398 research outputs found

    Role of external inputs of nutrients to aquatic ecosystems in determining prevalence of nitrogen vs. phosphorus limitation of net primary productivity

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Howarth, R. W., Chan, F., Swaney, D. P., Marino, R. M., & Hayn, M. Role of external inputs of nutrients to aquatic ecosystems in determining prevalence of nitrogen vs. phosphorus limitation of net primary productivity. Biogeochemistry, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-021-00765-z.Whether net primary productivity in an aquatic ecosystem is limited by nitrogen (N), limited by phosphorus (P), or co-limited by N & P is determined by the relative supply of N and P to phytoplankton compared to their elemental requirements for primary production, often characterized by the “Redfield” ratio. The supply of these essential nutrients is affected by both external inputs and biogeochemical processes within the ecosystem. In this paper, we examine external sources of nutrients to aquatic systems and how the balance of N to P inputs influences nutrient limitation. For ocean subtropical gyres, a relatively balanced input of N and P relative to the Redfield ratio from deep ocean sources often leads to near co-limitation by N and P. For lakes, the external nutrient inputs come largely from watershed sources, and we demonstrate that on average the N:P ratio for these inputs across the United States is well above that needed by phytoplankton, which may contribute to P limitation in those lake that experience this average nutrient loading. Watershed inputs are also important for estuaries and coastal marine ecosystems, but ocean sources of nutrients are also significant contributors to overall nutrient loads. The ocean-nutrient sources of N and P are very often at or below the Redfield ratio of 16:1 molar, and can be substantially so, particularly in areas where the continental shelf is wide. This large input of coastal ocean nutrients with a low N:P ratio is one factor that may make N limitation more likely in many coastal marine ecosystems than in lakes.Preparation of this manuscript was supported by a National Science Foundation Grant # 1654845 from the Long Term Research in Environmental Biology program, a grant from the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future at Cornell University, and by an endowment given to Cornell by David R. Atkinson to support a professorship held by RWH

    Anthropogenic point-source and non-point-source nitrogen inputs into Huai River basin and their impacts on riverine ammonia–nitrogen flux

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    This study provides a new approach to estimate both anthropogenic non-point-source and point-source nitrogen (N) inputs to the landscape, and determines their impacts on riverine ammonia-nitrogen (AN) flux, providing a foundation for further exploration of anthropogenic effects on N pollution. Our study site is Huai River basin of China, a water–shed with one of the highest levels of N input in the world. Multi-year average (2003-2010) inputs of N to the watershed are 27 200 ± 1100 kg N km-2 yr-1. Non-point sources comprised about 98 % of total N input, and only 2 % of inputs are directly added to the aquatic ecosystem as point sources. Fertilizer application was the largest non-point source of new N to the Huai River basin (69 % of net anthropogenic N inputs), followed by atmospheric deposition (20 %), N fixation in croplands (7 %), and N content of imported food and feed (2 %). High N inputs showed impacts on riverine AN flux: fertilizer application, point-source N input, and atmospheric N deposition were proved as more direct sources to riverine AN flux. Modes of N delivery and losses associated with biological denitrification in rivers, water consumption, interception by dams may influence the extent of export of riverine AN flux from N sources. Our findings highlight the importance of anthropogenic N inputs from both point sources and non-point sources in heavily polluted watersheds, and provide some implications for AN prediction and management.This study was financially supported by the Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (no. KZZD-EW-10-02-3), the 13th Five-Year Plan of Chinese Academy of Sciences (no. YSW2013B02) and State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology scientific project (no. SKLURE2013-1-05). The authors wish to express their gratitude to the China Scholarship Council (201408110138) for funding the visiting venture that generated this paper, and to Huai River Basin Water Resources Protection Bureau and Hydrologic Information Center of Huai River Commission for providing water quality and hydrological data

    Community-identified strategies to increase physical activity during elementary school recess on an American Indian reservation: A pilot study

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of an 8-week recess intervention on physical activity levels in children attending elementary school on an American Indian reservation during fall 2013.Physical activity was measured with direct observation in three zones on the playground. Lines were painted on existing pavement in zone 1. Zone 2 had permanent playground equipment and was unchanged. Zone 3 contained fields where bi-weekly facilitators led activities and provided equipment. Pre- to post-changes during recess in sedentary, moderate physical activity, moderate-to-vigorous, and vigorous physical activities were compared within zones.Females physical activity increased in Zone 1 (moderate: 100% increase; moderate-to-vigorous: 83%; vigorous: 74%, p<0.01 for all) and Zone 3 (moderate: 54% increase, p<0.01; moderate-to-vigorous: 48%, p<0.01; vigorous: 40%, p<0.05). Male sedentary activity decreased in Zone 2 (161%, p<0.01). Physical activity changes in Zone 3 were not dependent upon the presence of a facilitator.Simple and low-cost strategies were effective at increasing recess physical activity in females. The findings also suggest that providing children games that are led by a facilitator is not necessary to increase physical activity as long as proper equipment is provided

