6,625 research outputs found
Proof-of-principle of a new geometry for sampling calorimetry using inorganic scintillator plates
A novel geometry for a sampling calorimeter employing inorganic scintillators
as an active medium is presented. To overcome the mechanical challenges of
construction, an innovative light collection geometry has been pioneered, that
minimises the complexity of construction. First test results are presented,
demonstrating a successful signal extraction. The geometry consists of a
sampling calorimeter with passive absorber layers interleaved with layers of an
active medium made of inorganic scintillating crystals. Wavelength-shifting
(WLS) fibres run along the four long, chamfered edges of the stack,
transporting the light to photodetectors at the rear. To maximise the amount of
scintillation light reaching the WLS fibres, the scintillator chamfers are
depolished. It is shown herein that this concept is working for cerium fluoride
(CeF) as a scintillator. Coupled to it, several different types of
materials have been tested as WLS medium. In particular, materials that might
be sufficiently resistant to the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider
radiation environment, such as cerium-doped Lutetium-Yttrium Orthosilicate
(LYSO) and cerium-doped quartz, are compared to conventional plastic WLS
fibres. Finally, an outlook is presented on the possible optimisation of the
different components, and the construction and commissioning of a full
calorimeter cell prototype is presented.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings CALOR 2014, the 16th International
Conference on Calorimetry in High-Energy Physics, Giessen (Germany) 6 - 11
April 2014. To be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (10
pages, 15 figures
Light-to-light readout system of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
For the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, an 80,000-crystal electromagnetic calorimeter will measure electron and photon energies with high precision over a dynamic range of roughly 16 bits. The readout electronics will be located directly behind the crystals, and must survive a total dose of up to 2Ă—104 Gy along with 5Ă—1013 n/cm 2. A readout chain consisting of a custom wide-range acquisition circuit, commercial ADC and custom optical link for each crystal is presently under construction. An overview of the design is presented, with emphasis on the large-scale fiber communication syste
FACT - Long-term Monitoring of Bright TeV-Blazars
Since October 2011, the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is operated
successfully on the Canary Island of La Palma. Apart from the proof of
principle for the use of G-APDs in Cherenkov telescopes, the major goal of the
project is the dedicated long-term monitoring of a small sample of bright TeV
blazars. The unique properties of G-APDs permit stable observations also during
strong moon light. Thus a superior sampling density is provided on time scales
at which the blazar variability amplitudes are expected to be largest, as
exemplified by the spectacular variations of Mrk 501 observed in June 2012.
While still in commissioning, FACT monitored bright blazars like Mrk 421 and
Mrk 501 during the past 1.5 years so far. Preliminary results including the Mrk
501 flare from June 2012 will be presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, presented at the 33rd ICRC (2013
FACT - Long-term stability and observations during strong Moon light
The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is the first Cherenkov telescope
equipped with a camera made of silicon photon detectors (G-APD aka. SiPM).
Since October 2011, it is regularly taking data on the Canary Island of La
Palma. G-APDs are ideal detectors for Cherenkov telescopes as they are robust
and stable. Furthermore, the insensitivity of G-APDs towards strong ambient
light allows to conduct observations during bright Moon and twilight. This gain
in observation time is essential for the long-term monitoring of bright TeV
blazars. During the commissioning phase, hundreds of hours of data (including
data from the the Crab Nebula) were taken in order to understand the
performance and sensitivity of the instrument. The data cover a wide range of
observation conditions including different weather conditions, different zenith
angles and different light conditions (ranging from dark night to direct full
Moon). We use a new parmetrisation of the Moon light background to enhance our
scheduling and to monitor the atmosphere. With the data from 1.5 years, the
long-term stability and the performance of the camera during Moon light is
studied and compared to that achieved with photomultiplier tubes so far.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, FACT Contribution to the 33rd International
Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), Rio de Janeir
FACT - Threshold prediction for higher duty cycle and improved scheduling
The First G-APD Cherenkov telescope (FACT) is the first telescope using
silicon photon detectors (G-APD aka. SiPM). The use of Silicon devices promise
a higher photon detection efficiency, more robustness and higher precision than
photo-multiplier tubes. Being operated during different light-conditions, the
threshold settings of a Cherenkov telescope have to be adapted to feature the
lowest possible threshold but also an efficient suppression of triggers from
night-sky background photons. Usually this threshold is set either by
experience or a mini-ratescan. Since the measured current through the sensors
is directly correlated with the noise level, the current can be used to set the
best threshold at any time. Due to the correlation between the physical
threshold and the final energy threshold, the current can also be used as a
measure for the energy threshold of any observation. This presentation
introduces a method which uses the properties of the moon and the source
position to predict the currents and the corresponding energy threshold for
every upcoming observation allowing to adapt the observation schedule
FACT - How stable are the silicon photon detectors?
