6,489 research outputs found

    A sharpened nuclearity condition for massless fields

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    A recently proposed phase space condition which comprises information about the vacuum structure and timelike asymptotic behavior of physical states is verified in massless free field theory. There follow interesting conclusions about the momentum transfer of local operators in this model.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX. As appeared in Letters in Mathematical Physic

    Continuous Spectrum of Automorphism Groups and the Infraparticle Problem

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    This paper presents a general framework for a refined spectral analysis of a group of isometries acting on a Banach space, which extends the spectral theory of Arveson. The concept of continuous Arveson spectrum is introduced and the corresponding spectral subspace is defined. The absolutely continuous and singular-continuous parts of this spectrum are specified. Conditions are given, in terms of the transposed action of the group of isometries, which guarantee that the pure-point and continuous subspaces span the entire Banach space. In the case of a unitarily implemented group of automorphisms, acting on a CC^*-algebra, relations between the continuous spectrum of the automorphisms and the spectrum of the implementing group of unitaries are found. The group of spacetime translation automorphisms in quantum field theory is analyzed in detail. In particular, it is shown that the structure of its continuous spectrum is relevant to the problem of existence of (infra-)particles in a given theory.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX. As appeared in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Deformations of Fermionic Quantum Field Theories and Integrable Models

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    Considering the model of a scalar massive Fermion, it is shown that by means of deformation techniques it is possible to obtain all integrable quantum field theoretic models on two-dimensional Minkowski space which have factorizing S-matrices corresponding to two-particle scattering functions S_2 satisfying S_2(0) = -1. Among these models there is for example the Sinh-Gordon model. Our analysis provides a complement to recent developments regarding deformations of quantum field theories. The deformed model is investigated also in higher dimensions. In particular, locality and covariance properties are analyzed.Comment: 20 page

    Asymptotic completeness in a class of massless relativistic quantum field theories

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    This paper presents the first examples of massless relativistic quantum field theories which are interacting and asymptotically complete. These two-dimensional theories are obtained by an application of a deformation procedure, introduced recently by Grosse and Lechner, to chiral conformal quantum field theories. The resulting models may not be strictly local, but they contain observables localized in spacelike wedges. It is shown that the scattering theory for waves in two dimensions, due to Buchholz, is still valid under these weaker assumptions. The concepts of interaction and asymptotic completeness, provided by this theory, are adopted in the present investigation.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX. As appeared in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Towards a construction of inclusive collision cross-sections in the massless Nelson model

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    The conventional approach to the infrared problem in perturbative quantum electrodynamics relies on the concept of inclusive collision cross-sections. A non-perturbative variant of this notion was introduced in algebraic quantum field theory. Relying on these insights, we take first steps towards a non-perturbative construction of inclusive collision cross-sections in the massless Nelson model. We show that our proposal is consistent with the standard scattering theory in the absence of the infrared problem and discuss its status in the infrared-singular case.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX. As appeared in Ann. Henri Poincar\'

    Monotonic properties of the shift and penetration factors

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    We study derivatives of the shift and penetration factors of collision theory with respect to energy, angular momentum, and charge. Definitive results for the signs of these derivatives are found for the repulsive Coulomb case. In particular, we find that the derivative of the shift factor with respect to energy is positive for the repulsive Coulomb case, a long anticipated but heretofore unproven result. These results are closely connected to the properties of the sum of squares of the regular and irregular Coulomb functions; we also present investigations of this quantity.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Infraparticles with superselected direction of motion in two-dimensional conformal field theory

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    Particle aspects of two-dimensional conformal field theories are investigated, using methods from algebraic quantum field theory. The results include asymptotic completeness in terms of (counterparts of) Wigner particles in any vacuum representation and the existence of (counterparts of) infraparticles in any charged irreducible product representation of a given chiral conformal field theory. Moreover, an interesting interplay between the infraparticle's direction of motion and the superselection structure is demonstrated in a large class of examples. This phenomenon resembles the electron's momentum superselection expected in quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 34 pages, no figure. The final version is available under Open Access. CC-B

    A New Approach to Spin and Statistics

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    We give an algebraic proof of the spin-statistics connection for the parabosonic and parafermionic quantum topological charges of a theory of local observables with a modular PCT-symmetry. The argument avoids the use of the spinor calculus and also works in 1+2 dimensions. It is expected to be a progress towards a general spin-statistics theorem including also (1+2)-dimensional theories with braid group statistics.Comment: LATEX, 15 pages, no figure

    An Algebraic Jost-Schroer Theorem for Massive Theories

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    We consider a purely massive local relativistic quantum theory specified by a family of von Neumann algebras indexed by the space-time regions. We assume that, affiliated with the algebras associated to wedge regions, there are operators which create only single particle states from the vacuum (so-called polarization-free generators) and are well-behaved under the space-time translations. Strengthening a result of Borchers, Buchholz and Schroer, we show that then the theory is unitarily equivalent to that of a free field for the corresponding particle type. We admit particles with any spin and localization of the charge in space-like cones, thereby covering the case of string-localized covariant quantum fields.Comment: 21 pages. The second (and crucial) hypothesis of the theorem has been relaxed and clarified, thanks to the stimulus of an anonymous referee. (The polarization-free generators associated with wedge regions, which always exist, are assumed to be temperate.

    Asymptotic completeness for infraparticles in two-dimensional conformal field theory

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    We formulate a new concept of asymptotic completeness for two-dimensional massless quantum field theories in the spirit of the theory of particle weights. We show that this concept is more general than the standard particle interpretation based on Buchholz' scattering theory of waves. In particular, it holds in any chiral conformal field theory in an irreducible product representation and in any completely rational conformal field theory. This class contains theories of infraparticles to which the scattering theory of waves does not apply.Comment: 17 pages, no figur