5,251 research outputs found

    Hydrogenated grain boundaries in graphene

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    We have investigated by means of first principles calculations the structural and electronic properties of hydrogenated graphene structures with distinct grain boundary defects. Our total energy results reveal that the adsorption of a single H is more stable at grain boundary defect. The electronic structure of the grains boundaries upon hydrogen adsorption have been examined. Further total energy calculations indicate that the adsorption of two H on two neighbor carbons, forming a basic unit of graphane, is more stable at the defect region. Therefore, we expect that these extended defects would work as a nucleation region for the formation of a narrow graphane strip embedded in graphene region

    Confining potential in a color dielectric medium with parallel domain walls

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    We study quark confinement in a system of two parallel domain walls interpolating different color dielectric media. We use the phenomenological approach in which the confinement of quarks appears considering the QCD vacuum as a color dielectric medium. We explore this phenomenon in QCD_2, where the confinement of the color flux between the domain walls manifests, in a scenario where two 0-branes (representing external quark and antiquark) are connected by a QCD string. We obtain solutions of the equations of motion via first-order differential equations. We find a new color confining potential that increases monotonically with the distance between the domain walls.Comment: RevTex4, 5 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Lorentz-violating dimension-five operator contribution to the black body radiation

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    We investigate the thermodynamics of a photon gas in an effective field theory model that describes Lorentz violations through dimension-five operators and Horava-Lifshitz theory. We explore the electrodynamics of the model which includes higher order derivatives in the Lagrangian that can modify the dispersion relation for the propagation of the photons. We shall focus on the deformed black body radiation spectrum and modified Stefan-Boltzmann law to address the allowed bounds on the Lorentz-violating parameter.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Version published in PL

    Non-additivity of decoherence rates in superconducting qubits

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    We show that the relaxation and decoherence rates 1/T_1 and 1/T_2 of a qubit coupled to several noise sources are in general not additive, i.e., that the total rates are not the sums of the rates due to each individual noise source. To demonstrate this, we calculate the relaxation and pure dephasing rates 1/T_1 and 1/T_\phi of a superconducting (SC) flux qubit in the Born-Markov approximation in the presence of several circuit impedances Z_i using network graph theory and determine their deviation from additivity (the mixing term). We find that there is no mixing term in 1/T_\phi and that the mixing terms in 1/T_1 and 1/T_2 can be positive or negative, leading to reduced or enhanced relaxation and decoherence times T_1 and T_2. The mixing term due to the circuit inductance L at the qubit transition frequency \omega_{01} is generally of second order in \omega_{01}L/Z_i, but of third order if all impedances Z_i are pure resistances. We calculate T_{1,2} for an example of a SC flux qubit coupled to two impedances.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    From circular paths to elliptic orbits: A geometric approach to Kepler's motion

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    The hodograph, i.e. the path traced by a body in velocity space, was introduced by Hamilton in 1846 as an alternative for studying certain dynamical problems. The hodograph of the Kepler problem was then investigated and shown to be a circle, it was next used to investigate some other properties of the motion. We here propose a new method for tracing the hodograph and the corresponding configuration space orbit in Kepler's problem starting from the initial conditions given and trying to use no more than the methods of synthetic geometry in a sort of Newtonian approach. All of our geometric constructions require straight edge and compass only.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Perdas econômicas decorrentes da Artrite-encefalite caprina na produção de gordura e sólidos totais de leite.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se determinar as perdas econômicas decorrentes da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina, em parâmetros físico-químicos e de CCS do leite de cabras mestiças, criadas sob as condições ambientais do semiárido Cearense. A avaliação foi conduzida na Fazenda Experimental ? Santa Rita, pertencente à Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, em Sobral, CE. Foram utilizadas 40 cabras ½ Anglo-Nubiana x ½ Saanen. A produção leiteira foi verificada através de pesagens diárias durante 210 dias, e neste período, os parâmetros físico-químicos e de CCS foram mensurados a cada 28 dias. Foram calculadas as receitas com a venda de leite dos diferentes grupos, considerando-se a diferenciação de preço por qualidade. Observou-se que a CAE acarreta perdas econômicas significativas na receita da produção leiteira de cabras mestiças criadas nas condições ambientais do semiárido Cearense. Em virtude da pequena margem de lucro na produção de leite de cabra, estas perdas podem comprometer a rentabilidade da atividade. [Economic Losses Resulting from the Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis in the Production of Fat and Milk Total Solids]. Abstract: The objective was to determine the economic losses in production of milk?s fat and total solids due to the CAE in goat crossbred dairy herd under semiarid environmental conditions of Ceara state. The evaluation was conducted at the Experimental Farm - Santa Rita, which belongs to Embrapa Goats and Sheep, in Sobral, CE. Used 40 ½ Anglo-Nubian x ½ Saanen goats. Milk production was measured by daily weighing during the period of 210 days. Was calculated the revenue from the sale of milk quality for the different groups, considering the price differentiation for quality. It was noted that the CAE causes significant economic losses in revenue from milk production of crossbred goats raised in semiarid environmental conditions of Ceara. As a very small profit margin in the production of goat milk, these losses can compromise the productivity of the activity for the raisers