    A Century of Legacy Phosphorus Dynamics in a Large Drainage Basin

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    There is growing evidence that the release of phosphorus (P) from legacy stores can frustrate efforts to reduce P loading to surface water from sources such as agriculture and human sewage. Less is known, however, about the magnitude and residence times of these legacy pools. Here we constructed a budget of net anthropogenic P inputs to the Baltic Sea drainage basin and developed a three-parameter, two-box model to describe the movement of anthropogenic P though temporary (mobile) and long-term (stable) storage pools. Phosphorus entered the sea as direct coastal effluent discharge and via rapid transport and slow, legacy pathways. The model reproduced past waterborne P loads and suggested an similar to 30-year residence time in the mobile pool. Between 1900 and 2013, 17 and 27 Mt P has accumulated in the mobile and stable pools, respectively. Phosphorus inputs to the sea have halved since the 1980s due to improvements in coastal sewage treatment and reductions associated with the rapid transport pathway. After decades of accumulation, the system appears to have shifted to a depletion phase; absent further reductions in net anthropogenic P input, future waterborne loads could decrease. Presently, losses from the mobile pool contribute nearly half of P loads, suggesting that it will be difficult to achieve substantial near-term reductions. However, there is still potential to make progress toward eutrophication management goals by addressing rapid transport pathways, such as overland flow, as well as mobile stores, such as cropland with large soil-P reserves.Peer reviewe

    Opportunities to reduce nutrient inputs to the Baltic Sea by improving manure use efficiency in agriculture

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    While progress has been made in reducing external nutrient inputs to the Baltic Sea, further actions are needed to meet the goals of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), especially for the Baltic Proper, Gulf of Finland, and Gulf of Riga sub-basins. We used the net anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs (NANI and NAPI, respectively) nutrient accounting approach to construct three scenarios of reduced NANI-NAPI. Reductions assumed that manure nutrients were redistributed from areas with intense animal production to areas that focus on crop production and would otherwise import synthetic and mineral fertilizers. We also used the Simple as Necessary Baltic Long Term Large Scale (SANBALTS) model to compare eutrophication conditions for the scenarios to current and BSAP-target conditions. The scenarios suggest that reducing NANI-NAPI by redistributing manure nutrients, together with improving agronomic practices, could meet 54-82% of the N reductions targets (28-43 kt N reduction) and 38-64% P reduction targets (4-6.6 kt P reduction), depending on scenario. SANBALTS output showed that even partial fulfillment of nutrient reduction targets could have ameliorating effects on eutrophication conditions. Meeting BSAP targets will require addressing additional sources, such as sewage. A common approach to apportioning sources to external nutrients loads could enable further assessment of the feasibility of eutrophication management targets.Peer reviewe

    Letter of Intent for FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC

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    FASER is a proposed small and inexpensive experiment designed to search for light, weakly-interacting particles at the LHC. Such particles are dominantly produced along the beam collision axis and may be long-lived, traveling hundreds of meters before decaying. To exploit both of these properties, FASER is to be located along the beam collision axis, 480 m downstream from the ATLAS interaction point, in the unused service tunnel TI18. We propose that FASER be installed in TI18 in Long Shutdown 2 in time to collect data from 2021-23 during Run 3 of the 14 TeV LHC. FASER will detect new particles that decay within a cylindrical volume with radius R= 10 cm and length L = 1.5 m. With these small dimensions, FASER will complement the LHC's existing physics program, extending its discovery potential to a host of new particles, including dark photons, axion-like particles, and other CP-odd scalars. A FLUKA simulation and analytical estimates have confirmed that numerous potential backgrounds are highly suppressed at the FASER location, and the first in situ measurements are currently underway. We describe FASER's location and discovery potential, its target signals and backgrounds, the detector's layout and components, and the experiment's preliminary cost estimate, funding, and timeline.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures; submitted to the CERN LHCC on 18 July 201

    Social Interactions of Juvenile Brown Boobies at Sea as Observed with Animal-Borne Video Cameras

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    While social interactions play a crucial role on the development of young individuals, those of highly mobile juvenile birds in inaccessible environments are difficult to observe. In this study, we deployed miniaturised video recorders on juvenile brown boobies Sula leucogaster, which had been hand-fed beginning a few days after hatching, to examine how social interactions between tagged juveniles and other birds affected their flight and foraging behaviour. Juveniles flew longer with congeners, especially with adult birds, than solitarily. In addition, approximately 40% of foraging occurred close to aggregations of congeners and other species. Young seabirds voluntarily followed other birds, which may directly enhance their foraging success and improve foraging and flying skills during their developmental stage, or both