The First G-APD Cherenkov telescope (FACT) is the first telescope using
silicon photon detectors (G-APD aka. SiPM). The use of Silicon devices promise
a higher photon detection efficiency, more robustness and higher precision than
photo-multiplier tubes. Since the properties of G-APDs depend on auxiliary
parameters like temperature, a feedback system adapting the applied voltage
accordingly is mandatory.
In this presentation, the feedback system, developed and in operation for
FACT, is presented. Using the extraction of a single photon-equivalent (pe)
spectrum as a reference, it can be proven that the sensors can be operated with
very high precision. The extraction of the single-pe, its spectrum up to
10\,pe, its properties and their precision, as well as their long-term behavior
during operation are discussed. As a by product a single pulse template is
obtained. It is shown that with the presented method, an additional external
calibration device can be omitted. The presented method is essential for the
application of G-APDs in future projects in Cherenkov astronomy and is supposed
to result in a more stable and precise operation than possible with
photo-multiplier tubes
Data compression for the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope
The First Geiger-mode Avalanche photodiode (G-APD) Cherenkov Telescope (FACT)
has been operating on the Canary island of La Palma since October 2011.
Operations were automated so that the system can be operated remotely. Manual
interaction is required only when the observation schedule is modified due to
weather conditions or in case of unexpected events such as a mechanical
failure. Automatic operations enabled high data taking efficiency, which
resulted in up to two terabytes of FITS files being recorded nightly and
transferred from La Palma to the FACT archive at ISDC in Switzerland. Since
long term storage of hundreds of terabytes of observations data is costly, data
compression is mandatory. This paper discusses the design choices that were
made to increase the compression ratio and speed of writing of the data with
respect to existing compression algorithms.
Following a more detailed motivation, the FACT compression algorithm along
with the associated I/O layer is discussed. Eventually, the performances of the
algorithm is compared to other approaches.Comment: 17 pages, accepted to Astronomy and Computing special issue on
astronomical file format
FACT - Monitoring Blazars at Very High Energies
The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) was built on the Canary Island of
La Palma in October 2011 as a proof of principle for silicon based photosensors
in Cherenkov Astronomy. The scientific goal of the project is to study the
variability of active galatic nuclei (AGN) at TeV energies. Observing a small
sample of TeV blazars whenever possible, an unbiased data sample is collected.
This allows to study the variability of the selected objects on timescales from
hours to years. Results from the first three years of monitoring will be
presented. To provide quick flare alerts to the community and trigger
multi-wavelength observations, a quick look analysis has been installed on-site
providing results publicly online within the same night. In summer 2014,
several flare alerts were issued. Results of the quick look analysis are
summarized.Comment: 2014 Fermi Symposium proceedings - eConf C14102.
Calibration and performance tests of the Very-Front-End electronics for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
The Very-Front-End electronics processing signals from photodetectors of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter have been put through an extensive test programme to guarantee functionality and reliability. The final characteristics of the VFE boards designed for the calorimeter barrel and endcaps are presented. The results, which have been also verified during test beam at CERN, confirm the high quality of the boards production and show that the CMS detector specifications are reached
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