144 research outputs found

    A trapped surface in the higher-dimensional self-similar Vaidya spacetime

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    We investigate a trapped surface and naked singularity in a DD-dimensional Vaidya spacetime with a self-similar mass function. A trapped surface is defined as a closed spacelike (D−2)(D-2)-surface which has negative both null expansions. There is no trapped surface in the Minkowski spacetime. However, in a four-dimensional self-similar Vaidya spacetime, Bengtsson and Senovilla considered non-spherical trapped surfaces and showed that a trapped surface can penetrate into a flat region, if and only if the mass function rises fast enough [I. Bengtsson and J. M. M. Senovilla, Phys. Rev. D \textbf{79}, 024027 (2009).]. We apply this result to a DD-dimensional spacetime motivated by the context of large extra dimensions or TeV-scale gravity. In this paper, similarly to Bengtsson and Senovilla's study, we match four types of (D−2)(D-2)-surfaces and show that a trapped surface extended into the flat region can be constructed in the DD-dimensional Vaidya spacetime, if the increasing rate of the mass function is greater than 0.4628. Moreover, we show that the maximum radius of the trapped surface constructed here approaches the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini radius in the large DD limit. Also, we show that there is no naked singularity, if the spacetime has the trapped surface constructed here.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    New, efficient, and accurate high order derivative and dissipation operators satisfying summation by parts, and applications in three-dimensional multi-block evolutions

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    We construct new, efficient, and accurate high-order finite differencing operators which satisfy summation by parts. Since these operators are not uniquely defined, we consider several optimization criteria: minimizing the bandwidth, the truncation error on the boundary points, the spectral radius, or a combination of these. We examine in detail a set of operators that are up to tenth order accurate in the interior, and we surprisingly find that a combination of these optimizations can improve the operators' spectral radius and accuracy by orders of magnitude in certain cases. We also construct high-order dissipation operators that are compatible with these new finite difference operators and which are semi-definite with respect to the appropriate summation by parts scalar product. We test the stability and accuracy of these new difference and dissipation operators by evolving a three-dimensional scalar wave equation on a spherical domain consisting of seven blocks, each discretized with a structured grid, and connected through penalty boundary conditions.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. The files with the coefficients for the derivative and dissipation operators can be accessed by downloading the source code for the document. The files are located in the "coeffs" subdirector

    Horizon Pretracking

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    We introduce horizon pretracking as a method for analysing numerically generated spacetimes of merging black holes. Pretracking consists of following certain modified constant expansion surfaces during a simulation before a common apparent horizon has formed. The tracked surfaces exist at all times, and are defined so as to include the common apparent horizon if it exists. The method provides a way for finding this common apparent horizon in an efficient and reliable manner at the earliest possible time. We can distinguish inner and outer horizons by examining the distortion of the surface. Properties of the pretracking surface such as its expansion, location, shape, area, and angular momentum can also be used to predict when a common apparent horizon will appear, and its characteristics. The latter could also be used to feed back into the simulation by adapting e.g. boundary or gauge conditions even before the common apparent horizon has formed.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, minor change

    Numerical relativity with characteristic evolution, using six angular patches

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    The characteristic approach to numerical relativity is a useful tool in evolving gravitational systems. In the past this has been implemented using two patches of stereographic angular coordinates. In other applications, a six-patch angular coordinate system has proved effective. Here we investigate the use of a six-patch system in characteristic numerical relativity, by comparing an existing two-patch implementation (using second-order finite differencing throughout) with a new six-patch implementation (using either second- or fourth-order finite differencing for the angular derivatives). We compare these different codes by monitoring the Einstein constraint equations, numerically evaluated independently from the evolution. We find that, compared to the (second-order) two-patch code at equivalent resolutions, the errors of the second-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of about 2, and the errors of the fourth-order six-patch code are smaller by a factor of nearly 50.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to CQG (special NFNR issue

    Binary neutron-star mergers with Whisky and SACRA: First quantitative comparison of results from independent general-relativistic hydrodynamics codes

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    We present the first quantitative comparison of two independent general-relativistic hydrodynamics codes, the Whisky code and the SACRA code. We compare the output of simulations starting from the same initial data and carried out with the configuration (numerical methods, grid setup, resolution, gauges) which for each code has been found to give consistent and sufficiently accurate results, in particular in terms of cleanness of gravitational waveforms. We focus on the quantities that should be conserved during the evolution (rest mass, total mass energy, and total angular momentum) and on the gravitational-wave amplitude and frequency. We find that the results produced by the two codes agree at a reasonable level, with variations in the different quantities but always at better than about 10%.Comment: Published on Phys. Rev.

    Black hole head-on collisions and gravitational waves with fixed mesh-refinement and dynamic singularity excision

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    We present long-term-stable and convergent evolutions of head-on black hole collisions and extraction of gravitational waves generated during the merger and subsequent ring-down. The new ingredients in this work are the use of fixed mesh-refinement and dynamical singularity excision techniques. We are able to carry out head-on collisions with large initial separations and demonstrate that our excision infrastructure is capable of accommodating the motion of the individual black holes across the computational domain as well as their their merger. We extract gravitational waves from these simulations using the Zerilli-Moncrief formalism and find the ring-down radiation to be, as expected, dominated by the l=2, m=0 quasi-normal mode. The total radiated energy is about 0.1 % of the total ADM mass of the system.Comment: Revised version, 1 figure added, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D, 15 pages, 10 figures, revtex 4.

    Introduction to dynamical horizons in numerical relativity

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    This paper presents a quasi-local method of studying the physics of dynamical black holes in numerical simulations. This is done within the dynamical horizon framework, which extends the earlier work on isolated horizons to time-dependent situations. In particular: (i) We locate various kinds of marginal surfaces and study their time evolution. An important ingredient is the calculation of the signature of the horizon, which can be either spacelike, timelike, or null. (ii) We generalize the calculation of the black hole mass and angular momentum, which were previously defined for axisymmetric isolated horizons to dynamical situations. (iii) We calculate the source multipole moments of the black hole which can be used to verify that the black hole settles down to a Kerr solution. (iv) We also study the fluxes of energy crossing the horizon, which describes how a black hole grows as it accretes matter and/or radiation. We describe our numerical implementation of these concepts and apply them to three specific test cases, namely, the axisymmetric head-on collision of two black holes, the axisymmetric collapse of a neutron star, and a non-axisymmetric black hole collision with non-zero initial orbital angular momentum.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, revtex4. Several smaller changes, some didactic content shortene

    Moving black holes via singularity excision

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    We present a singularity excision algorithm appropriate for numerical simulations of black holes moving throughout the computational domain. The method is an extension of the excision procedure previously used to obtain stable simulations of single, non-moving black holes. The excision procedure also shares elements used in recent work to study the dynamics of a scalarfield in the background of a single, boosted black hole. The robustness of our excision method is tested with single black-hole evolutions using a coordinate system in which the coordinate location of the black hole, and thus the excision boundary, moves throughout the computational domain.Comment: 9 pages and 11 figure

    BSSN in Spherical Symmetry

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    The BSSN (Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura) formulation of the Einstein evolution equations is written in spherical symmetry. These equations can be used to address a number of technical and conceptual issues in numerical relativity in the context of a single Schwarzschild black hole. One of the benefits of spherical symmetry is that the numerical grid points can be tracked on a Kruskal--Szekeres diagram. Boundary conditions suitable for puncture evolution of a Schwarzschild black hole are presented. Several results are shown for puncture evolution using a fourth--order finite difference implementation of the equations.Comment: This is the final version to be published in CQG. It contains much more information and detail than the original versio
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