19,561 research outputs found

    Multiple pass reimaging optical system

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    An optical imaging system for enabling nonabsorbed light imaged onto a photodetective surface to be collected and reimaged one or more times onto that surface in register with the original image. The system includes an objective lens, one or more imaging lenses, one or more retroreflectors and perhaps a prism for providing optical matching of the imaging lens focal planes to the photo detective surface

    Survey of fracture toughness test methods

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    Comprehensive survey presents current methods of fracture toughness testing that are based on linear elastic fracture mechanics. General principles of the basic two dimensional crack stress field model are discussed in relation to real three dimensional specimens. Methods of test instrumentation and procedure are described

    Application of remote sensors in coastal zone observations

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    A review of processes taking place along coastlines and their biological consideration led to the determination of the elements which are required in the study of coastal structures and which are needed for better utilization of the resources from the oceans. The processes considered include waves, currents, and their influence on the erosion of coastal structures. Biological considerations include coastal fisheries, estuaries, and tidal marshes. Various remote sensors were analyzed for the information which they can provide and sites were proposed where a general ocean-observation plan could be tested

    Development of Replacement Heifers using Combinations of Three Forage Types and Feed Supplements (with or without Broiler Litter)

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    The proper management of replacement heifers is an essential component of successful cow/calf operations. The level of management and nutrition applied to replacement heifers as calves and yearlings can impact their subsequent reproductive performance and productivity

    Pollution Control by Effluent Charges: It Works in the Federal Republic of Germany, Why Not in the U.S.

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    This article describes the recent Federal Republic of Germany effluent charge law and the political and legal background that permitted this law to be enacted. The impact of that law is assessed, although the assessment is necessarily tentative in view of the short experience with the law to date. The economic and legal implications of enacting an effluent charge law in the United States also are analyzed. Included in this discussion are the advantages and disadvantages of state vs. federal enactment, the constitutional objections that might be raised to such a law, and how it might be coordinated with existing water pollution control laws in the United States

    Analytical study of a free-wing/free-trimmer concept

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    The free-wing/free-trimmer is a NASA-Conceived extension of the free-wing concept intended to permit the use of high-lift flaps. Wing pitching moments are balanced by a smaller, external surface attached by a boom or equivalent structure. The external trimmer is, itself, a miniature free wing, and pitch control of the wing-trimmer assembly is effected through a trailing-edge control tab on the trimmer surface. The longitudinal behavior of representative small free-wing/free-trimmer aircraft was analyzed. Aft-mounted trimmer surfaces are found to be superior to forward trimmers, although the permissible trimmer moment arm is limited, in both cases, by adverse dynamic effects. Aft-trimmer configurations provide excellent gust alleviation and meet fundamental stick-fixed stability criteria while exceeding the lift capabilities of pure free-wing configurations

    Thermally activated escape rates of uniaxial spin systems with transverse field

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    Classical escape rates of uniaxial spin systems are characterized by a prefactor differing from and much smaller than that of the particle problem, since the maximum of the spin energy is attained everywhere on the line of constant latitude: theta=const, 0 =< phi =< 2*pi. If a transverse field is applied, a saddle point of the energy is formed, and high, moderate, and low damping regimes (similar to those for particles) appear. Here we present the first analytical and numerical study of crossovers between the uniaxial and other regimes for spin systems. It is shown that there is one HD-Uniaxial crossover, whereas at low damping the uniaxial and LD regimes are separated by two crossovers.Comment: 4 PR pages, 3 figures, final published versio

    Spin Transfer Torque for Continuously Variable Magnetization

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    We report quantum and semi-classical calculations of spin current and spin-transfer torque in a free-electron Stoner model for systems where the magnetization varies continuously in one dimension.Analytic results are obtained for an infinite spin spiral and numerical results are obtained for realistic domain wall profiles. The adiabatic limit describes conduction electron spins that follow the sum of the exchange field and an effective, velocity-dependent field produced by the gradient of the magnetization in the wall. Non-adiabatic effects arise for short domain walls but their magnitude decreases exponentially as the wall width increases. Our results cast doubt on the existence of a recently proposed non-adiabatic contribution to the spin-transfer torque due to spin flip scattering.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Demagnetization Borne Microscale Skyrmions

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    Magnetic systems are an exciting realm of study that is being explored on smaller and smaller scales. One extremely interesting magnetic state that has gained momentum in recent years is the skyrmionic state. It is characterized by a vortex where the edge magnetic moments point opposite to the core. Although skyrmions have many possible realizations, in practice, creating them in a lab is a difficult task to accomplish. In this work, new methods for skyrmion generation and customization are suggested. Skyrmionic behavior was numerically observed in minimally customized simulations of spheres, hemisphere, ellipsoids, and hemi-ellipsoids, for typ- ical Cobalt parameters, in a range from approximately 40 nm to 120 nm in diameter simply by applying a field

    Semiclassical charged black holes with a quantized massive scalar field

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    Semiclassical perturbations to the Reissner-Nordstrom metric caused by the presence of a quantized massive scalar field with arbitrary curvature coupling are found to first order in \epsilon = \hbar/M^2. The DeWitt-Schwinger approximation is used to determine the vacuum stress-energy tensor of the massive scalar field. When the semiclassical perturbation are taken into account, we find extreme black holes will have a charge-to-mass ratio that exceeds unity, as measured at infinity. The effects of the perturbations on the black hole temperature (surface gravity) are studied in detail, with particular emphasis on near extreme ``bare'' states that might become precisely zero temperature ``dressed'' semiclassical black hole states. We find that for minimally or conformally coupled scalar fields there are no zero temperature solutions among the perturbed black holes.Comment: 19 pages; 1 figure; ReVTe
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