous dimensions of the higher spin currents are of order 1/N. Using the slightly broken higher spin symmetry we constrain the three point functions of the theories to leading order in N. We show that there are two families of solutions. One family can be realized as a theory of N fermions with an O(N) Chern-Simons gauge field, the other as a N bosons plus the Chern-Simons gauge field. The family of solutions is parametrized by the 't Hooft coupling. At special parity preserving points we get the critical O(N) models, both the Wilson-Fisher one and the Gross-Neveu one. Our analysis also fixes the on shell three point functions of Vasiliev's theory on AdS_4 or dS_4.Comment: 54 pages, 3 figure

    Charge Form Factor and Cluster Structure of 6^6Li Nucleus

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    The charge form factor of 6{}^6Li nucleus is considered on the basis of its cluster structure. The charge density of 6{}^6Li is presented as a superposition of two terms. One of them is a folded density and the second one is a sum of 4{}^4He and the deuteron densities. Using the available experimental data for 4{}^4He and deuteron charge form factors, a good agreement of the calculations within the suggested scheme is obtained with the experimental data for the charge form factor of 6{}^6Li, including those in the region of large transferred momenta.Comment: 12 pages 5 figure

    Measurement of electron-neutrino electron elastic scattering

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    The cross section for the elastic scattering reaction nu_e+e- -> nu_e+e- was measured by the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector using a mu+ decay-at-rest nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The standard model of electroweak physics predicts a large destructive interference between the charge current and neutral current channels for this reaction. The measured cross section, sigma_{nu_e e-}=[10.1 +- 1.1(stat.) +- 1.0(syst.)]x E_{nu_e} (MeV) x 10^{-45} cm^2, agrees well with standard model expectations. The measured value of the interference parameter, I=-1.01 +- 0.13(stat.) +- 0.12(syst.), is in good agreement with the standard model expectation of I^{SM}=-1.09. Limits are placed on neutrino flavor-changing neutral currents. An upper limit on the muon-neutrino magnetic moment of 6.8 x 10^{-10} mu_{Bohr} is obtained using the nu_mu and \bar{nu}_mu fluxes from pi+ and mu+ decay.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure
