1,873 research outputs found

    Sonoluminescence: Bogolubov coefficients for the QED vacuum of a time-dependent dielectric bubble

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    We extend Schwinger's ideas regarding sonoluminescence by explicitly calculating the Bogolubov coefficients relating the QED vacuum states associated with changes in a dielectric bubble. Sudden (non-adiabatic) changes in the refractive index lead to an efficient production of real photons with a broadband spectrum, and a high-frequency cutoff that arises from the asymptotic behaviour of the dielectric constant.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures (.eps file) included with graphics.sty. Major revisions: physical scenario clarified, additional numerical estimate

    Relativistic, Causal Description of Quantum Entanglement and Gravity

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    A possible solution to the problem of providing a spacetime description of the transmission of signals for quantum entangled states is obtained by using a bimetric spacetime structure, in which quantum entanglement measurements alter the structure of the classical relativity spacetime. A bimetric gravity theory locally has two lightcones, one which describes classical special relativity and a larger lightcone which allows light signals to communicate quantum information between entangled states, after a measurement device detects one of the entangled states. The theory would remove the tension that exists between macroscopic classical, local gravity and macroscopic nonlocal quantum mechanics.Comment: 12 pages. LaTex file. 1 figure. Additional text. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Sonoluminescence as a QED vacuum effect. II: Finite Volume Effects

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    In a companion paper [quant-ph/9904013] we have investigated several variations of Schwinger's proposed mechanism for sonoluminescence. We demonstrated that any realistic version of Schwinger's mechanism must depend on extremely rapid (femtosecond) changes in refractive index, and discussed ways in which this might be physically plausible. To keep that discussion tractable, the technical computations in that paper were limited to the case of a homogeneous dielectric medium. In this paper we investigate the additional complications introduced by finite-volume effects. The basic physical scenario remains the same, but we now deal with finite spherical bubbles, and so must decompose the electromagnetic field into Spherical Harmonics and Bessel functions. We demonstrate how to set up the formalism for calculating Bogolubov coefficients in the sudden approximation, and show that we qualitatively retain the results previously obtained using the homogeneous-dielectric (infinite volume) approximation.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX 209, ReV-TeX 3.2, five figure

    A method to measure vacuum birefringence at FCC-ee

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    It is well-known that the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger effective Lagrangian predicts that a vacuum with a strong static electromagnetic field turns birefringent. We propose a scheme that can be implemented at the planned FCC-ee, to measure the nonlinear effect of vacuum birefringence in electrodynamics arising from QED corrections. Our scheme employs a pulsed laser to create Compton backscattered photons off a high energy electron beam, with the FCC-ee as a particularly interesting example. These photons will pass through a strong static magnetic field, which changes the state of polarization of the radiation - an effect proportional to the photon energy. This change will be measured by the use of an aligned single-crystal, where a large difference in the pair production cross-sections can be achieved. In the proposed experimental setup the birefringence effect gives rise to a difference in the number of pairs created in the analyzing crystal, stemming from the fact that the initial laser light has a varying state of polarization, achieved with a rotating quarter wave plate. Evidence for the vacuum birefringent effect will be seen as a distinct peak in the Fourier transform spectrum of the pair-production rate signal. This tell-tale signal can be significantly above background with only few hours of measurement, in particular at high energies.Comment: Presented by UIU at the International Symposium on "New Horizons in Fundamental Physics: From Neutrons Nuclei via Superheavy Elements and Supercritical Fields to Neutron Stars and Cosmic Rays," held to honor Walter Greiner on his 80th birthday at Makutsi Safari Farm, South Africa, November 23-29, 201

    Unitary equivalence between ordinary intelligent states and generalized intelligent states

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    Ordinary intelligent states (OIS) hold equality in the Heisenberg uncertainty relation involving two noncommuting observables {A, B}, whereas generalized intelligent states (GIS) do so in the more generalized uncertainty relation, the Schrodinger-Robertson inequality. In general, OISs form a subset of GISs. However, if there exists a unitary evolution U that transforms the operators {A, B} to a new pair of operators in a rotation form, it is shown that an arbitrary GIS can be generated by applying the rotation operator U to a certain OIS. In this sense, the set of OISs is unitarily equivalent to the set of GISs. It is the case, for example, with the su(2) and the su(1,1) algebra that have been extensively studied particularly in quantum optics. When these algebras are represented by two bosonic operators (nondegenerate case), or by a single bosonic operator (degenerate case), the rotation, or pseudo-rotation, operator U corresponds to phase shift, beam splitting, or parametric amplification, depending on two observables {A, B}.Comment: published version, 4 page

    Unitary equivalence between ordinary intelligent states and generalized intelligent states

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    Ordinary intelligent states (OIS) hold equality in the Heisenberg uncertainty relation involving two noncommuting observables {A, B}, whereas generalized intelligent states (GIS) do so in the more generalized uncertainty relation, the Schrodinger-Robertson inequality. In general, OISs form a subset of GISs. However, if there exists a unitary evolution U that transforms the operators {A, B} to a new pair of operators in a rotation form, it is shown that an arbitrary GIS can be generated by applying the rotation operator U to a certain OIS. In this sense, the set of OISs is unitarily equivalent to the set of GISs. It is the case, for example, with the su(2) and the su(1,1) algebra that have been extensively studied particularly in quantum optics. When these algebras are represented by two bosonic operators (nondegenerate case), or by a single bosonic operator (degenerate case), the rotation, or pseudo-rotation, operator U corresponds to phase shift, beam splitting, or parametric amplification, depending on two observables {A, B}.Comment: published version, 4 page

    Sonoluminescence as a QED vacuum effect: Probing Schwinger's proposal

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    Several years ago Schwinger proposed a physical mechanism for sonoluminescence in terms of photon production due to changes in the properties of the quantum-electrodynamic (QED) vacuum arising from a collapsing dielectric bubble. This mechanism can be re-phrased in terms of the Casimir effect and has recently been the subject of considerable controversy. The present paper probes Schwinger's suggestion in detail: Using the sudden approximation we calculate Bogolubov coefficients relating the QED vacuum in the presence of the expanded bubble to that in the presence of the collapsed bubble. In this way we derive an estimate for the spectrum and total energy emitted. We verify that in the sudden approximation there is an efficient production of photons, and further that the main contribution to this dynamic Casimir effect comes from a volume term, as per Schwinger's original calculation. However, we also demonstrate that the timescales required to implement Schwinger's original suggestion are not physically relevant to sonoluminescence. Although Schwinger was correct in his assertion that changes in the zero-point energy lead to photon production, nevertheless his original model is not appropriate for sonoluminescence. In other works (see quant-ph/9805023, quant-ph/9904013, quant-ph/9904018, quant-ph/9905034) we have developed a variant of Schwinger's model that is compatible with the physically required timescales.Comment: 18 pages, ReV_TeX 3.2, 9 figures. Major revisions: This document is now limited to providing a probe of Schwinger's original suggestion for sonoluminescence. For details on our own variant of Schwinger's ideas see quant-ph/9805023, quant-ph/9904013, quant-ph/9904018, quant-ph/990503

    Schwinger, Pegg and Barnett approaches and a relationship between angular and Cartesian quantum descriptions II: Phase Spaces

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    Following the discussion -- in state space language -- presented in a preceding paper, we work on the passage from the phase space description of a degree of freedom described by a finite number of states (without classical counterpart) to one described by an infinite (and continuously labeled) number of states. With that it is possible to relate an original Schwinger idea to the Pegg and Barnett approach to the phase problem. In phase space language, this discussion shows that one can obtain the Weyl-Wigner formalism, for both Cartesian {\em and} angular coordinates, as limiting elements of the discrete phase space formalism.Comment: Subm. to J. Phys A: Math and Gen. 7 pages, sequel of quant-ph/0108031 (which is to appear on J.Phys A: Math and Gen

    Vacuum polarization induced by a uniformly accelerated charge

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    We consider a point charge fixed in the Rindler coordinates which describe a uniformly accelerated frame. We determine an integral expression of the induced charge density due to the vacuum polarization at the first order in the fine structure constant. In the case where the acceleration is weak, we give explicitly the induced electrostatic potential.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures, to appear in Int. J. Theor. Phys

    Exact 1-D Model for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation with Shielding and Bunch Compression

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    Coherent Synchrotron Radiation has been studied effectively using a 1-dimensional model for the charge distribution in the realm of small angle approximations and high energies. Here we use Jefimenko's form of Maxwell's equations, without such approximations, to calculate the exact wake-fields due to this effect in multiple bends and drifts. It has been shown before that the influence of a drift can propagate well into a subsequent bend. We show, for reasonable parameters, that the influence of a previous bend can also propagate well into a subsequent bend, and that this is especially important at the beginning of a bend. Shielding by conducting parallel plates is simulated using the image charge method. We extend the formalism to situations with compressing and decompressing distributions, and conclude that simpler approximations to bunch compression usually overestimates the effect. Additionally, an exact formula for the coherent power radiated by a Gaussian bunch is derived by considering the coherent synchrotron radiation spectrum, and is used to check the accuracy of wake-field calculations
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