    The pasta phase within density dependent hadronic models

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    In the present paper we investigate the onset of the pasta phase with different parametrisations of the density dependent hadronic model and compare the results with one of the usual parametrisation of the non-linear Walecka model. The influence of the scalar-isovector virtual delta meson is shown. At zero temperature two different methods are used, one based on coexistent phases and the other on the Thomas-Fermi approximation. At finite temperature only the coexistence phases method is used. npe matter with fixed proton fractions and in beta-equilibrium are studied. We compare our results with restrictions imposed on the the values of the density and pressure at the inner edge of the crust, obtained from observations of the Vela pulsar and recent isospin diffusion data from heavy-ion reactions, and with predictions from spinodal calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures and 7 table

    Limitations on the superposition principle: superselection rules in non-relativistic quantum mechanics

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    The superposition principle is a very basic ingredient of quantum theory. What may come as a surprise to many students, and even to many practitioners of the quantum craft, is tha superposition has limitations imposed by certain requirements of the theory. The discussion of such limitations arising from the so-called superselection rules is the main purpose of this paper. Some of their principal consequences are also discussed. The univalence, mass and particle number superselection rules of non-relativistic quantum mechanics are also derived using rather simple methods.Comment: 22 pages, no figure

    A useful form of the recurrence relation between relativistic atomic matrix elements of radial powers

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    Recently obtained recurrence formulae for relativistic hydrogenic radial matrix elements are cast in a simpler and perhaps more useful form. This is achieved with the help of a new relation between the rar^a and the βrb\beta r^b terms (β\beta is a 4×44\times 4 Dirac matrix and a,ba, b are constants) in the atomic matrix elements.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Desempenho de bezerros em pastagem de capim-marandu recebendo suplementação com concentrados balanceados para diferentes níveis de produção.

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    Avaliou-se o fornecimento de concentrado para bezerros mantidos em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu durante a época seca do ano. Utilizaram-se 16 machos não-castrados da raça Canchim, com 7 meses de idade e 250 kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 × 2, no qual os fatores foram suplementos balanceados para dois potenciais de fermentação microbiana ? 9,5 e 11,0 g de proteína bruta microbiana/MJ energia metabolizável fermentável e para ganhos de peso corporal (GPC) de 0,5 e 1,0 kg/dia. Os animais receberam suplementação individual diária por 168 dias, após 21 dias de adaptação. A ingestão diária de forragem foi estimada em 5,91 kg matéria seca/ animal. A suplementação para ganho de peso corporal de 0,5 kg/dia proporcionou ganhos de peso e conversão alimentar de 0,94 kg/dia e 2,08 kg suplemento/kg ganho, respectivamente, resultados inferiores aos obtidos para ganho de peso corporal de 1 kg/dia (1,09 kg/dia e 3,18 kg suplemento/kg ganho, respectivamente). Não houve efeito do potencial de fermentação sobre o ganho de peso corporal, a conversão alimentar e a área de olho-de-lombo, no entanto, a espessura final de gordura de cobertura foi maior com o potencial de fermentação mais elevado. A suplementação para ganho de peso corporal de 0,5 kg/dia mostrou melhor resultado econômico, mas não permitiu obter peso apropriado para abate. A suplementação com concentrado formulado para aumentar a eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana no rúmen, porém reduziu a rentabilidade do sistema. Palavras-chave: avaliação econômica, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, Canchim, ganho de peso, potencial de fermentação microbian